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Created May 8, 2018 14:36
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Read data from Excel file using PowerShell script
#select excel file you want to read
$file = "C:\PowerShell\MyContacts.xlsx"
$sheetName = "Sheet1"
#create new excel COM object
$excel = New-Object -com Excel.Application
#open excel file
$wb = $$file)
#select excel sheet to read data
$sheet = $wb.Worksheets.Item($sheetname)
#select total rows
$rowMax = ($sheet.UsedRange.Rows).Count
#create new object with Name, Address, Email properties.
$myData = New-Object -TypeName psobject
$myData | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Name -Value $null
$myData | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Address -Value $null
$myData | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Email -Value $null
#create empty arraylist
$myArray = @()
for ($i = 2; $i -le $rowMax; $i++)
$objTemp = $myData | Select-Object *
#read data from each cell
$objTemp.Name = $sheet.Cells.Item($i,1).Text
$objTemp.Address = $sheet.Cells.Item($i,2).Text
$objTemp.Email = $sheet.Cells.Item($i,3).Text
#Write-Host 'Name-' $objTemp.Name 'Address-' $objTemp.Address 'Email-' $objTemp.Email
$myArray += $objTemp
#print $myarry object
#print $myarry object with foreach loop
foreach ($x in $myArray)
Echo $x
#force stop Excel process
Stop-Process -Name EXCEL -Force
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Sample Excel File data

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