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Last active March 2, 2023 18:57
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Zig + GLib API for detecting Flatpak and executing host processes.
const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const log = std.log.scoped(.flatpak);
/// Returns true if we're running in a Flatpak environment.
pub fn isFlatpak() bool {
return if (std.fs.accessAbsolute("/.flatpak-info", .{})) true else |_| false;
/// A struct to help execute commands on the host via the
/// org.freedesktop.Flatpak.Development DBus module. This uses GIO/GLib
/// under the hood.
/// This always spawns its own thread and maintains its own GLib event loop.
/// This makes it easy for the command to behave synchronously similar to
/// std.process.ChildProcess.
/// There are lots of chances for low-hanging improvements here (automatic
/// pipes, /dev/null, etc.) but this was purpose built for my needs so
/// it doesn't have all of those.
/// Requires GIO, GLib to be available and linked.
pub const FlatpakHostCommand = struct {
const fd_t = std.os.fd_t;
const EnvMap = std.process.EnvMap;
const c = @cImport({
/// Argv are the arguments to call on the host with argv[0] being
/// the command to execute.
argv: []const []const u8,
/// The cwd for the new process. If this is not set then it will use
/// the current cwd of the calling process.
cwd: ?[:0]const u8 = null,
/// Environment variables for the child process. If this is null, this
/// does not send any environment variables.
env: ?*const EnvMap = null,
/// File descriptors to send to the child process. It is up to the
/// caller to create the file descriptors and set them up.
stdin: fd_t,
stdout: fd_t,
stderr: fd_t,
/// State of the process. This is updated by the dedicated thread it
/// runs in and is protected by the given lock and condition variable.
state: State = .{ .init = {} },
state_mutex: std.Thread.Mutex = .{},
state_cv: std.Thread.Condition = .{},
/// State the process is in. This can't be inspected directly, you
/// must use getters on the struct to get access.
const State = union(enum) {
/// Initial state
init: void,
/// Error starting. The error message is only available via logs.
/// (This isn't a fundamental limitation, just didn't need the
/// error message yet)
err: void,
/// Process started with the given pid on the host.
started: struct {
pid: c_int,
subscription: c.guint,
loop: *c.GMainLoop,
/// Process exited
exited: struct {
pid: c_int,
status: u8,
/// Errors that are possible from us.
pub const Error = error{
/// Spawn the command. This will start the host command. On return,
/// the pid will be available. This must only be called with the
/// state in "init".
/// Precondition: The self pointer MUST be stable.
pub fn spawn(self: *FlatpakHostCommand, alloc: Allocator) !c_int {
const thread = try std.Thread.spawn(.{}, threadMain, .{ self, alloc });
thread.setName("flatpak-host-command") catch {};
// Wait for the process to start or error.
defer self.state_mutex.unlock();
while (self.state == .init) self.state_cv.wait(&self.state_mutex);
return switch (self.state) {
.init => unreachable,
.err => Error.FlatpakSpawnFail,
.started => |v|,
.exited => |v|,
/// Wait for the process to end and return the exit status. This
/// can only be called ONCE. Once this returns, the state is reset.
pub fn wait(self: *FlatpakHostCommand) !u8 {
defer self.state_mutex.unlock();
while (true) {
switch (self.state) {
.init => return Error.FlatpakMustBeStarted,
.err => return Error.FlatpakSpawnFail,
.started => {},
.exited => |v| {
self.state = .{ .init = {} };
return v.status;
/// Send a signal to the started command. This does nothing if the
/// command is not in the started state.
pub fn signal(self: *FlatpakHostCommand, sig: u8, pg: bool) !void {
const pid = pid: {
defer self.state_mutex.unlock();
switch (self.state) {
.started => |v| break :pid,
else => return,
// Get our bus connection.
var g_err: [*c]c.GError = null;
const bus = c.g_bus_get_sync(c.G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, null, &g_err) orelse {
log.warn("signal error getting bus: {s}", .{g_err.*.message});
return Error.FlatpakSetupFail;
defer c.g_object_unref(bus);
const reply = c.g_dbus_connection_call_sync(
@intCast(c_int, @boolToInt(pg)),
if (g_err != null) {
log.warn("signal send error: {s}", .{g_err.*.message});
defer c.g_variant_unref(reply);
fn threadMain(self: *FlatpakHostCommand, alloc: Allocator) void {
// Create a new thread-local context so that all our sources go
// to this context and we can run our loop correctly.
const ctx = c.g_main_context_new();
defer c.g_main_context_unref(ctx);
defer c.g_main_context_pop_thread_default(ctx);
// Get our loop for the current thread
const loop = c.g_main_loop_new(ctx, 1).?;
defer c.g_main_loop_unref(loop);
// Get our bus connection. This has to remain active until we exit
// the thread otherwise our signals won't be called.
var g_err: [*c]c.GError = null;
const bus = c.g_bus_get_sync(c.G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, null, &g_err) orelse {
log.warn("spawn error getting bus: {s}", .{g_err.*.message});
self.updateState(.{ .err = {} });
defer c.g_object_unref(bus);
// Spawn the command first. This will setup all our IO.
self.start(alloc, bus, loop) catch |err| {
log.warn("error starting host command: {}", .{err});
self.updateState(.{ .err = {} });
// Run the event loop. It quits in the exit callback.
/// Start the command. This will start the host command and set the
/// pid field on success. This will not wait for completion.
/// Once this is called, the self pointer MUST remain stable. This
/// requirement is due to using GLib under the covers with callbacks.
fn start(
self: *FlatpakHostCommand,
alloc: Allocator,
bus: *c.GDBusConnection,
loop: *c.GMainLoop,
) !void {
var err: [*c]c.GError = null;
var arena_allocator = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(alloc);
defer arena_allocator.deinit();
const arena = arena_allocator.allocator();
// Our list of file descriptors that we need to send to the process.
const fd_list = c.g_unix_fd_list_new();
defer c.g_object_unref(fd_list);
if (c.g_unix_fd_list_append(fd_list, self.stdin, &err) < 0) {
log.warn("error adding fd: {s}", .{err.*.message});
return Error.FlatpakSetupFail;
if (c.g_unix_fd_list_append(fd_list, self.stdout, &err) < 0) {
log.warn("error adding fd: {s}", .{err.*.message});
return Error.FlatpakSetupFail;
if (c.g_unix_fd_list_append(fd_list, self.stderr, &err) < 0) {
log.warn("error adding fd: {s}", .{err.*.message});
return Error.FlatpakSetupFail;
// Build our arguments for the file descriptors.
const fd_builder = c.g_variant_builder_new(c.G_VARIANT_TYPE("a{uh}"));
defer c.g_variant_builder_unref(fd_builder);
c.g_variant_builder_add(fd_builder, "{uh}", @as(c_int, 0), self.stdin);
c.g_variant_builder_add(fd_builder, "{uh}", @as(c_int, 1), self.stdout);
c.g_variant_builder_add(fd_builder, "{uh}", @as(c_int, 2), self.stderr);
// Build our env vars
const env_builder = c.g_variant_builder_new(c.G_VARIANT_TYPE("a{ss}"));
defer c.g_variant_builder_unref(env_builder);
if (self.env) |env| {
var it = env.iterator();
while ( |pair| {
const key = try arena.dupeZ(u8, pair.key_ptr.*);
const value = try arena.dupeZ(u8, pair.value_ptr.*);
c.g_variant_builder_add(env_builder, "{ss}", key.ptr, value.ptr);
// Build our args
const args_ptr = c.g_ptr_array_new();
errdefer _ = c.g_ptr_array_free(args_ptr, 1);
for (self.argv) |arg| {
const argZ = try arena.dupeZ(u8, arg);
c.g_ptr_array_add(args_ptr, argZ.ptr);
const args = c.g_ptr_array_free(args_ptr, 0);
defer c.g_free(@ptrCast(?*anyopaque, args));
// Get the cwd in case we don't have ours set. A small optimization
// would be to do this only if we need it but this isn't a
// common code path.
const g_cwd = c.g_get_current_dir();
defer c.g_free(g_cwd);
// The params for our RPC call
const params = c.g_variant_new(
if (self.cwd) |cwd| cwd.ptr else g_cwd,
@as(c_int, 0),
_ = c.g_variant_ref_sink(params); // take ownership
defer c.g_variant_unref(params);
// Subscribe to exit notifications
const subscription_id = c.g_dbus_connection_signal_subscribe(
errdefer c.g_dbus_connection_signal_unsubscribe(bus, subscription_id);
// Go!
const reply = c.g_dbus_connection_call_with_unix_fd_list_sync(
) orelse {
log.warn("Flatpak.HostCommand failed: {s}", .{err.*.message});
return Error.FlatpakRPCFail;
defer c.g_variant_unref(reply);
var pid: c_int = 0;
c.g_variant_get(reply, "(u)", &pid);
log.debug("HostCommand started pid={} subscription={}", .{
.started = .{
.pid = pid,
.subscription = subscription_id,
.loop = loop,
/// Helper to update the state and notify waiters via the cv.
fn updateState(self: *FlatpakHostCommand, state: State) void {
defer self.state_mutex.unlock();
defer self.state_cv.broadcast();
self.state = state;
fn onExit(
bus: ?*c.GDBusConnection,
_: [*c]const u8,
_: [*c]const u8,
_: [*c]const u8,
_: [*c]const u8,
params: ?*c.GVariant,
ud: ?*anyopaque,
) callconv(.C) void {
const self = @ptrCast(*FlatpakHostCommand, @alignCast(@alignOf(FlatpakHostCommand), ud));
const state = state: {
defer self.state_mutex.unlock();
break :state self.state.started;
var pid: c_int = 0;
var exit_status: c_int = 0;
c.g_variant_get(params.?, "(uu)", &pid, &exit_status);
if ( != pid) return;
// Update our state
.exited = .{
.pid = pid,
.status = std.math.cast(u8, exit_status) orelse 255,
log.debug("HostCommand exited pid={} status={}", .{ pid, exit_status });
// We're done now, so we can unsubscribe
c.g_dbus_connection_signal_unsubscribe(bus.?, state.subscription);
// We are also done with our loop so we can exit.
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