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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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non-FRP stop-watch
module StopWatch where
import System.IO
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Concurrent.Timer
import Control.Concurrent.Suspend
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.IORef
main :: IO ()
main = do
timer <- newTimer
stateRef <- newIORef (False, TimeCount 0)
waitCommand timer stateRef
displayHelpMessage :: IO ()
displayHelpMessage = mapM_ putStrLn $
"Commands are:":
" s - start/stop ":
" l - record lap time":
" q - quit the program":
type StateRef = IORef (Bool, TimeCount)
waitCommand :: TimerIO -> StateRef -> IO ()
waitCommand timer stateRef = do
hSetEcho stdin False
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
s <- getChar
case s of
's' -> do
isRunning <- readIsRunning stateRef
if isRunning
then stop timer stateRef
else start timer stateRef
'l' -> lap' timer stateRef
'q' -> return ()
_ -> do
putStrLn $ [s] ++ " - unknown command"
waitCommand timer stateRef
start :: TimerIO -> StateRef -> IO ()
start timer stateRef = do
timeCurr <- getCurrentTime
timeCount <- readTimeCount stateRef
success <- repeatedStart timer (tick' timeCurr timeCount) $ msDelay 10
-- [TODO] check success
writeIsRunning stateRef True
waitCommand timer stateRef
tick' timeStart timeCount = do
timeCurr <- getCurrentTime
let newTimeCount = TimeCount $ (diffUTCTime timeCurr timeStart) + (getDiffTime timeCount)
tick $ newTimeCount
writeTimeCount stateRef $ newTimeCount
stop :: TimerIO -> StateRef -> IO ()
stop timer stateRef = do
stopTimer timer
writeIsRunning stateRef False
waitCommand timer stateRef
lap' :: TimerIO -> StateRef -> IO ()
lap' timer stateRef = do
timeCount <- readTimeCount stateRef
lap timeCount
waitCommand timer stateRef
readIsRunning :: StateRef -> IO Bool
readIsRunning stateRef = do
(isRunning, _) <- readIORef stateRef
return isRunning
readTimeCount :: StateRef -> IO TimeCount
readTimeCount stateRef = do
(_, timeCount) <- readIORef stateRef
return timeCount
writeIsRunning :: StateRef -> Bool -> IO ()
writeIsRunning stateRef isRunning = do
(_, timeCount) <- readIORef stateRef
writeIORef stateRef (isRunning, timeCount)
writeTimeCount :: StateRef -> TimeCount -> IO ()
writeTimeCount stateRef timeCount = do
(isRunning, _) <- readIORef stateRef
writeIORef stateRef (isRunning, timeCount)
tick :: TimeCount -> IO ()
lap :: TimeCount -> IO ()
tick timeCount = (putChar '\r') >> ( putStr $ show $ timeCount )
lap timeCount = (putChar '\n') >> ( putStr $ show $ timeCount )
-- TimeCount for stop-watch counter
newtype TimeCount = TimeCount { getDiffTime::NominalDiffTime }
instance Show TimeCount where
show tc = hour ++ ":" ++ min ++ ":" ++ sec ++ "." ++ ms
dt = getDiffTime tc
hour = show $ truncate (dt / 3600)
min = fixed 2 $ mod ( truncate (dt / 60 ) ) 60
sec = fixed 2 $ mod ( truncate (dt ) ) 60
ms = fixed 3 $ mod ( truncate (dt * 1000) ) 1000
fixed :: Int -> Int -> String
fixed digits num = replicate ( digits - len ) '0' ++ num'
num' = show num
len = length $ num'
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