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Created March 9, 2020 23:29
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fun onBackPressed() {
val navController = fragmentManager.findFragmentById(containerId)!!
when {
navController.backStack.size > 2 ->{
// Fragment back stack is empty so try to go back on the navigation stack
navigationBackStack.size > 1 -> {
Log.d(TAG, "logInfo: BNC: backstack size > 1")
// Remove last item from back stack
// Update the container with new fragment
// If the stack has only one and it's not the navigation home we should
// ensure that the application always leave from startDestination
navigationBackStack.last() != appStartDestinationId -> {
Log.d(TAG, "logInfo: BNC: start != current")
navigationBackStack.add(0, appStartDestinationId)
// Navigation stack is empty, so finish the activity
else -> {
Log.d(TAG, "logInfo: BNC: FINISH")
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