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Last active January 24, 2017 22:58
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Some software productivity resources

Getting Things Done by David Allen - This is a personal productivity system that encourages capturing all "projects" and being intentional about what the single "next action" is for any given project.

User Story Mapping by Jeff Patton - Honestly I did not read all of this and I probably should. However, I know this was very influential for people that I've worked with.

Kanban Development Oversimplified by Jeff Patton - This blog post does a good job of summarizing Kanban ideas in the context of Scrum and Agile.

Growing Object Oriented Software Guided by Tests by Nat Pryce and Steve Freeman - This includes a nice overview of an "outside-in" approach to software development using tests. The concept of a "walking skeleton" has been very useful for me.

Dreaming in Code by Scott Rosenburge - It's been a while since I read this but I know it covers things like "Mythical Man Month" in a story driven way.

The Agile Manifesto - That old thing, but really the 12 principles are the good part.

The Failures of Intro to TDD by Justin Searls - This, like GOOS, shows how we can use testing to build top-down or outside in.

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