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Last active December 14, 2015 10:59
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Backbone with handlebar.js
├ Gruntfile.js
├ hbs
│ └ partial.hbs //テンプレート
└ js
├ views
│ └ partial.js //テンプレートをレンダリングするView
├ collections
├ models
├ template.js //テンプレートがプリコンパイルされたJS
├ namespace.js
  └ app.js
module.exports = function(grunt) {
handlebars: {
compile: {
options: {
namespace: "MyApp.Templates",
processName: function(filepath) { // input -> app/hbs/partial.hbs
var pieces = filepath.split("/");
return pieces[pieces.length - 1].replace(/.hbs$/ , ''); //output -> partial
files: {
"app/js/template.js": "app/hbs/*.hbs"
// Load the plugin.
//some tasks...
// Default task(s).
grunt.registerTask('default', ['handlebars']);
var MyApp = {
Views: {},
Collections: {},
Models: {},
Templates: {}
{{#each models}}
<li class="id">{{}}</li>
<li class="name">({{}})</li>
MyApp.Views.partial = Backbone.View.extend({
tmpl: MyApp.Templates.partial,
render: function() {
models: this.collection.toJSON()
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