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AppleScript for BBEdit that tries to use the selected text as a path or paths to files to open with the help of the terminal. This script should be compiled as an .scpt script before use.
# Author: Jean Jourdain
# © 2021,
# License: MIT
use AppleScript version "2.7"
use scripting additions
use framework "Foundation"
property NSString : class "NSString"
property NSCharacterSet : class "NSCharacterSet"
A BBEdit selection can be:
1. an insertion point when nothing is selected
- class of selection: insertion point
- length of selection: 0
- get selection: insertion point before character x of text document 1
- (properties of selection) as record: {
container:project window 1 of application "BBEdit"}
2. a characters specifier when user click-dragged a selection.
- class of selection: character
- length of selection: n > 0
- get selection: characters x thru y of text document 1
- (properties of selection) as record: {
container:project window 1 of application "BBEdit"}
3. a list of characters specifiers when user option-click-dragged a selection.
- class of selection: text
- length of selection: error!!!
- get selection: {characters x1 thru y1 of text document 1,
characters x2 thru y2 of text document 1, ...}
- (properties of selection) as record: {
container:project window 1}
on getNormalizedSelection()
tell application "BBEdit"
tell first document of first window
set vSelection to (properties of selection of its window) as record
set vContents to (contents of vSelection) as string
set vLength to (length of vSelection) as integer
set vCharacterOffset to (characterOffset of vSelection) as integer
set vStartLine to (startLine of vSelection) as integer
set vEndLine to (endLine of vSelection) as integer
set vStartColumn to (startColumn of vSelection) as integer
set vEndColumn to (endColumn of vSelection) as integer
set vStartDisplayLine to (startDisplayLine of vSelection) as integer
set vEndDisplayLine to (endDisplayLine of vSelection) as integer
set vContainer to container of vSelection
set vSelectionSpecifier to selection of its window
set vSelectionClass to class of (selection of its window)
if vSelectionClass is insertion point then
set vRunsCount to 0
else if vSelectionClass is character then
set vRunsCount to 1
else if vSelectionClass is text then
set vRunsCount to length of (vSelectionSpecifier as list)
error "Unsupported class of selection: '" & vSelectionClass & "'."
end if
return {contents:vContents, length:vLength, characterOffset:vCharacterOffset, startLine:vStartLine, endLine:vEndLine, startColumn:vStartColumn, endColumn:vEndColumn, startDisplayLine:vStartDisplayLine, endDisplayLine:vEndDisplayLine, container:vContainer, specifier:vSelectionSpecifier, class:vSelectionClass, runsCount:vRunsCount}
end tell
on error aMessage
display dialog aMessage
end try
end tell
end getNormalizedSelection
on runInTerminal(aCommand)
tell application "Terminal"
tell selected tab of first window
set vTab to do script (aCommand) in it
end tell
end tell
end runInTerminal
on trim(aString)
set vString to aString as string
set vNSString to NSString's stringWithString:vString
set vCharacterSet to NSCharacterSet's whitespaceCharacterSet
set vNSString to vNSString's stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:vCharacterSet
return vNSString as string
end trim
on escapePath(aString)
set vString to aString as string
set vNSString to NSString's stringWithString:vString
set vNSString to vNSString's stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:" " withString:"\\ "
return vNSString as string
end escapePath
tell application "BBEdit"
set vSelection to my getNormalizedSelection()
set vRunsCount to runsCount of vSelection
set vCharacterOffset to characterOffset of vSelection
set vStartLine to startLine of vSelection
set vStartColumn to startColumn of vSelection
tell first document of first window
if vRunsCount = 0 then -- Nothing selected.
-- Use any non whitespace text surrounding or preceding the cursor.
set vLine to contents of its line vStartLine
set vLineLength to (length of vLine) as integer
tell AppleScript -- Use AppleScript's text vocabulary to process string.
set vEndColumn to vStartColumn - 1
repeat while ((character vEndColumn of vLine) is not in {space, tab}) and (vStartColumn ≤ vLineLength)
set vEndColumn to vEndColumn + 1
end repeat
set vLineHead to my trim(texts 1 thru vEndColumn of vLine)
set vDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {space, tab}
set vItems to text items of (vLineHead as string)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to vDelimiters
if vItems = {} then
error "Please select a valid path."
end if
set vPath to last item of vItems
set vPaths to {vPath}
end tell
else -- Open each line of the selection separately.
tell AppleScript -- Use AppleScript's text vocabulary to process string.
set vPaths to paragraphs of contents of vSelection
end tell
end if
end tell
end tell
repeat with vPath in vPaths
set vEscapedPath to my escapePath(my trim(vPath))
if vEscapedPath is not "" then
set vCommand to "open " & vEscapedPath
my runInTerminal(vCommand)
end if
end repeat
on error aMessage
display dialog aMessage
end try
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