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Write-Host "Environment Variable Substitution"
$variables = gci $env:$env:APPLICATION_PREFIX* | Select-Object -Property Key, Value
$configPath = "$env:APPLICATION_PATH\$env:CONFIG_FILE"
Write-Output "Loading config file from $configPath"
$appSettings = Get-Content -Raw $configPath | ConvertFrom-Json
foreach($variable in $variables) {
$matchString = $variable.Key.replace($env:APPLICATION_PREFIX, "")
$matchProperties = $matchString.Split(".")
if($matchProperties.Count -gt 1) {
$match = $appSettings.($matchProperties[0]) | where { $_.Name -eq $matchProperties[1] }
if ($match) {
$appSettings.($matchProperties[0]).($matchProperties[1]) = $variable.Value
else {
Write-Output "Could not find match for $matchString"
else {
$match = $ | where { $_.Name -eq $matchString }
if ($match) {
$appSettings.($matchString) = $variable.Value
else {
Write-Output "Could not find match for $matchString"
$appSettings | ConvertTo-Json -depth 100 | Out-File $configPath
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Hi @eivindivine,
That's great news! I was testing it out a little yesterday and had noticed my actual final version of the code is hard-coded with the application prefix

$variables = gci $env:APPID_* | Select-Object -Property Key, Value

So thats my mistake. If you'd like to share your changes, I'd be happy to update this file and credit you.

Also your assumptions on the variable replacement configuration are correct, but you probably knew that already.


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