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Created December 8, 2022 15:12
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ere is a basic Python script using the Flask web framework that calls the OpenCV REST API to report new CVE vulnerabilities and displays the results on a web dashboard:
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from flask import Flask, render_template
import requests
app = Flask(__name__)
def index():
# Set the base URL for the OpenCV API
base_url = ""
# Set the endpoint for the CVE vulnerabilities
endpoint = "/cve"
# Make the API call
response = requests.get(base_url + endpoint)
# Check the status code of the response
if response.status_code == 200:
# Get the list of vulnerabilities
vulnerabilities = response.json()
vulnerabilities = []
# Render the HTML template and pass the list of vulnerabilities
return render_template("index.html", vulnerabilities=vulnerabilities)
if __name__ == "__main__":
This script creates a Flask app with a single route (/) that makes a GET request to the /cve endpoint of the OpenCV API and passes the list of vulnerabilities to an HTML template for display.
The HTML template (index.html) would look something like this:
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<title>CVE Vulnerabilities</title>
<h1>CVE Vulnerabilities</h1>
{% for cve in vulnerabilities %}
<li>{{ cve["id"] }} - {{ cve["summary"] }}</li>
{% endfor %}
This template simply loops through the list of vulnerabilities and displays their ID and summary as a list on the page.
To update the list of vulnerabilities daily, you can use a scheduling tool like cron to run the script on a daily basis. The specific implementation will depend on your environment and operating system.
Note: This is just a basic example to illustrate how you could use Flask and the OpenCV API to display the results of a GET request on a web dashboard. You may need to modify this script and template to suit your specific needs and requirements.
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