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Forked from katowulf/firebase_promise_wrapper.js
Last active September 2, 2015 04:38
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Example of promise contracts for Firebase (using jQuery.Deferred)
* Promise wrapper for Firebase
* Requires jQuery and underscore.js
(function ($) {
"use strict";
var undefined;
var FIREBASE_URL = '';
// when true, all Firebase ops are logged to the JavaScript console
// some critical errors and warnings are always logged, even if this is false
var DEVMODE = true;
// google analytics events (fired on set/update/remove operations)
if( typeof(_gaq) === 'undefined' ) { var _gaq = null; }
// create a dummy console object for dummy IE
if( typeof(console) === 'undefined' ) {
var f = function(){};
var console = { log: f, info: f, warn: f, error: f };
var FB = $.FB = {
* Authenticate against Firebase using the token provided
* @param {String} token
* @return {jQuery.Deferred} resolves to the token if successfully authenticated
'auth': function(token) {
DEVMODE && console.log('FB.auth', token);
return $.Deferred(function(def) {
var to = setTimeout(function() {
to = null;
}, 10000);
FB.root.auth(token, function(error, dummy) {
to && clearTimeout(to);
_gaq && _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'firebase', 'auth', error]);
if(error) {
console.warn('fb token failed');
} else {
DEVMODE && console.log('FB.auth resolved', token);
* Calls Firebase.once() on the path. The promise is fulfilled with the returned value.
* If the operation fails, then the promise will be rejected.
* If a `context` is provided, then all callbacks will have `this` set to `context`
* @param {Array|String|Object} path passed into $.ws.FB.connect() method
* @param {String} event
* @param {Object} [context]
* @return {jQuery.Deferred} resolves with three arguments: value (snapshot.val()), key (, snapshot
'once': function(path, event, context) {
return $.Deferred(function(def) {
FB.connect(path).once(event, function(ss) {
DEVMODE && console.log('FB.once...', event,;
def.resolveWith(context||null, [ss.val(),, ss]);
}, function() {
console.error('Access denied attempting to read database', path, event);
def.rejectWith(context||null, ['Access denied when attempting to read database']);
* Monitors a Firebase path using a promise contract.
* <pre>
* FB.on('users', 'child_added')
* .progress( childAdded )
* .fail( securityError )
* .done( listenerDisposed )
* </pre>
* The progress() method is invoked any time the requested event(s) occur.
* If the path becomes inaccessible at any time (due to security) then the reject() method is fired.
* The progress callback receives four arguments: progressCallback( value, name, snapshot, event )
* They are arranged to work with underscores iterators and for convenience. They are derived from:
* value: snapshot.val()
* name:
* snapshot: direct reference to the Firebase snapshot
* event: the string passed to `on` originally (in case you use one handler for multiple events)
* Instead of maintaining a reference to the function and later calling, you may
* simply invoke the custom `dispose` method on the promise, which will clean up all connections.
* When dispose is called, the promise is immediately fulfilled, so this can be used as an event listener as well.
* @param {Array|String|Object} path passed into $.ws.FB.connect() method
* @param {String} event
* @param {Object} [context]
* @return {jQuery.Deferred}
'on': function(path, event, context) {
var def = $.Deferred();
var ref = FB.connect(path);
DEVMODE && console.log('FB.on', event, FB.path(path));
function callback(snap) {
def.notifyWith(context||null, [snap.val(),, snap, event]);
ref.on(event, callback, def.reject);
return _.extend(def.promise(), {
dispose: function() {, callback);
def.resolveWith(context||null, [event]);
* Performs a Firebase.update() operation; can also set a priority during the update (a relic of a bug
* where update() resets the priority to null and there is no way to use a '.priority' key during update)
* @param {Array|String|Object} path passed into $.ws.FB.connect() method
* @param {Object} children the object containing child values to be updated
* @param {number} priority the new priority of the parent object
* @return {jQuery.Deferred} resolves to the Firebase reference
'update': function(path, children, priority) {
DEVMODE && console.log('FB.update', path, children);
_gaq && _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'firebase', 'update', path]);
return $.Deferred(function(def) {
var ref = FB.connect(path);
ref.update(children, handleError(def, path));
if( priority !== undefined ) {
* Calls Firebase.set or optionally Firebase.setWithPriority.
* @param {Array|String|Object} path passed into $.ws.FB.connect() method
* @param value
* @param {string|number} priority
* @return {jQuery.Deferred} resolves to the Firebase reference
'set': function(path, value, priority) {
DEVMODE && console.log('FB.set', FB.path(path), JSON.stringify(value), priority);
return $.Deferred(function(def) {
var ref = FB.connect(path);
_gaq && _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'firebase', 'set', FB.path(path)]);
if( priority !== undefined ) {
ref.setWithPriority(value, priority, handleError(def, ref));
else {
ref.set(value, handleError(def, ref));
* Return the value for a path as an object.
* @param {Array|String} path
* @returns {jQuery.Deferred} resolves to the value
'get': function(path) {
return FB.once(path, 'value');
* Increase or decrease a numerical value. This uses a transaction to ensure concurrent edits do not muck
* the count.
* Opts can contain:
* {number} min the minimum range for the value
* {number} max the maximum range for the value
* pri sort priority to apply after setting (for sorted lists of primitive values)
* @param path
* @param {number} change the amount to increase or decrease
* @param {object|number} [opts] either a minimum value or an opts object (see above)
* @return {*}
'adjust': function(path, change, opts) {
if( change !== 0 ) {
opts = _.extend({}, _.isNumber(opts)? {min: opts} : opts);
_gaq && _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'firebase', 'adjust', FB.path(path)]);
return $.Deferred(function(def) {
function(current) {
var newVal = _.isNumber(current)? current + change : change;
if(_.isNumber(opts.min)) {
newVal = Math.max(opts.min, newVal);
if(_.isNumber(opts.max)) {
newVal = Math.min(opts.max, newVal);
return _.has(opts, 'pri')? {".value": newVal, ".priority": opts.pri} : newVal;
function(error, committed, snapshot, dummy) {
if (error) {
_gaq && _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'firebase', 'error', '('+FB.path(path)+')'+error]);
console.error('DB error', error, {change: change, path: path, opts: opts});
else if (committed) {
def.resolve(snapshot.val(),, snapshot, 'value');
else {
console.error('Failed to adjust value', {change: change, path: path, opts: opts});
else {
return FB.once(path, 'value');
* Remove a record permanently from the database
* @param {Array|String|Object} path passed into $.ws.FB.connect() method
* @return {jQuery.Deferred} this does not reject, it returns a boolean indicating whether the reject succeeded
'remove': function(path) {
return $.Deferred(function(def) {
FB.connect(path).remove(function(error, dummy) {
_gaq && _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'firebase', 'remove', FB.path(path)]);
if( error ) {
_gaq && _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'firebase', 'error', '('+FB.path(path)+')'+error]);
console.warn('Failed to remove record', path);
* @param {Array|String|Object} parentPath passed into $.ws.FB.connect() method
* @param value
* @param [priority]
'push': function(parentPath, value, priority) {
DEVMODE && console.log('FB.set', FB.path(parentPath), JSON.stringify(value), priority);
return $.Deferred(function(def) {
var ref = FB.newChild(parentPath);
_gaq && _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'firebase', 'set', FB.path(parentPath)]);
if( priority !== undefined ) {
ref.setWithPriority(value, priority, handleError(def, ref));
else {
ref.set(value, handleError(def, ref));
* Set or remove a value when disconnected from Firebase
* @param {Array|String|Object} path passed into $.ws.FB.connect() method
* @param currentValue the path is set to this until disconnect occurs
* @param [disconnectState] the value to be stored, if not specified uses null (deletes value on disconnect)
* @return {jQuery.Deferred} resolves instantly if no currentValue is provided, otherwise after currentValue is set
'state': function(path, currentValue, disconnectState) {
var def;
var ref = FB.connect(path);
if( disconnectState === undefined ) { disconnectState = null; }
if( currentValue ) {
def = FB.set(path, currentValue);
else {
def = $.Deferred().resolve(ref);
return def;
* Creates a reference to a Firebase path. You won't generally call this directly, as it's called internally
* by set/on/once/update/et al
* The `path` argument is sent to path(); see that method for complete details. Generally this is a string
* relative to the root Firebase path or an array containing components of the path to be merged.
* `options` may contain:
* startAt: start priority for matching results
* endAt: end priority for matching results
* limit: maximum number of records to put into the list
* The `path` and `options` may also be passed as a single object containing those two keys.
* @param {Array|String|Object} path passed into $.ws.FB.path() method
* @param {Object} [options]
* @return {Firebase}
'connect': function(path, options) {
if(arguments.length === 1 && $.isPlainObject(path)) {
options = path.options||path.opts||{};
path = path.path;
var ref = FB.root.child(FB.path(path));
options && (ref = applyOptions(ref, options));
DEVMODE && console.log('FB.connect', path,, options);
return ref;
* Create a reference to a new child path and return it for use. You would normally just call push() instead
* of this method, although this could for utilitarian tasks like obtaining IDs (e.g. FB.newChild(path).name())
* @param {String|Array} parentPath
* @return {Firebase} synchronous operation
'newChild': function(parentPath) {
return FB.connect(parentPath).push();
* Removes an of `/.$[]#`, turning the untrusted string into a valid Firebase path.
* @param {String} key untrusted part of a path
* @return {String}
'key': function(key) {
// URLs used to construct Firebase references may contain any unicode characters except: . $ [ ] # /
return (key||'').replace(/[\/.$[\]#]/, '');
* Returns a path url. When `parts` is a string, it is assumed to be a valid URL. When `parts` is an array, then
* each element after index 0 is parsed by $.ws.FB.key(). So any of the following are valid calls:
* <pre><code>
* FB.path( 'users/mikey' )
* FB.path( ['users', $id] )
* FB.path( 'users', $id )
* FB.path( 'users', [$id, 'public'], 'first_name' )
* </code></pre>
* @param {Array|String} a the base path; this is never cleaned (you can put any url up to the first variable in here)
* @param {Array|String} [b] these are just to make the ide happy
* @param {Array|String} [c]
* @param {Array|String} [d]
* @param {Array|String} [e]
* @param {Array|String} [f]
* @return {String}
'path': function(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
var parts = _.flatten(arguments);
var base = parts[0];
// the first argument to 'connect' can be an object containing {path: ..., options: ...}
// since we use path() for logging (pretty much interchangeable with connect()) just check for
// that here; it's a bit coupled but it does the job
if($.isPlainObject(base) && _.has(base, 'path')) {
base = FB.path(base.path);
if( !parts || !parts.length || hasEmptyParts(parts) ) {
throw new Error('Path was empty or contained an empty element; cannot set path to root');
return _.reduce(parts.slice(1), function(memo, v) {
return memo + '/' + FB.key(v);
}, base); // the base is not cleaned up
* Returns a path URL with the domain prefix, suitable for calling new Firebase(). Generally, you'll want to
* just use FB.connect() instead of this.
'fullPath': function(parts) {
return FIREBASE_URL+FB.path.apply(null, _.toArray(arguments));
// reference to the root firebase element; intended for internal use (that's what we have these nifty functions for!)
'root': new Firebase(FIREBASE_URL)
function handleError(def, path) {
var args = _.toArray(arguments).slice(2);
return function(error, dummy) {
if( error ) {
_gaq && _gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'firebase', 'error', '('+FB.path(path)+')'+error]);
console.error('Failed to write record', error);
def.reject('Failed to write record.', error);
else { def.resolve.apply(def, args); }
function applyOptions(ref, options) {
_.each(options, function(v,k) {
switch(k) {
case 'endAt':
case 'startAt':
case 'limit':
throw new Error('Invalid Firebase option: '+k);
return ref;
function hasEmptyParts(parts) {
var res = false;
_.each(parts, function(p) {
if(_.isEmpty(p)) { res = true; }
return res;
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