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Created January 4, 2015 19:47
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Mario Ice-Skating (first Elm code)
import Color (..)
import Graphics.Collage (..)
import Graphics.Element (..)
import Keyboard
import Signal
import Time (..)
import Window
mario = { x=0, y=0, vx=0, vy=0, dir="right" }
-- UPDATE -- ("m" is for Mario)
jump {y} m = if y > 0 && m.y == 0 then { m | vy <- 5 } else m
gravity dt m = if m.y > 0 then { m | vy <- m.vy - dt/4 } else m
physics dt m = { m | x <- m.x + dt*m.vx , y <- max 0 (m.y + dt*m.vy) }
skate {x} m = { m | vx <- if | abs x > 0 && m.y == 0 -> dash m.vx x
| m.y > 0 -> m.vx
| otherwise -> drag m.vx
, dir <- if x < 0 then "left" else
if x > 0 then "right" else m.dir }
step (dt, keys) = jump keys >> gravity dt >> skate keys >> physics dt
-- Skate Update Functions
dash vx x = let newVx = vx + toFloat x * 0.05
in if abs newVx > 5 then vx else newVx
drag vx = if abs vx < 0.02 then 0 else vx - amount vx
amount vx = 0.01 * if vx > 0 then 1 else if vx < 0 then -1 else 0
render (w',h') mario =
let (w,h) = (toFloat w', toFloat h')
verb = if | mario.y > 0 -> "jump"
| mario.vx /= 0 -> "walk"
| otherwise -> "stand"
src = "" ++ verb ++ "/" ++ mario.dir ++ ".gif"
in collage w' h'
[ rect w h |> filled (rgb 174 238 238)
, rect w 50 |> filled (rgb 74 163 41)
|> move (0, 24 - h/2)
, toForm (image 35 35 src) |> move (mario.x, mario.y + 62 - h/2)
input = let delta = (\t -> t/20) (fps 300)
in Signal.sampleOn delta (Signal.map2 (,) delta Keyboard.arrows)
main = Signal.map2 render Window.dimensions (Signal.foldp step mario input)
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