//! Implements a texture atlas (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texture_atlas). |
//! |
//! The implementation is based on "A Thousand Ways to Pack the Bin - A |
//! Practical Approach to Two-Dimensional Rectangle Bin Packing" by Jukka |
//! Jylänki. This specific implementation is based heavily on |
//! Nicolas P. Rougier's freetype-gl project as well as Jukka's C++ |
//! implementation: https://github.com/juj/RectangleBinPack |
//! |
//! Limitations that are easy to fix, but I didn't need them: |
//! |
//! * Written data must be packed, no support for custom strides. |
//! * Texture is always a square, no ability to set width != height. Note |
//! that regions written INTO the atlas do not have to be square, only |
//! the full atlas texture itself. |
//! |
const Atlas = @This(); |
const std = @import("std"); |
const assert = std.debug.assert; |
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; |
const testing = std.testing; |
const fastmem = @import("../fastmem.zig"); |
const log = std.log.scoped(.atlas); |
/// Data is the raw texture data. |
data: []u8, |
/// Width and height of the atlas texture. The current implementation is |
/// always square so this is both the width and the height. |
size: u32 = 0, |
/// The nodes (rectangles) of available space. |
nodes: std.ArrayListUnmanaged(Node) = .{}, |
/// The format of the texture data being written into the Atlas. This must be |
/// uniform for all textures in the Atlas. If you have some textures with |
/// different formats, you must use multiple atlases or convert the textures. |
format: Format = .greyscale, |
/// This will be set to true when the atlas has data set on it. It is up |
/// to the user of the atlas to set this to false when they observe the value. |
/// This is a useful value to know if you need to send new data to the GPU or |
/// not. |
modified: bool = false, |
/// This will be set to true when the atlas has been resized. It is up |
/// to the user of the atlas to set this to false when they observe the value. |
/// The resized value is useful for sending textures to the GPU to know if |
/// a new texture needs to be allocated or if an existing one can be |
/// updated in-place. |
resized: bool = false, |
pub const Format = enum(u8) { |
greyscale = 0, |
rgb = 1, |
rgba = 2, |
pub fn depth(self: Format) u8 { |
return switch (self) { |
.greyscale => 1, |
.rgb => 3, |
.rgba => 4, |
}; |
} |
}; |
const Node = struct { |
x: u32, |
y: u32, |
width: u32, |
}; |
pub const Error = error{ |
/// Atlas cannot fit the desired region. You must enlarge the atlas. |
AtlasFull, |
}; |
/// A region within the texture atlas. These can be acquired using the |
/// "reserve" function. A region reservation is required to write data. |
pub const Region = extern struct { |
x: u32, |
y: u32, |
width: u32, |
height: u32, |
}; |
pub fn init(alloc: Allocator, size: u32, format: Format) !Atlas { |
var result = Atlas{ |
.data = try alloc.alloc(u8, size * size * format.depth()), |
.size = size, |
.nodes = .{}, |
.format = format, |
}; |
errdefer result.deinit(alloc); |
// TODO: figure out optimal prealloc based on real world usage |
try result.nodes.ensureUnusedCapacity(alloc, 64); |
// This sets up our initial state |
result.clear(); |
result.modified = false; |
return result; |
} |
pub fn deinit(self: *Atlas, alloc: Allocator) void { |
self.nodes.deinit(alloc); |
alloc.free(self.data); |
self.* = undefined; |
} |
/// Reserve a region within the atlas with the given width and height. |
/// |
/// May allocate to add a new rectangle into the internal list of rectangles. |
/// This will not automatically enlarge the texture if it is full. |
pub fn reserve(self: *Atlas, alloc: Allocator, width: u32, height: u32) !Region { |
// x, y are populated within :best_idx below |
var region: Region = .{ .x = 0, .y = 0, .width = width, .height = height }; |
// If our width/height are 0, then we return the region as-is. This |
// may seem like an error case but it simplifies downstream callers who |
// might be trying to write empty data. |
if (width == 0 and height == 0) return region; |
// Find the location in our nodes list to insert the new node for this region. |
var best_idx: usize = best_idx: { |
var best_height: u32 = std.math.maxInt(u32); |
var best_width: u32 = best_height; |
var chosen: ?usize = null; |
var i: usize = 0; |
while (i < self.nodes.items.len) : (i += 1) { |
// Check if our region fits within this node. |
const y = self.fit(i, width, height) orelse continue; |
const node = self.nodes.items[i]; |
if ((y + height) < best_height or |
((y + height) == best_height and |
(node.width > 0 and node.width < best_width))) |
{ |
chosen = i; |
best_width = node.width; |
best_height = y + height; |
region.x = node.x; |
region.y = y; |
} |
} |
// If we never found a chosen index, the atlas cannot fit our region. |
break :best_idx chosen orelse return Error.AtlasFull; |
}; |
// Insert our new node for this rectangle at the exact best index |
try self.nodes.insert(alloc, best_idx, .{ |
.x = region.x, |
.y = region.y + height, |
.width = width, |
}); |
// Optimize our rectangles |
var i: usize = best_idx + 1; |
while (i < self.nodes.items.len) : (i += 1) { |
const node = &self.nodes.items[i]; |
const prev = self.nodes.items[i - 1]; |
if (node.x < (prev.x + prev.width)) { |
const shrink = prev.x + prev.width - node.x; |
node.x += shrink; |
node.width -|= shrink; |
if (node.width <= 0) { |
_ = self.nodes.orderedRemove(i); |
i -= 1; |
continue; |
} |
} |
break; |
} |
self.merge(); |
return region; |
} |
/// Attempts to fit a rectangle of width x height into the node at idx. |
/// The return value is the y within the texture where the rectangle can be |
/// placed. The x is the same as the node. |
fn fit(self: Atlas, idx: usize, width: u32, height: u32) ?u32 { |
// If the added width exceeds our texture size, it doesn't fit. |
const node = self.nodes.items[idx]; |
if ((node.x + width) > (self.size - 1)) return null; |
// Go node by node looking for space that can fit our width. |
var y = node.y; |
var i = idx; |
var width_left = width; |
while (width_left > 0) : (i += 1) { |
const n = self.nodes.items[i]; |
if (n.y > y) y = n.y; |
// If the added height exceeds our texture size, it doesn't fit. |
if ((y + height) > (self.size - 1)) return null; |
width_left -|= n.width; |
} |
return y; |
} |
/// Merge adjacent nodes with the same y value. |
fn merge(self: *Atlas) void { |
var i: usize = 0; |
while (i < self.nodes.items.len - 1) { |
const node = &self.nodes.items[i]; |
const next = self.nodes.items[i + 1]; |
if (node.y == next.y) { |
node.width += next.width; |
_ = self.nodes.orderedRemove(i + 1); |
continue; |
} |
i += 1; |
} |
} |
/// Set the data associated with a reserved region. The data is expected |
/// to fit exactly within the region. The data must be formatted with the |
/// proper bpp configured on init. |
pub fn set(self: *Atlas, reg: Region, data: []const u8) void { |
assert(reg.x < (self.size - 1)); |
assert((reg.x + reg.width) <= (self.size - 1)); |
assert(reg.y < (self.size - 1)); |
assert((reg.y + reg.height) <= (self.size - 1)); |
const depth = self.format.depth(); |
var i: u32 = 0; |
while (i < reg.height) : (i += 1) { |
const tex_offset = (((reg.y + i) * self.size) + reg.x) * depth; |
const data_offset = i * reg.width * depth; |
fastmem.copy( |
u8, |
self.data[tex_offset..], |
data[data_offset .. data_offset + (reg.width * depth)], |
); |
} |
self.modified = true; |
} |
// Grow the texture to the new size, preserving all previously written data. |
pub fn grow(self: *Atlas, alloc: Allocator, size_new: u32) Allocator.Error!void { |
assert(size_new >= self.size); |
if (size_new == self.size) return; |
// Preserve our old values so we can copy the old data |
const data_old = self.data; |
const size_old = self.size; |
// Allocate our new data |
self.data = try alloc.alloc(u8, size_new * size_new * self.format.depth()); |
defer alloc.free(data_old); |
errdefer { |
alloc.free(self.data); |
self.data = data_old; |
} |
// Add our new rectangle for our added righthand space. We do this |
// right away since its the only operation that can fail and we want |
// to make error cleanup easier. |
try self.nodes.append(alloc, .{ |
.x = size_old - 1, |
.y = 1, |
.width = size_new - size_old, |
}); |
// If our allocation and rectangle add succeeded, we can go ahead |
// and persist our new size and copy over the old data. |
self.size = size_new; |
@memset(self.data, 0); |
self.set(.{ |
.x = 0, // don't bother skipping border so we can avoid strides |
.y = 1, // skip the first border row |
.width = size_old, |
.height = size_old - 2, // skip the last border row |
}, data_old[size_old * self.format.depth() ..]); |
// We are both modified and resized |
self.modified = true; |
self.resized = true; |
} |
// Empty the atlas. This doesn't reclaim any previously allocated memory. |
pub fn clear(self: *Atlas) void { |
self.modified = true; |
@memset(self.data, 0); |
self.nodes.clearRetainingCapacity(); |
// Add our initial rectangle. This is the size of the full texture |
// and is the initial rectangle we fit our regions in. We keep a 1px border |
// to avoid artifacting when sampling the texture. |
self.nodes.appendAssumeCapacity(.{ .x = 1, .y = 1, .width = self.size - 2 }); |
} |
/// The wasm-compatible API. This lacks documentation unless the API differs |
/// from the standard Zig API. To learn what a function does, just look one |
/// level deeper to what Zig function is called and read the documentation there. |
/// |
/// To export this from Zig, use `usingnamespace Wasm` in some top-level |
/// space and it will be exported. |
pub const Wasm = struct { |
// If you're copying this file (Atlas.zig) out to a separate project, |
// just replace this with the allocator you want to use. |
const wasm = @import("../os/wasm.zig"); |
const alloc = wasm.alloc; |
const js = @import("zig-js"); |
export fn atlas_new(size: u32, format: u8) ?*Atlas { |
const atlas = init( |
alloc, |
size, |
@enumFromInt(format), |
) catch return null; |
const result = alloc.create(Atlas) catch return null; |
result.* = atlas; |
return result; |
} |
export fn atlas_free(ptr: ?*Atlas) void { |
if (ptr) |v| { |
v.deinit(alloc); |
alloc.destroy(v); |
} |
} |
/// The return value for this should be freed by the caller with "free". |
export fn atlas_reserve(self: *Atlas, width: u32, height: u32) ?*Region { |
return atlas_reserve_(self, width, height) catch return null; |
} |
fn atlas_reserve_(self: *Atlas, width: u32, height: u32) !*Region { |
const reg = try self.reserve(alloc, width, height); |
const result = try alloc.create(Region); |
errdefer alloc.destroy(result); |
_ = try wasm.toHostOwned(result); |
result.* = reg; |
return result; |
} |
export fn atlas_set(self: *Atlas, reg: *Region, data: [*]const u8, len: usize) void { |
self.set(reg.*, data[0..len]); |
} |
export fn atlas_grow(self: *Atlas, size_new: u32) bool { |
self.grow(alloc, size_new) catch return false; |
return true; |
} |
export fn atlas_clear(self: *Atlas) void { |
self.clear(); |
} |
/// This creates a Canvas element identified by the id returned that |
/// the caller can draw into the DOM to visualize the atlas. The returned |
/// ID must be freed from the JS runtime by calling "zigjs.deleteValue". |
export fn atlas_debug_canvas(self: *Atlas) u32 { |
return atlas_debug_canvas_(self) catch |err| { |
log.warn("error dumping atlas canvas err={}", .{err}); |
return 0; |
}; |
} |
fn atlas_debug_canvas_(self: *Atlas) !u32 { |
// Create our canvas |
const doc = try js.global.get(js.Object, "document"); |
defer doc.deinit(); |
const canvas = try doc.call(js.Object, "createElement", .{js.string("canvas")}); |
errdefer canvas.deinit(); |
// Setup our canvas size |
{ |
try canvas.set("width", self.size); |
try canvas.set("height", self.size); |
const width_str = try std.fmt.allocPrint(alloc, "{d}px", .{self.size}); |
defer alloc.free(width_str); |
const style = try canvas.get(js.Object, "style"); |
defer style.deinit(); |
try style.set("width", js.string(width_str)); |
try style.set("height", js.string(width_str)); |
} |
// This will return the same context on subsequent calls so it |
// is important to reset it. |
const ctx = try canvas.call(js.Object, "getContext", .{js.string("2d")}); |
defer ctx.deinit(); |
// We need to draw pixels so this is format dependent. |
var buf: []u8 = switch (self.format) { |
// RGBA is the native ImageData format |
.rgba => self.data, |
.greyscale => buf: { |
// Convert from A8 to RGBA so every 4th byte is set to a value. |
var buf: []u8 = try alloc.alloc(u8, self.data.len * 4); |
errdefer alloc.free(buf); |
@memset(buf, 0); |
for (self.data, 0..) |value, i| { |
buf[(i * 4) + 3] = value; |
} |
break :buf buf; |
}, |
else => return error.UnsupportedAtlasFormat, |
}; |
defer if (buf.ptr != self.data.ptr) alloc.free(buf); |
// Create an ImageData from our buffer and then write it to the canvas |
const image_data: js.Object = data: { |
// Get our runtime memory |
const mem = try js.runtime.get(js.Object, "memory"); |
defer mem.deinit(); |
const mem_buf = try mem.get(js.Object, "buffer"); |
defer mem_buf.deinit(); |
// Create an array that points to our buffer |
const arr = arr: { |
const Uint8ClampedArray = try js.global.get(js.Object, "Uint8ClampedArray"); |
defer Uint8ClampedArray.deinit(); |
const arr = try Uint8ClampedArray.new(.{ mem_buf, buf.ptr, buf.len }); |
if (!wasm.shared_mem) break :arr arr; |
// If we're sharing memory then we have to copy the data since |
// we can't set ImageData directly using a SharedArrayBuffer. |
defer arr.deinit(); |
break :arr try arr.call(js.Object, "slice", .{}); |
}; |
defer arr.deinit(); |
// Create the image data from our array |
const ImageData = try js.global.get(js.Object, "ImageData"); |
defer ImageData.deinit(); |
const data = try ImageData.new(.{ arr, self.size, self.size }); |
errdefer data.deinit(); |
break :data data; |
}; |
defer image_data.deinit(); |
// Draw it |
try ctx.call(void, "putImageData", .{ image_data, 0, 0 }); |
const id = @as(js.Ref, @bitCast(@intFromEnum(canvas.value))).id; |
return id; |
} |
test "happy path" { |
var atlas = atlas_new(512, @intFromEnum(Format.greyscale)).?; |
defer atlas_free(atlas); |
const reg = atlas_reserve(atlas, 2, 2).?; |
defer alloc.destroy(reg); |
try testing.expect(wasm.isHostOwned(reg)); |
defer wasm.toModuleOwned(reg); |
try testing.expect(reg.width > 0); |
const data = &[_]u8{ 1, 2, 3, 4 }; |
try testing.expect(!atlas.modified); |
atlas_set(atlas, reg, data, data.len); |
try testing.expect(atlas.modified); |
} |
}; |
test "exact fit" { |
const alloc = testing.allocator; |
var atlas = try init(alloc, 34, .greyscale); // +2 for 1px border |
defer atlas.deinit(alloc); |
_ = try atlas.reserve(alloc, 32, 32); |
try testing.expect(!atlas.modified); |
try testing.expectError(Error.AtlasFull, atlas.reserve(alloc, 1, 1)); |
} |
test "doesnt fit" { |
const alloc = testing.allocator; |
var atlas = try init(alloc, 32, .greyscale); |
defer atlas.deinit(alloc); |
// doesn't fit due to border |
try testing.expectError(Error.AtlasFull, atlas.reserve(alloc, 32, 32)); |
} |
test "fit multiple" { |
const alloc = testing.allocator; |
var atlas = try init(alloc, 32, .greyscale); |
defer atlas.deinit(alloc); |
_ = try atlas.reserve(alloc, 15, 30); |
_ = try atlas.reserve(alloc, 15, 30); |
try testing.expectError(Error.AtlasFull, atlas.reserve(alloc, 1, 1)); |
} |
test "writing data" { |
const alloc = testing.allocator; |
var atlas = try init(alloc, 32, .greyscale); |
defer atlas.deinit(alloc); |
const reg = try atlas.reserve(alloc, 2, 2); |
try testing.expect(!atlas.modified); |
atlas.set(reg, &[_]u8{ 1, 2, 3, 4 }); |
try testing.expect(atlas.modified); |
// 33 because of the 1px border and so on |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 1), atlas.data[33]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 2), atlas.data[34]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 3), atlas.data[65]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 4), atlas.data[66]); |
} |
test "grow" { |
const alloc = testing.allocator; |
var atlas = try init(alloc, 4, .greyscale); // +2 for 1px border |
defer atlas.deinit(alloc); |
const reg = try atlas.reserve(alloc, 2, 2); |
try testing.expectError(Error.AtlasFull, atlas.reserve(alloc, 1, 1)); |
// Write some data so we can verify that growing doesn't mess it up |
atlas.set(reg, &[_]u8{ 1, 2, 3, 4 }); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 1), atlas.data[5]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 2), atlas.data[6]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 3), atlas.data[9]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 4), atlas.data[10]); |
// Reset our state |
atlas.modified = false; |
atlas.resized = false; |
// Expand by exactly 1 should fit our new 1x1 block. |
try atlas.grow(alloc, atlas.size + 1); |
try testing.expect(atlas.modified); |
try testing.expect(atlas.resized); |
_ = try atlas.reserve(alloc, 1, 1); |
// Ensure our data is still set. Not the offsets change due to size. |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 1), atlas.data[atlas.size + 1]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 2), atlas.data[atlas.size + 2]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 3), atlas.data[atlas.size * 2 + 1]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 4), atlas.data[atlas.size * 2 + 2]); |
} |
test "writing RGB data" { |
const alloc = testing.allocator; |
var atlas = try init(alloc, 32, .rgb); |
defer atlas.deinit(alloc); |
// This is RGB so its 3 bpp |
const reg = try atlas.reserve(alloc, 1, 2); |
atlas.set(reg, &[_]u8{ |
1, 2, 3, |
4, 5, 6, |
}); |
// 33 because of the 1px border and so on |
const depth = @as(usize, @intCast(atlas.format.depth())); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 1), atlas.data[33 * depth]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 2), atlas.data[33 * depth + 1]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 3), atlas.data[33 * depth + 2]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 4), atlas.data[65 * depth]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 5), atlas.data[65 * depth + 1]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 6), atlas.data[65 * depth + 2]); |
} |
test "grow RGB" { |
const alloc = testing.allocator; |
// Atlas is 4x4 so its a 1px border meaning we only have 2x2 available |
var atlas = try init(alloc, 4, .rgb); |
defer atlas.deinit(alloc); |
// Get our 2x2, which should be ALL our usable space |
const reg = try atlas.reserve(alloc, 2, 2); |
try testing.expectError(Error.AtlasFull, atlas.reserve(alloc, 1, 1)); |
// This is RGB so its 3 bpp |
atlas.set(reg, &[_]u8{ |
10, 11, 12, // (0, 0) (x, y) from top-left |
13, 14, 15, // (1, 0) |
20, 21, 22, // (0, 1) |
23, 24, 25, // (1, 1) |
}); |
// Our top left skips the first row (size * depth) and the first |
// column (depth) for the 1px border. |
const depth = @as(usize, @intCast(atlas.format.depth())); |
var tl = (atlas.size * depth) + depth; |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 10), atlas.data[tl]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 11), atlas.data[tl + 1]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 12), atlas.data[tl + 2]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 13), atlas.data[tl + 3]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 14), atlas.data[tl + 4]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 15), atlas.data[tl + 5]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 0), atlas.data[tl + 6]); // border |
tl += (atlas.size * depth); // next row |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 20), atlas.data[tl]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 21), atlas.data[tl + 1]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 22), atlas.data[tl + 2]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 23), atlas.data[tl + 3]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 24), atlas.data[tl + 4]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 25), atlas.data[tl + 5]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 0), atlas.data[tl + 6]); // border |
// Expand by exactly 1 should fit our new 1x1 block. |
try atlas.grow(alloc, atlas.size + 1); |
// Data should be in same place accounting for the new size |
tl = (atlas.size * depth) + depth; |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 10), atlas.data[tl]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 11), atlas.data[tl + 1]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 12), atlas.data[tl + 2]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 13), atlas.data[tl + 3]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 14), atlas.data[tl + 4]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 15), atlas.data[tl + 5]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 0), atlas.data[tl + 6]); // border |
tl += (atlas.size * depth); // next row |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 20), atlas.data[tl]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 21), atlas.data[tl + 1]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 22), atlas.data[tl + 2]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 23), atlas.data[tl + 3]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 24), atlas.data[tl + 4]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 25), atlas.data[tl + 5]); |
try testing.expectEqual(@as(u8, 0), atlas.data[tl + 6]); // border |
// Should fit the new blocks around the edges |
_ = try atlas.reserve(alloc, 1, 3); |
_ = try atlas.reserve(alloc, 2, 1); |
try testing.expectError(Error.AtlasFull, atlas.reserve(alloc, 1, 1)); |
} |