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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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DspNode trait implementation
/// DSP Node trait. Implement this for any audio instrument or effects types that are to be used
/// within your DSP chain. Override all methods that you wish. If the Node is a parent of other
/// DSP nodes, be sure to implement the `inputs` method.
pub trait Node {
type Sample: Sample = f32;
type Buffer: DspBuffer = Vec<f32>;
/// Return the volume for this Node.
fn vol(&self) -> Volume { 1.0 }
/// Return the panning for this Node.
/// -1.0 = Left.
/// 0.0 = Center.
/// 1.0 = Right.
fn pan(&self) -> Panning { 0.0 }
/// Return mutable references to the inputs for the Node.
/// TODO: Once "Abstract Return Types" land in Rust, we'll
/// change this to return `impl Iterator<&mut Node<B, O>>`
/// so that we don't have to allocate *anything* in the
/// whole graph.
fn inputs(&mut self) -> Vec<&mut Node> { Vec::new() }
/// Determine the volume for each channel by considering
/// both `vol` and `pan. In the future this will be
/// replaced with an `n` channels method.
fn vol_per_channel(&self) -> [f32; 2] {
if self.pan() >= 0.0 {
[self.vol() * (self.pan() - 1.0).abs(), self.vol()]
} else {
[self.vol(), self.vol() * (self.pan() + 1.0)]
/// Request audio from inputs, process and
/// pass back to the output! Override this
/// method for any synthesis or generative
/// types.
fn audio_requested(&mut self, output: &mut <Self as Node>::Buffer, settings: Settings) {
let frames = settings.frames as usize;
let channels = settings.channels as usize;
let buffer_size = frames * channels;
let vol_per_channel = self.vol_per_channel();
for input in self.inputs().into_iter() {
let mut working: <Self as Node>::Buffer = AudioBuffer::zeroed(buffer_size);
// Call audio_requested for each input.
input.audio_requested(&mut working, settings);
// Sum all input nodes to output (considering pan, vol and interleaving).
for i in range(0, frames) {
for j in range(0, channels) {
use std::num::{ToPrimitive, from_f32};
let idx = i * channels + j;
let working_f32 = working.val(idx).to_f32().unwrap();
let working_sample = from_f32(working_f32 * vol_per_channel[j]).unwrap();
*output.get_mut(idx) = (output.val(idx) + working_sample) as AudioBuffer::Sample;
// Custom buffer processing.
self.process_buffer(output, settings);
/// Override for custom processing of audio per
/// buffer. This is mainly for audio effects. Get's
/// called at the end of audio_requested.
fn process_buffer(&mut self, _output: &mut <Self as Node>::Buffer, _settings: Settings) {}
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