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Last active May 29, 2024 14:02
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flatten deep nested JSON object without recursion
const assert = require('assert').strict;
* Pretty basic implementation to showcase non recursiveness.
* It would need to check for things such as Circular References in objects
function flatten(source) {
const result = {};
// create an array that will hold depth-first keys as we encounter them during iteration
let keysArr = Object.keys(source);
// hold processed object stack that will be used as a guide on what object we are now processing and its ancestors
const objArr = [source];
// keep path hierarchy to easily produce flattened keys
const pathArray = [];
// as long as we have keys to process
while (keysArr.length) {
const key = keysArr.shift(); // take first key
let currentObject = objArr[0]; // take top object from processing stack
rough check for object finished browsing. If object does not have property it
should mean that we finished iterating its properties and current property is
from previous object in stack
if (!Object.hasOwn(currentObject, key)) {
// we have finished iterating this object
objArr.shift(); // remove from stack
currentObject = objArr[0]; // update current object variable
pathArray.pop(); // also remove path added for nested object that we were browsing
pathArray.push(key); // add current key in helper path array
const value = currentObject[key];
if (value == null || typeof value !== 'object') {
// leaf value
result[pathArray.join('.')] = value;
pathArray.pop(); // end of processing of leaf value, remove from helper path
} else {
// object, add to browsing items
keysArr = Object.keys(value).concat(keysArr); // add the keys of the object to be processed
objArr.unshift(value); // since its an object, add it in object stack, since its keys will be picked up next
return result;
one: 1,
middle: { middle: 'a' },
two: 2,
b: [1,2,3],
a: null
one: 1,
'middle.middle': 'a',
two: 2,
'b.0': 1,
'b.1': 2,
'b.2': 3,
a: null
a: [{b: 1}, {c: 2}]
'a.0.b': 1,
'a.1.c': 2
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Could make even better by keeping an object stack of structure:

  obj: object, // the current object in stack entry
  keys: string[], // the keys array of what remains to be visited for the current object,
  prefix: string, // the prefix of the currently browsed object in case it is a deeper than start level

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