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Created March 14, 2018 00:58
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Clowns to the Left of me, Jokers to the Right
{-# language DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# language FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# language FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# language LambdaCase #-}
{-# language MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# language PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# language TypeOperators #-}
{-# language UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# options_ghc -Wall -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Void
-- 1. Introduction
data Expr0
= Val0 Int
| Add0 Expr0 Expr0
type Stack
= [Either Expr0 Int]
-- Tail-recursive evaluator
-- +
-- / \
-- 1 +
-- / \
-- 2 3
-- eval (1 + (2 + 3))
-- load (1 + (2 + 3)) []
-- load 1 [L (2 + 3)]
-- unload 1 [L (2 + 3)]
-- load (2 + 3) [R 1]
-- load 2 [L 3, R 1]
-- unload 2 [L 3, R 1]
-- load 3 [R 2, R 1]
-- unload 3 [R 2, R 1]
-- unload 5 [R 1]
-- unload 6 []
-- 6
eval0 :: Expr0 -> Int
eval0 e =
load e []
load :: Expr0 -> Stack -> Int
load e s =
case e of
Val0 i ->
unload i s
Add0 e1 e2 ->
load e1 (Left e2 : s)
unload :: Int -> Stack -> Int
unload v s =
case s of
[] ->
Left e : s' ->
load e (Right v : s')
Right v' : s' ->
unload (v + v') s'
-- 2. Polynomial Functors and Bifunctors
-- Functor building blocks
data K1 a x
= K1 a
deriving Functor
data Id x
= Id x
deriving Functor
data (p :+ q) x
= L1 (p x)
| R1 (q x)
deriving Functor
infixr 2 :+
data (p :* q) x
= p x :* q x
deriving Functor
infixr 3 :*
type One1
= K1 ()
-- Maybe, decomposed
type Maybe'
= One1 :+ Id
pattern Nothing' :: Maybe' a
pattern Nothing' = L1 (K1 ())
pattern Just' :: a -> Maybe' a
pattern Just' x = R1 (Id x)
-- 2.1 Datatypes as Fixpoints of Polynomial Functors
-- Expr, decomposed
type ExprP
= K1 Int
:+ Id :* Id
pattern ValP :: Int -> ExprP x
pattern ValP n = L1 (K1 n)
pattern AddP :: x -> x -> ExprP x
pattern AddP e1 e2 = R1 (Id e1 :* Id e2)
{-# COMPLETE ValP, AddP #-}
data Mu f
= In (f (Mu f))
type Expr
= Mu ExprP
pattern Val :: Int -> Expr
pattern Val n = In (ValP n)
pattern Add :: Expr -> Expr -> Expr
pattern Add e1 e2 = In (AddP e1 e2)
{-# COMPLETE Val, Add #-}
-- Catamorphism
cata :: Functor p => (p v -> v) -> Mu p -> v
cata phi (In p) =
phi (fmap (cata phi) p)
eval :: Expr -> Int
eval =
cata phi
phi :: ExprP Int -> Int
phi = \case
ValP n ->
AddP n m ->
n + m
-- 2.2 Polynomial Bifunctors
data K2 a x y
= K2 a
instance Bifunctor (K2 a) where
bimap _ _ (K2 a) =
K2 a
data Fst x y
= Fst x
instance Bifunctor Fst where
bimap f _ (Fst x) =
Fst (f x)
data Snd x y
= Snd y
instance Bifunctor Snd where
bimap _ g (Snd y) =
Snd (g y)
data (p :++ q) x y
= L2 (p x y)
| R2 (q x y)
infixr 2 :++
instance (Bifunctor p, Bifunctor q) => Bifunctor (p :++ q) where
bimap f g = \case
L2 p -> L2 (bimap f g p)
R2 q -> R2 (bimap f g q)
data (p :** q) x y
= p x y :** q x y
infixr 3 :**
instance (Bifunctor p, Bifunctor q) => Bifunctor (p :** q) where
bimap f g (p :** q) =
bimap f g p :** bimap f g q
type One2
= K2 ()
-- 2.3 Nothing is Missing
type Zero1
= K1 Void
type Zero2
= K2 Void
-- 3. Clowns, Jokers, and Dissection
data C p c j
= C (p c)
instance Functor p => Bifunctor (C p) where
bimap f _ (C p) =
C (fmap f p)
data J p c j
= J (p j)
instance Functor p => Bifunctor (J p) where
bimap _ g (J p) =
J (fmap g p)
class (Functor p, Bifunctor q) => D p q | p -> q where
right :: Either (p j) (q c j, c) -> Either (j, q c j) (p c)
instance D (K1 a) (K2 Void) where
right = rightK
instance D Id (K2 ()) where
right = rightId
instance (D p p', D q q') => D (p :+ q) (p' :++ q') where
right = rightSum
instance (D p p', D q q') => D (p :* q) (p' :** J q :++ C p :** q') where
right = rightProd
-- 4. How to Creep Gradually to the Right
rightK :: Either (K1 a j) (K2 Void c j, c) -> Either (j, K2 Void c j) (K1 a c)
rightK = \case
Left (K1 a) ->
Right (K1 a)
Right (K2 void, _) ->
absurd void
rightId :: Either (Id j) (K2 () c j, c) -> Either (j, K2 () c j) (Id c)
rightId = \case
Left (Id j) ->
Left (j, K2 ())
Right (K2 (), c) ->
Right (Id c)
:: (D p p', D q q')
=> Either ((p :+ q) j) ((p' :++ q') c j, c)
-> Either (j, (p' :++ q') c j) ((p :+ q) c)
rightSum = \case
Left (L1 p) ->
kL (right (Left p))
Left (R1 q) ->
kR (right (Left q))
Right (L2 p, c) ->
kL (right (Right (p, c)))
Right (R2 q, c) ->
kR (right (Right (q, c)))
kL :: Either (j, p' c j) (p c) -> Either (j, (p' :++ q') c j) ((p :+ q) c)
kL = bimap (over2 L2) L1
kR :: Either (j, q' c j) (q c) -> Either (j, (p' :++ q') c j) ((p :+ q) c)
kR = bimap (over2 R2) R1
over2 :: (a -> b) -> (x, a) -> (x, b)
over2 = fmap
:: (D p p', D q q')
=> Either ((p :* q) j) ((p' :** J q :++ C p :** q') c j, c)
-> Either (j, (p' :** J q :++ C p :** q') c j) ((p :* q) c)
rightProd = \case
Left (p :* q) ->
kP q (right (Left p))
Right (L2 (p :** J q), c) ->
kP q (right (Right (p, c)))
Right (R2 (C p :** q), c) ->
kQ p (right (Right (q, c)))
:: (D p p', D q q')
=> q j
-> Either (j, p' c j) (p c)
-> Either (j, (p' :** J q :++ C p :** q') c j) ((p :* q) c)
kP q = \case
Left (j, p') ->
Left (j, L2 (p' :** J q))
Right p' ->
kQ p' (right (Left q))
:: (D p p', D q q')
=> p c
-> Either (j, q' c j) (q c)
-> Either (j, (p' :** J q :++ C p :** q') c j) ((p :* q) c)
kQ p = \case
Left (j, q') ->
Left (j, R2 (C p :** q'))
Right q' ->
Right (p :* q')
tmap :: forall a b q p. D p q => (a -> b) -> p a -> p b
tmap f ps =
continue (right (Left ps))
continue :: Either (a, q b a) (p b) -> p b
continue = \case
Left (a, q) ->
continue (right (Right (q, f a)))
Right p ->
-- Tail-recursive catamorphism
tcata :: D p q => (p v -> v) -> Mu p -> v
tcata phi t =
load phi t []
load :: D p q => (p v -> v) -> Mu p -> [q v (Mu p)] -> v
load phi (In p) =
next phi (right (Left p))
unload :: D p q => (p v -> v) -> v -> [q v (Mu p)] -> v
unload phi v = \case
[] ->
q : qs ->
next phi (right (Right (q, v))) qs
:: D p q
=> (p v -> v)
-> Either (Mu p, q v (Mu p)) (p v)
-> [q v (Mu p)]
-> v
next phi x s =
case x of
Left (p, q) ->
load phi p (q : s)
Right p ->
unload phi (phi p) s
eval1 :: Expr -> Int
eval1 = tcata phi
phi (ValP n) = n
phi (AddP n m) = n + m
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