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Created July 17, 2011 05:49
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module HDaemon.Server where
import Control.Concurrent
import System.IO
data SStatus = Run | Shutdown | Stop deriving( Eq )
type SHandle = MVar SStatus
start :: String -> IO(SHandle)
start confPath = do
logHandle <- openFile confPath AppendMode
hPutStrLn logHandle "start!"
hFlush logHandle
handle <- newMVar Run
forkIO $ serve handle logHandle
serve :: SHandle -> Handle -> IO()
serve handle logHandle = do
status <- readMVar handle
if status == Run
then do
hPutStrLn logHandle "go!"
hFlush logHandle
threadDelay $ 2 * 1000 * 1000
serve handle logHandle
else do
hPutStrLn logHandle "stop!"
hFlush logHandle
hClose logHandle
modifyMVar_ handle (\_ -> return(Stop))
stop :: SHandle -> IO()
stop handle = do
modifyMVar_ handle (\_ -> return(Shutdown))
wait handle
wait :: SHandle -> IO()
wait handle = do
status <- readMVar handle
if status == Shutdown
then do
threadDelay $ 100 * 1000
wait handle
else do
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