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Created December 10, 2017 00:20
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{-# language DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# language FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# language FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# language GADTs #-}
{-# language LambdaCase #-}
{-# language NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# language RankNTypes #-}
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# language TupleSections #-}
{-# language TypeApplications #-}
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData, deepseq)
import Control.Exception (Exception, throwIO)
import Control.Monad (forM_, guard, join, void)
import Data.Foldable (asum)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import System.Mem.Weak (deRefWeak, mkWeakPtr)
-- Goroutines
-- func say(s string) {
-- for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
-- time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
-- fmt.Println(s)
-- }
-- }
-- func main() {
-- go say("world")
-- say("hello")
-- }
example1 = do
go (say "world")
say "hello"
say s =
for [1..5] (\_ -> do
sleep 100000
println s)
-- Channels
-- func sum(s []int, c chan int) {
-- sum := 0
-- for _, v := range s {
-- sum += v
-- }
-- c <- sum // send sum to c
-- }
-- func main() {
-- s := []int{7, 2, 8, -9, 4, 0}
-- c := make(chan int)
-- go sum(s[:len(s)/2], c)
-- go sum(s[len(s)/2:], c)
-- x, y := <-c, <-c // receive from c
-- fmt.Println(x, y, x+y)
-- }
example2 = do
let s = [7, 2, 8, -9, 4, 0]
c <- make @Int 1
go (c <~ sum (take 3 s))
go (c <~ sum (drop 3 s))
(x, _) <- recv c
(y, _) <- recv c
println x y (x+y)
-- Buffered Channels
-- func main() {
-- ch := make(chan int, 2)
-- ch <- 1
-- ch <- 2
-- fmt.Println(<-ch)
-- fmt.Println(<-ch)
-- }
example3 = do
ch <- make 2
ch <~ (1 :: Int)
ch <~ 2
(x, _) <- recv ch
(y, _) <- recv ch
println x
println y
-- Range and Close
-- func fibonacci(n int, c chan int) {
-- x, y := 0, 1
-- for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
-- c <- x
-- x, y = y, x+y
-- }
-- close(c)
-- }
-- func main() {
-- c := make(chan int, 10)
-- go fibonacci(cap(c), c)
-- for i := range c {
-- fmt.Println(i)
-- }
-- }
example4 = do
c <- make @Int 10
go (fibonacci (cap c) c)
range c println
fibonacci n c = do
for (take n fibs) (c <~)
close c
fibs = 0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs)
-- Select
-- func fibonacci(c, quit chan int) {
-- x, y := 0, 1
-- for {
-- select {
-- case c <- x:
-- x, y = y, x+y
-- case <-quit:
-- fmt.Println("quit")
-- return
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- func main() {
-- c := make(chan int)
-- quit := make(chan int)
-- go func() {
-- for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
-- fmt.Println(<-c)
-- }
-- quit <- 0
-- }()
-- fibonacci(c, quit)
-- }
example5 = do
c <- make @Int 1
quit <- make @Int 1
go (do
for [1..10] (\_ -> do
(x, _) <- recv c
println x)
quit <~ 0)
fibonacci c quit
fibonacci c quit = go 0 1
go x y =
[ do
c <~ x
pure (go y (x+y))
, do
recv quit
pure (println "quit")
-- Default Selection
-- func main() {
-- tick := time.Tick(100 * time.Millisecond)
-- boom := time.After(500 * time.Millisecond)
-- for {
-- select {
-- case <-tick:
-- fmt.Println("tick.")
-- case <-boom:
-- fmt.Println("BOOM!")
-- return
-- default:
-- fmt.Println(" .")
-- time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)
-- }
-- }
-- }
example6 = do
tock <- tick 100000
boom <- after 500000
let loop = do
[ do
recv tock
pure (do
println "tick."
, do
recv boom
pure (println "BOOM!")
, pure (do
println " ."
sleep 50000
-- Appendix
-- 'forkIO' is spelled 'go'.
go :: IO () -> IO ()
go = void . forkIO
-- 'forM_' is close enough to a for-loop.
for :: Monad m => [a] -> (a -> m ()) -> m ()
for = forM_
-- 'threadDelay' is spelled 'sleep'.
sleep :: Int -> IO ()
sleep = threadDelay
-- Lock stdout to write with 'println', otherwise simultaneous output is
-- garbled (thanks, one-write(2)-call-per-Char).
printlnLock :: MVar ()
printlnLock = unsafePerformIO (newMVar ())
{-# NOINLINE printlnLock #-}
-- Variadic 'println', with a special case for String so as to not print the
-- surrounding quotes.
class Println a where
println_ :: [String] -> a
instance (a ~ ()) => Println (IO a) where
println_ ss = withMVar printlnLock (\() -> putStrLn (unwords (reverse ss)))
instance {-# OVERLAPS #-} Println r => Println (String -> r) where
println_ ss s = println_ (s : ss)
instance (Show a, Println r) => Println (a -> r) where
println_ ss x = println_ (show x : ss)
println :: Println a => a
println = println_ []
data GoChan a = GoChan
{ cap :: Int
, (<~) :: forall m. MonadSTM m => a -> m ()
, recv :: forall m. MonadSTM m => m (a, Bool)
, close :: IO ()
data NegativeBufferArgument
= NegativeBufferArgument
deriving (Exception, Typeable)
instance Show NegativeBufferArgument where
show _ = "negative buffer argument"
data SendOnClosedChannel
= SendOnClosedChannel
deriving (Exception, Typeable)
instance Show SendOnClosedChannel where
show _ = "send on closed channel"
-- Receiving on a closed go channel returns a default value.
class Default a where def :: a
instance Default () where def = ()
instance Default Int where def = 0
instance Default Bool where def = False
-- Make a sized channel.
make :: forall a. (Default a, NFData a) => Int -> IO (GoChan a)
make n | n < 0 = throwIO NegativeBufferArgument
make n = do
queue <- newTBQueueIO n
closed <- newTVarIO False
let cap :: Int
cap = n
-- Send on a channel, or blow up if it's been closed.
let (<~) :: MonadSTM m => a -> m ()
(<~) x = liftSTM (send1 <|> send2)
send1 = do
b <- readTVar closed
guard b
throwSTM SendOnClosedChannel
send2 = x `deepseq` writeTBQueue queue x
-- Receive from a channel; if it's been closed, return a default value and
-- False.
let recv :: MonadSTM m => m (a, Bool)
recv = liftSTM (maybe (def, False) (, True) <$> (recv1 <|> recv2))
recv1 = Just <$> readTBQueue queue
recv2 = do
b <- readTVar closed
guard b
pure Nothing
let close :: IO ()
close = atomically (writeTVar closed True)
pure GoChan{(<~), cap, close, recv}
-- Loop over a channel until it's empty.
range :: GoChan a -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
range chan f = loop
loop =
recv chan >>= \case
(_, False) -> pure ()
(x, _) -> do
f x
-- Select the first non-blocking action (note: in golang, if multiple actions
-- wouldn't block, a random one is selected).
select :: [STM (IO ())] -> IO ()
select xs = join (atomically (asum xs))
-- Tick every n microseconds.
tick :: Int -> IO (GoChan ())
tick n = do
c <- make 1
c' <- mkWeakPtr c Nothing
let loop = do
sleep n
deRefWeak c' >>= \case
Nothing -> pure ()
Just c -> do
(c <~ ()) <|> pure ()
go loop
pure c
-- Emit () after n microseconds.
after :: Int -> IO (GoChan ())
after n = do
c <- make 1
go (do
sleep n
c <~ ()
close c)
pure c
-- For overloading send/recv to work in either STM (in a select) or IO
class MonadSTM m where liftSTM :: STM a -> m a
instance MonadSTM STM where liftSTM = id
instance MonadSTM IO where liftSTM = atomically
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