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Forked from asplake/gist:302617
Created April 2, 2010 13:00
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For Pylons 0.97, optionally with asplake's Routes fork with {.format} parameter support
1) fill_render(), a render() that encodes repeating groups properly
2) A refactored @validate with
a) JSON support
b) cleaned-up form_errors that render properly in the presence of repeating groups
c) some possibility of extensibility
3) JSON-related helpers: sent_json(), accepts_json(), render_json()
4) formatted_url(), a url() that remembers any format extension on the request
5) BaseSchema, a formencode.Schema with sensible defaults
Further to 2c, validation can be done without the @validator like so:
def update(self):
self._parse(request, schema=MyForm())
# Here self.form_result is populated as normal
# as is self.params, the decoded but unconverted form params or
# json request. You could do more stuff here that raises
# formencode.Invalid, validated model updates for example.
except Invalid as e:
return self._render_invalid(e, form='edit')
# Do more stuff with self.form_result, e.g.
if accepts_json():
return render_json(json_serialisable_thing_made_from_form_result)
return render('template')
[1] @validate revisited, JSON support, content negotiation -
[2] asplake/routes -
[3] Experimental {.format} in Routes -
from decorator import decorator
import json
import logging
import formencode
from formencode import htmlfill
from formencode import variabledecode
from formencode.schema import format_compound_error
from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url
from pylons.controllers import WSGIController
from pylons.controllers.util import abort
from pylons.decorators import (PylonsFormEncodeState,
from pylons.templating import render_mako as render
from webob.multidict import UnicodeMultiDict
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def fill_render(template_name, values):
return htmlfill.render(render(template_name),
def url_format_extension():
if 'wsgiorg.routing_args' in request.environ:
return request.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'][1].get('format', None)
return None
def sent_json():
return url_format_extension() == 'json' or \
'application/json' in request.headers.get('content-type', '')
def accepts_json():
return url_format_extension() == 'json' or \
'application/json' in request.headers.get('accept', '')
def render_json(thing, **json_options):
response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
return json.dumps(thing, **json_options)
def formatted_url(*args, **params):
return url(*args, format=url_format_extension(), **params)
class BaseSchema(formencode.Schema):
Base form schema
allow_extra_fields = True
filter_extra_fields = True
pre_validators = [variabledecode.NestedVariables()]
class BaseController(WSGIController):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(BaseController, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
# This is set by the @validate decorator but not defined on the class
self.form_result = None
def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
"""Invoke the Controller"""
# WSGIController.__call__ dispatches to the Controller method
# the request is routed to. This routing information is
# available in environ['pylons.routes_dict']
return WSGIController.__call__(self, environ, start_response)
def _get_decoded(self, variable_decode=False, dict_char='.',
list_char='-', post_only=True):
# If they want post args only, use just the post args
if post_only:
if sent_json():
params = json.loads(request.body)
params = request.POST
params = request.params
if hasattr(params, 'mixed'):
params = params.mixed()
if variable_decode:
log.debug("Running variable_decode on params")
return variabledecode.variable_decode(params, dict_char,
return params
def _convert(self, decoded, schema=None, validators=None, state=None,
variable_decode=False, dict_char='.', list_char='-'):
converted = {}
errors = {}
if schema:
log.debug("Validating against a schema")
converted = schema.to_python(decoded, state)
except formencode.Invalid, e:
errors = e.unpack_errors(variable_decode, dict_char, list_char)
if validators:
log.debug("Validating against provided validators")
if isinstance(validators, dict):
for field, validator in validators.iteritems():
converted[field] = \
validator.to_python(decoded.get(field), state)
except formencode.Invalid, error:
errors[field] = error
# remove cruft
clean_errors = dict(
(k, v)
for k, v in variabledecode.variable_encode(errors).items()
if v and not k.endswith('--repetitions'))
return converted, clean_errors
def _parse(self, request, schema=None, validators=None, state=None,
variable_decode=False, dict_char='.', list_char='-',
on_get=False, post_only=True):
if state is None:
state = PylonsFormEncodeState
# Skip the validation if on_get is False and its a GET
if not on_get and request.environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET':
return {}
self.params = self._get_decoded(
variable_decode, dict_char, list_char,
self.form_result, self.form_errors = self._convert(
self.params, schema, validators, state,
variable_decode, dict_char, list_char)
if self.form_errors:
raise formencode.Invalid(
self.params, state,
return self.form_result
def _render_invalid(self, invalid=None, errors=None, params=None,
form=None, htmlfill_kwargs=None,
func=None, *args, **kwargs):
log.debug("Rendering errors found in validation")
if errors is None:
if invalid and hasattr(invalid, 'unpack_errors'):
errors = invalid.unpack_errors()
errors = self.form_errors
if params is None:
params = self.params
if htmlfill_kwargs is None:
htmlfill_kwargs = {}
if accepts_json():
return render_json(dict(errors=errors))
request.environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] = 'GET'
# If there's no form supplied, just continue with the current
# function call.
if not form:
if func:
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
raise TypeError("Neither form nor func supplied")
request.environ['pylons.routes_dict']['action'] = form
response = self._dispatch_call()
# XXX: Legacy WSGIResponse support
legacy_response = False
if hasattr(response, 'content'):
form_content = ''.join(response.content)
legacy_response = True
form_content = response
response = self._py_object.response
# If the form_content is an exception response, return it
if hasattr(form_content, '_exception'):
return form_content
# Ensure htmlfill can safely combine the form_content, params and
# errors variables (that they're all of the same string type)
if not isinstance(params, UnicodeMultiDict):
log.debug("Raw string form params: ensuring the '%s' form and "
"FormEncode errors are converted to raw strings for "
"htmlfill", form)
encoding = determine_response_charset(response)
# WSGIResponse's content may (unlikely) be unicode
if isinstance(form_content, unicode):
form_content = form_content.encode(encoding)
# FormEncode>=0.7 errors are unicode (due to being localized
# via ugettext). Convert any of the possible formencode
# unpack_errors formats to contain raw strings
errors = encode_formencode_errors(errors, encoding)
elif not isinstance(form_content, unicode):
log.debug("Unicode form params: ensuring the '%s' form is "
"converted to unicode for htmlfill", form)
encoding = determine_response_charset(response)
form_content = form_content.decode(encoding)
form_content = htmlfill.render(form_content, defaults=params,
errors=errors, **htmlfill_kwargs)
if legacy_response:
# Let the Controller merge the legacy response
response.content = form_content
return response
return form_content
def validate(schema=None, validators=None, form=None, variable_decode=False,
dict_char='.', list_char='-', post_only=True, state=None,
on_get=False, **htmlfill_kwargs):
"""The Pylons @validate decorator refactored, with most of the work done
by controller methods defined on BaseController. Enhanced to accept JSON.
Validate input either for a FormEncode schema, or individual
Given a form schema or dict of validators, validate will attempt to
validate the schema or validator list.
If validation was successful, the valid result dict will be saved
as ``self.form_result``. Otherwise, the action will be re-run as if
it was a GET, and the output will be filled by FormEncode's
htmlfill to fill in the form field errors.
Refers to a FormEncode Schema object to use during validation.
Method used to display the form, which will be used to get the
HTML representation of the form for error filling.
Boolean to indicate whether FormEncode's variable decode
function should be run on the form input before validation.
Passed through to FormEncode. Toggles the form field naming
scheme used to determine what is used to represent a dict. This
option is only applicable when used with variable_decode=True.
Passed through to FormEncode. Toggles the form field naming
scheme used to determine what is used to represent a list. This
option is only applicable when used with variable_decode=True.
Boolean that indicates whether or not GET (query) variables
should be included during validation.
.. warning::
``post_only`` applies to *where* the arguments to be
validated come from. It does *not* restrict the form to
only working with post, merely only checking POST vars.
Passed through to FormEncode for use in validators that utilize
a state object.
Whether to validate on GET requests. By default only POST
requests are validated.
class SomeController(BaseController):
def create(self, id):
return render('/myform.mako')
@validate(schema=model.forms.myshema(), form='create')
def update(self, id):
# Do something with self.form_result
if state is None:
state = PylonsFormEncodeState
def wrapper(func, self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Decorator Wrapper function"""
request = self._py_object.request
# Skip the validation if on_get is False and its a GET
if not on_get and request.environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET':
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
self._parse(request, schema, validators, state,
variable_decode, dict_char, list_char, on_get, post_only)
except formencode.Invalid, e:
return self._render_invalid(e, self.form_errors, self.params,
form, htmlfill_kwargs,
func, *args, **kwargs)
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
return decorator(wrapper)
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