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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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send + more = money
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Main where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Data.List ((\\), transpose)
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import System.Environment
-- Read arguments from command line and solve.
main :: IO ()
main = getArgs >>= print . solveCryptarithm
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Cryptarithm API
type Digit = Int
type Digits = [Int]
type Sum = Int
type Cryptarithm = StateT (Digits, Sum) []
runCryptarithm :: Cryptarithm a -> [a]
runCryptarithm = flip evalStateT ([0..9], 0)
-- Select a new summand digit.
selectSummand :: Cryptarithm Digit
selectSummand = StateT go
go :: (Digits, Sum) -> [(Digit, (Digits, Sum))]
go ([], _) = []
go (x:xs, sum) = (x, (xs, sum + x)) : [ (y, (x:ys, sum')) | (y, (ys, sum')) <- go (xs, sum) ]
-- Select a new sum digit.
selectSum :: Cryptarithm Digit
selectSum = do
(xs, carry, x) <- getSplit
case find x xs of
(Nothing, _) -> mzero
(Just _, xs') -> do
put (xs', carry)
return x
find :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> (Maybe a, [a])
find = go []
go acc _ [] = (Nothing, acc)
go acc x (y:ys)
| x == y = (Just y, acc ++ ys)
| otherwise = go (y:acc) x ys
-- Use an already-selected sum digit.
useSum :: Digit -> Cryptarithm ()
useSum x = do
(xs, carry, x') <- getSplit
guard (x == x')
put (xs, carry)
-- Use an already-selected summand digit.
useSummand :: Digit -> Cryptarithm ()
useSummand x = modify (\(xs, s) -> (xs, x + s))
-- Modify a Cryptarithm computation to only select a non-zero digit.
nonZero :: Cryptarithm Digit -> Cryptarithm Digit
nonZero action = do
x <- action
guard (x /= 0)
return x
-- ------------
-- Helper funcs
getSplit :: StateT (Digits, Sum) [] (Digits, Sum, Digit)
getSplit = do
(xs, sum) <- get
let (carry, x) = divMod sum 10
return (xs, carry, x)
val :: Digits -> Int
val = foldl (\acc x -> acc*10 + x) 0
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Examples of how to solve "by hand"
-- S E N D
-- + M O R E
-- ---------
-- M O N E Y
sendMoreMoney :: [(Int, Int, Int)]
sendMoreMoney = runCryptarithm $ do
d <- selectSummand
e <- selectSummand
y <- selectSum
n <- selectSummand
r <- selectSummand
_ <- useSum e
_ <- useSummand e
o <- selectSummand
_ <- useSum n
s <- nonZero selectSummand
m <- nonZero selectSummand
_ <- useSum o
_ <- useSum m
let send = val [s,e,n,d]
more = val [m,o,r,e]
money = val [m,o,n,e,y]
return (send, more, money)
-- B I L L
-- W I L L I A M
-- M O N I C A
-- -------------
-- C L I N T O N
billWilliamMonicaClinton = runCryptarithm $ do
l <- selectSummand
m <- nonZero selectSummand
a <- selectSummand
n <- selectSum
_ <- useSummand l
_ <- useSummand a
c <- selectSummand
o <- selectSum
i <- selectSummand
_ <- useSummand i
_ <- useSummand i
t <- selectSum
b <- nonZero selectSummand
_ <- useSummand l
_ <- useSummand n
_ <- useSum n
_ <- useSummand l
_ <- useSummand o
_ <- useSum i
_ <- useSummand i
_ <- useSummand m
_ <- useSum l
w <- nonZero selectSummand
_ <- useSum c
let bill = val [b,i,l,l]
william = val [w,i,l,l,i,a,m]
monica = val [m,o,n,i,c,a]
clinton = val [c,l,i,n,t,o,n]
return (bill, william, monica, clinton)
-- D O S
-- D O S
-- T R E S
-- ---------
-- S I E T E
dosDosTresSiete :: [(Int, Int, Int)]
dosDosTresSiete = runCryptarithm $ do
s <- nonZero selectSummand
_ <- useSummand s
_ <- useSummand s
e <- selectSum
o <- selectSummand
_ <- useSummand o
_ <- useSummand e
t <- nonZero selectSum
d <- nonZero selectSummand
_ <- useSummand d
r <- selectSummand
_ <- useSum e
_ <- useSummand t
i <- selectSum
_ <- useSum s
let dos = val [d,o,s]
tres = val [t,r,e,s]
siete = val [s,i,e,t,e]
return (dos, tres, siete)
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- String-based solver (["foo","bar","baz"] means "solve for: foo + bar = baz")
solveCryptarithm :: [String] -> [[Int]]
solveCryptarithm xs = go (S.fromList (map head xs)) xs
go :: Set Char -> [String] -> [[Int]]
go firsts = map (makeInts xs)
. runCryptarithm
. foldM solveOneColumn M.empty
. reverse
. transpose
. padLeft
-- Pad a list of strings with spaces on the left so that
-- each string is the length of the last (assumed to be
-- the longest or tied for the longest).
padLeft :: [String] -> [String]
padLeft [] = []
padLeft xs = map (padTo (length (last xs))) xs
padTo :: Int -> String -> String
padTo n s = let len = length s
in if len == n
then s
else replicate (n - len) ' ' ++ s
solveOneColumn :: Map Char Digit -> String -> Cryptarithm (Map Char Digit)
solveOneColumn m [c] =
case M.lookup c m of
Just digit -> useSum digit >> return m
Nothing -> (\digit -> M.insert c digit m) <$> if S.member c firsts
then nonZero selectSum
else selectSum
solveOneColumn m (' ':cs) = solveOneColumn m cs
solveOneColumn m (c:cs) =
case M.lookup c m of
Just digit -> useSummand digit >> solveOneColumn m cs
Nothing -> (if S.member c firsts
then nonZero selectSummand
else selectSummand) >>=
\digit -> solveOneColumn (M.insert c digit m) cs
makeInts :: [String] -> Map Char Digit -> [Int]
makeInts xs m = map (makeInt m) xs
makeInt :: Map Char Digit -> String -> Int
makeInt m = val . map (m M.!)
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