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Created February 24, 2015 01:54
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  id      BIGINT  unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  type    TINYINT unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  body    TEXT             NOT NULL,
  is_read TINYINT unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  primary key (id)
insert into sample
  (id, type, body, is_read)
  (null, 1, 'hoge01', 0),
  (null, 1, 'hoge02', 0),
  (null, 1, 'hoge03', 1),
  (null, 1, 'hoge04', 1),
  (null, 2, 'hoge05', 0),
  (null, 2, 'hoge06', 0),
  (null, 2, 'hoge07', 0),
  (null, 3, 'hoge08', 0),
  (null, 3, 'hoge09', 1),
  (null, 3, 'hoge10', 1);
mysql> select * from sample;
| id | type | body   | is_read |
|  1 |    1 | hoge01 |       0 |
|  2 |    1 | hoge02 |       0 |
|  3 |    1 | hoge03 |       1 |
|  4 |    1 | hoge04 |       1 |
|  5 |    2 | hoge05 |       0 |
|  6 |    2 | hoge06 |       0 |
|  7 |    2 | hoge07 |       0 |
|  8 |    3 | hoge08 |       0 |
|  9 |    3 | hoge09 |       1 |
| 10 |    3 | hoge10 |       1 |

このとき typegroup by して group by した中で最新の body を取ってこれるか

mysql> select body, count(case when is_read = 0 then 1 else null end) as unread from sample group by type order by id desc;
| body   | unread |
| hoge08 |      1 |
| hoge05 |      3 |
| hoge01 |      2 |

これだと group by 後に id でソートされてるだけなので期待通りではない

なお、case when とかしててそもそもこんなクエリ投げるのか?って気になっている

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group byしたサブクエリと自己結合したらいいのでは

SELECT * FROM (SELECT max(id) AS id, type FROM sample GROUP BY type) AS s1 JOIN sample s2 USING(id, type);
| id   | type | body   | is_read |
|    4 |    1 | hoge04 |       1 |
|    7 |    2 | hoge07 |       0 |
|   10 |    3 | hoge10 |       1 |

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unreadはちょっとあれだけど is_read が 0 or 1 なら count(*) - sum(is_read) で求められそう?

SELECT * FROM (SELECT max(id) AS id, type, count(*)-sum(is_read) as unread FROM sample GROUP BY type) AS s1 JOIN sample s2 USING(id, type);
| id   | type | unread | body   | is_read |
|    4 |    1 |      2 | hoge04 |       1 |
|    7 |    2 |      3 | hoge07 |       0 |
|   10 |    3 |      1 | hoge10 |       1 |

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