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Last active November 8, 2022 16:58
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This BBEdit script copies a markdown document's selection as HTML to the pasteboard.
This BBEdit script copies a markdown document's selection as HTML to the pasteboard.
In case nothing is selected it copies the whole contents of the document.
Install pandoc from the Terminal:
% brew install pandoc
Create this script (with execute permissions) in :
~/Library/Application\ Support/BBEdit/Scripts/copy_markdown_as_html.applescript
Call the script from:
menu Scripts > copy_markdown_as_html
use AppleScript version "2.8"
use scripting additions
tell application "BBEdit"
tell first window
set vSelection to its selection
tell its first document
if class of vSelection is insertion point then
set vMarkdown to (its contents) as string
else if class of vSelection is character then
set vMarkdown to (vSelection's contents) as string
error ("The script '" & (my name) as string) & "' doesn't handle discontinuous selections."
end if
end tell
set vCommand to ("echo " & (the quoted form of vMarkdown) & "| /opt/homebrew/bin/pandoc -f markdown -t html | pbcopy")
do shell script vCommand
end tell
end tell
on error aMessage number aErrorNumber
if aErrorNumber ≠ -128 then -- Error number -128 (User Cancelled).
display alert aMessage
end if
end try
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