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Created May 25, 2018 09:03
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import chainer
import chainer.functions as F
import chainer.links as L
class ConvLSTM(chainer.Chain):
# Conv2D = EqualizedConv2D
Conv2D = L.Convolution2D
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, ksize=None, stride=1, pad=0, peephole=False):
super(ConvLSTM, self).__init__()
with self.init_scope():
self.w_xifoc = self.Conv2D(in_channels, out_channels * 4, ksize, stride, pad)
self.w_hifoc = self.Conv2D(out_channels, out_channels * 4, ksize, stride, pad, nobias=True)
if peephole:
# Peephole
initializer = chainer.initializers.Zero()
self.peep_c_i = chainer.Parameter(initializer)
self.peep_c_f = chainer.Parameter(initializer)
self.peep_c_o = chainer.Parameter(initializer)
self.out_channels = out_channels
self.peephole = peephole
self.c = None
self.h = None
def reset_state(self):
self.c = None
self.h = None
def initialize_params(self, shape):
self.peep_c_i.initialize((self.out_channels, shape[2], shape[3]))
self.peep_c_f.initialize((self.out_channels, shape[2], shape[3]))
self.peep_c_o.initialize((self.out_channels, shape[2], shape[3]))
def initialize_state(self, shape):
self.c = chainer.Variable(
self.xp.zeros((shape[0], self.out_channels, shape[2], shape[3]), dtype=self.xp.float32))
self.h = chainer.Variable(
self.xp.zeros((shape[0], self.out_channels, shape[2], shape[3]), dtype=self.xp.float32))
def __call__(self, x):
# Initialize peephole weights
if self.peephole and self.peep_c_i.array is None:
# Initialize state
if self.c is None:
xifoc = self.w_xifoc(x)
xi, xf, xo, xc = F.split_axis(xifoc, 4, axis=1)
hifoc = self.w_hifoc(self.h)
hi, hf, ho, hc = F.split_axis(hifoc, 4, axis=1)
ci = F.sigmoid(xi + hi + (F.scale(self.c, self.peep_c_i, 1) if self.peephole else 0))
cf = F.sigmoid(xf + hf + (F.scale(self.c, self.peep_c_f, 1) if self.peephole else 0))
cc = cf * self.c + ci * F.tanh(xc + hc)
co = F.sigmoid(xo + ho + (F.scale(cc, self.peep_c_o, 1) if self.peephole else 0))
ch = co * F.tanh(cc)
self.c = cc
self.h = ch
return ch
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