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Last active December 19, 2015 22:28
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import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
class Tree[L](val label: L, val children: Seq[Tree[L]]) extends Traversable[Tree[L]] {
val numOfChildren = children.length
def this(label: L) = this(label, Seq[Tree[L]]())
override def toString: String = {
if (isTerminal) {
return label.toString
} else {
return "(" + label.toString + " " + children.mkString(" ") + ")"
def foreach[U](f: Tree[L] => U): Unit = {
def terminals: Seq[L] = {
def isTerminal: Boolean = children.isEmpty
def isBinary: Boolean = numOfChildren == 2
def isUnary: Boolean = numOfChildren == 1
def isPreTerminal: Boolean = isUnary && children(0).isTerminal
object Tree extends RegexParsers {
private def labelParser = "[^ ()]+".r
private def terminalParser: Parser[Tree[String]] = labelParser ^^ {
result => { new Tree(result) }
private def posParser = "(" ~> labelParser ~ terminalParser <~ ")" ^^ {
result => { new Tree(result._1, Seq(result._2)) }
private def consParser: Parser[Tree[String]] =
"(" ~> labelParser ~ rep(consParser | posParser) <~ ")" ^^ {
result => { new Tree(result._1, result._2) }
def fromString(expr: String): ParseResult[Tree[String]] = parseAll(consParser, expr)
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