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Created September 28, 2023 17:43
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Snippet from Ghostty source.
/// Returns a ComptimeStringMap for all of the capabilities in this terminfo.
/// The value is the value that should be sent as a response to XTGETTCAP.
/// Important: the value is the FULL response included the escape sequences.
pub fn xtgettcapMap(comptime self: Source) type {
const KV = struct { []const u8, []const u8 };
// We have all of our capabilities plus To, TN, and RGB which aren't
// in the capabilities list but are query-able.
const len = self.capabilities.len + 3;
var kvs: [len]KV = .{.{ "", "" }} ** len;
// We first build all of our entries with raw K=V pairs.
kvs[0] = .{ "TN", self.names[0] };
kvs[1] = .{ "Co", "256" };
kvs[2] = .{ "RGB", "8" };
for (self.capabilities, 3..) |cap, i| {
kvs[i] = .{, switch (cap.value) {
.canceled => @compileError("canceled not handled yet"),
.boolean => "",
.string => |v| v,
.numeric => |v| numeric: {
var buf: [10]u8 = undefined;
const num_len = std.fmt.formatIntBuf(&buf, v, 10, .upper, .{});
break :numeric buf[0..num_len];
} };
// Now go through and convert them all to hex-encoded strings.
for (&kvs) |*entry| {
// The key is just the raw hex-encoded string
entry[0] = hexencode(entry[0]);
// The value is more complex
var buf: [5 + entry[0].len + 1 + (entry[1].len * 2) + 2]u8 = undefined;
entry[1] = if (std.mem.eql(u8, entry[1], "")) std.fmt.bufPrint(
.{entry[0]}, // important: hex-encoded name
) catch unreachable else std.fmt.bufPrint(
.{ entry[0], hexencode(entry[1]) }, // important: hex-encoded name
) catch unreachable;
return std.ComptimeStringMap([]const u8, kvs);
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