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Created December 23, 2014 10:52
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Save miva2/ab2981fd8f3e5f06a2ce to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Atom files for fixing startup issue -
(function() {
var CoffeeScript, crypto, csonCache, fs, getCachePath, multiplyString, parseContents, parseContentsSync, parseObject, path, stringifyArray, stringifyBoolean, stringifyIndent, stringifyNull, stringifyNumber, stringifyObject, stringifyString, writeCacheFile, writeCacheFileSync, _;
crypto = require('crypto');
path = require('path');
_ = require('underscore-plus');
fs = require('fs-plus');
CoffeeScript = null;
multiplyString = function(string, n) {
return new Array(1 + n).join(string);
stringifyIndent = function(level) {
if (level == null) {
level = 0;
return multiplyString(' ', Math.max(level, 0));
stringifyString = function(string) {
string = JSON.stringify(string);
string = string.slice(1, -1);
string = string.replace(/\\"/g, '"');
string = string.replace(/'/g, '\\\'');
return "'" + string + "'";
stringifyBoolean = function(boolean) {
return "" + boolean;
stringifyNumber = function(number) {
return "" + number;
stringifyNull = function() {
return 'null';
stringifyArray = function(array, indentLevel) {
var cson, indent, value, _i, _len;
if (indentLevel == null) {
indentLevel = 0;
if (array.length === 0) {
return '[]';
cson = '[\n';
for (_i = 0, _len = array.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
value = array[_i];
indent = stringifyIndent(indentLevel + 2);
cson += indent;
if (_.isString(value)) {
cson += stringifyString(value);
} else if (_.isBoolean(value)) {
cson += stringifyBoolean(value);
} else if (_.isNumber(value)) {
cson += stringifyNumber(value);
} else if (_.isNull(value) || value === void 0) {
cson += stringifyNull(value);
} else if (_.isArray(value)) {
cson += stringifyArray(value, indentLevel + 2);
} else if (_.isObject(value)) {
cson += "{\n" + (stringifyObject(value, indentLevel + 4)) + "\n" + indent + "}";
} else {
throw new Error("Unrecognized type for array value: " + value);
cson += '\n';
return "" + cson + (stringifyIndent(indentLevel)) + "]";
stringifyObject = function(object, indentLevel) {
var cson, key, prefix, value;
if (indentLevel == null) {
indentLevel = 0;
if (_.isEmpty(object)) {
return '{}';
cson = '';
prefix = '';
for (key in object) {
value = object[key];
if (value === void 0) {
if (_.isFunction(value)) {
throw new Error("Function specified as value to key: " + key);
cson += "" + prefix + (stringifyIndent(indentLevel)) + (stringifyString(key)) + ":";
if (_.isString(value)) {
cson += " " + (stringifyString(value));
} else if (_.isBoolean(value)) {
cson += " " + (stringifyBoolean(value));
} else if (_.isNumber(value)) {
cson += " " + (stringifyNumber(value));
} else if (_.isNull(value)) {
cson += " " + (stringifyNull(value));
} else if (_.isArray(value)) {
cson += " " + (stringifyArray(value, indentLevel));
} else if (_.isObject(value)) {
if (_.isEmpty(value)) {
cson += ' {}';
} else {
cson += "\n" + (stringifyObject(value, indentLevel + 2));
} else {
throw new Error("Unrecognized value type for key: " + key + " with value: " + value);
prefix = '\n';
return cson;
csonCache = null;
getCachePath = function(cson) {
var digest;
digest = crypto.createHash('sha1').update(cson, 'utf8').digest('hex');
return path.join(csonCache, "" + digest + ".json");
writeCacheFileSync = function(cachePath, object) {
try {
return fs.writeFileSync(cachePath, JSON.stringify(object));
} catch (_error) {}
writeCacheFile = function(cachePath, object) {
return fs.writeFile(cachePath, JSON.stringify(object));
parseObject = function(objectPath, contents) {
if (path.extname(objectPath) === '.cson') {
if (CoffeeScript == null) {
CoffeeScript = require('coffee-script');
return CoffeeScript["eval"](contents, {
bare: true,
sandbox: true
} else {
return JSON.parse(contents);
parseContentsSync = function(objectPath, cachePath, contents) {
var object;
object = parseObject(objectPath, contents);
if (cachePath) {
writeCacheFileSync(cachePath, object);
return object;
parseContents = function(objectPath, cachePath, contents, callback) {
var object, parseError;
try {
object = parseObject(objectPath, contents);
if (cachePath) {
writeCacheFile(cachePath, object);
return typeof callback === "function" ? callback(null, object) : void 0;
} catch (_error) {
parseError = _error;
return typeof callback === "function" ? callback(parseError) : void 0;
module.exports = {
setCacheDir: function(cacheDirectory) {
return csonCache = cacheDirectory;
isObjectPath: function(objectPath) {
var extension;
if (!objectPath) {
return false;
extension = path.extname(objectPath);
return extension === '.cson' || extension === '.json';
resolve: function(objectPath) {
var csonPath, jsonPath;
if (objectPath == null) {
objectPath = '';
if (!objectPath) {
return null;
if (this.isObjectPath(objectPath) && fs.isFileSync(objectPath)) {
return objectPath;
jsonPath = "" + objectPath + ".json";
if (fs.isFileSync(jsonPath)) {
return jsonPath;
csonPath = "" + objectPath + ".cson";
if (fs.isFileSync(csonPath)) {
return csonPath;
return null;
readFileSync: function(objectPath) {
var cachePath, contents;
contents = fs.readFileSync(objectPath, 'utf8');
if (csonCache && path.extname(objectPath) === '.cson') {
cachePath = getCachePath(contents);
if (fs.isFileSync(cachePath)) {
try {
return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(cachePath, 'utf8'));
} catch (_error) {}
return parseContentsSync(objectPath, cachePath, contents);
readFile: function(objectPath, callback) {
return fs.readFile(objectPath, 'utf8', (function(_this) {
return function(error, contents) {
var cachePath;
if (error != null) {
return typeof callback === "function" ? callback(error) : void 0;
} else {
if (csonCache && path.extname(objectPath) === '.cson') {
cachePath = getCachePath(contents);
return fs.stat(cachePath, function(error, stat) {
if (stat != null ? stat.isFile() : void 0) {
return fs.readFile(cachePath, 'utf8', function(error, cached) {
var parsed;
try {
parsed = JSON.parse(cached);
} catch (_error) {
error = _error;
try {
parseContents(objectPath, cachePath, contents, callback);
} catch (_error) {}
return typeof callback === "function" ? callback(null, parsed) : void 0;
} else {
return parseContents(objectPath, cachePath, contents, callback);
} else {
return parseContents(objectPath, null, contents, callback);
writeFile: function(objectPath, object, callback) {
var contents, error;
try {
contents = this.stringifyPath(objectPath, object);
} catch (_error) {
error = _error;
return fs.writeFile(objectPath, "" + contents + "\n", callback);
writeFileSync: function(objectPath, object) {
return fs.writeFileSync(objectPath, "" + (this.stringifyPath(objectPath, object)) + "\n");
stringifyPath: function(objectPath, object) {
if (path.extname(objectPath) === '.cson') {
return this.stringify(object);
} else {
return JSON.stringify(object, void 0, 2);
stringify: function(object) {
if (object === void 0) {
throw new Error("Cannot stringify undefined object");
if (_.isFunction(object)) {
throw new Error("Cannot stringify function: " + object);
if (_.isString(object)) {
return stringifyString(object);
if (_.isBoolean(object)) {
return stringifyBoolean(object);
if (_.isNumber(object)) {
return stringifyNumber(object);
if (_.isNull(object)) {
return stringifyNull(object);
if (_.isArray(object)) {
return stringifyArray(object);
if (_.isObject(object)) {
return stringifyObject(object);
throw new Error("Unrecognized type to stringify: " + object);
window.onload = function() {
try {
var startTime =;
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
// Patch fs.statSyncNoException/fs.lstatSyncNoException to fail for non-strings
var statSyncNoException = fs.statSyncNoException;
var lstatSyncNoException = fs.lstatSyncNoException;
fs.statSyncNoException = function(pathToStat) {
if (pathToStat && typeof pathToStat === 'string')
return statSyncNoException(pathToStat);
return false;
fs.lstatSyncNoException = function(pathToStat) {
if (pathToStat && typeof pathToStat === 'string')
return lstatSyncNoException(pathToStat);
return false;
// Skip "?loadSettings=".
var loadSettings = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(;
// Normalize to make sure drive letter case is consistent on Windows
process.resourcesPath = path.normalize(process.resourcesPath);
var devMode = loadSettings.devMode || !loadSettings.resourcePath.startsWith(process.resourcesPath + path.sep);
// Require before the module cache in dev mode
if (devMode) {
ModuleCache = require('../src/module-cache');
// Start the crash reporter before anything else.
productName: 'Atom',
companyName: 'GitHub',
// By explicitly passing the app version here, we could save the call
// of "require('remote').require('app').getVersion()".
extra: {_version: loadSettings.appVersion}
if (!devMode) {
require('ipc').sendChannel('window-command', 'window:loaded');
if (global.atom) {
global.atom.loadTime = - startTime;
console.log('Window load time: ' + global.atom.getWindowLoadTime() + 'ms');
catch (error) {
var currentWindow = require('remote').getCurrentWindow();
currentWindow.setSize(800, 600);;;
console.error(error.stack || error);
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