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Created February 21, 2012 04:56
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Monte Carlo method pi calculation in Haskell
import System.Random.Mersenne( getStdGen, randoms )
import Time
data Point = Point { x::Double, y::Double } deriving( Show )
total = 10000000
main = do
testStart <- getClockTime
gen <- getStdGen
rs <- randoms' gen
print $ pi' rs
testEnd <- getClockTime
print $ tdSec' $ diffClockTimes testEnd testStart
tdSec' td = fromIntegral(tdSec td)
+ ( fromIntegral(tdPicosec td) / 1000 / 1000 / 1000 / 1000 )
pi' rs = 4.0 * (fromIntegral count) / (fromIntegral total)
count = length $ filter isInCircle $ points rs
isInCircle pt = sqrt( (x pt)^2 + (y pt)^2 ) < 1
points (x':y':xs) = Point { x=x', y=y' } : points xs
points _ = []
randoms' gen = do
rs <- randoms gen :: IO [Double]
return( take (total*2) rs )
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