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Last active July 1, 2016 20:27
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  • Start Date: 2016-06-11
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With the goal of making significant performance improvements and of adding public API to support use cases long-served by a private API, a new API of factoryFor will be added to ApplicationInstance instances.


Ember's dependency injection container has long supported fetching a factory that will be created with any injections present. Using the private API that provided this support would allow an instance of the factory to be created with initial values passed via create. For example:

import Ember from 'ember';
const { Component, getOwner } = Ember;

export default Component.extend(
  init() {
    let Factory = getOwner(this)._lookupFactory('logger:main');
    this.logger = Factory.create({ level: 'low' });

In this API, the Factory is actually a subclass the main logger class. In _lookupFactory, there are minimum two class extend calls:

  • MyClass = Ember.Object.extend(
  • MyFactoryWithInjections = MyClass.extend(
  • MyFactoryWithInjections.create(

The middle extend only serves to implement dependency injection- merging the properties passed to create with the injected ones. The double extend of classes in Ember takes a toll on performance booting an app. This poor design has kept the factory lookup API private.

Additionally the middle extend is a cache, and cleared between tests or application instances. For example:

               |                               |
               |      /app/models/foo.js       |
               |                               |
              first test run   |    nth test run
              |                                |
              v                                v
   +---------------------+          +--------------------+
   |resolve('model:foo') |   ===    |resolve('model:foo')|
   +---------------------+          +--------------------+
              |                                |
              |                                |
              v                                v

     extend(injections)               extend(injections)

              |                                |
              |                                |
              |                                |
              v                                v
+--------------------------+     +---------------------------+
|lookupFactory('model:foo')| !== |lookupFactory('model:foo') |
+--------------------------+     +---------------------------+

However despite these issues being able to instantiate a factory with initial properties is useful for a number of scenarios and is a common practice in a number of important addons.

Many use-cases can be handled with a convention of calling a setup method on object instances after their creation by the container. However this convention would be at odds with common OO patterns (where you use the constructor to setup an instance) and performance best practices (which prefer to see properties defined on an object during its construction).

Detailed design

This feature will be added in three steps.

  1. Introduce ApplicationInstance#factoryFor in Ember 2.8
  2. Deprecate ApplicationInstance#_lookupFactory in Ember 2.8, remove in 2.9
  3. Release a polyfill addon for this feature

Introduce ApplicationInstance#factoryFor in Ember 2.8

A new API will be introduced. This API will return both the original base class resisted (or resolved) by the container, and will also return a function to generate a dependency-injected instance. For example:

import Ember from 'ember';
const { Component, getOwner } = Ember;

export default Component.extend(
  init() {
    let factory = getOwner(this).factoryFor('logger:main');
    this.logger = factory.create({ level: 'low' });

Unlike _lookupFactory, factoryFor will not return an extended class with DI applied. Instead it will return a factory object with two properties:

// factoryFor returns:
let {

  // a function taking an argument of initial properties passed to the object
  // and returning an instance

  // The class registered into (or resolved by) the container

} = owner.factoryFor('type:name');

This API should meet two requirements of the use-cases described in "Motivation":

  • The implementation of create can diverge away from double extend. The class of an object instantiated via _lookupFactory(name).create() and factoryFor(name).create() may not be the same, even given the same factory being registered into the container.
  • The presence of class will make it easy to identify the base class of the factory at runtime.

For example today's _lookupFactory creates an inheritance structure like the following:

       |                               |
       |      /app/models/foo.js       |
       |                               |
            |  Class[model/Foo]  |
       first test run  |   nth test run
           |                      |
           |                      |
           |                      |
           v                      v
+--------------------+ +--------------------+
|     subclass of    | |     subclass of    |
|  Class[model/Foo]  | |  Class[model/Foo]  |
+--------------------+ +--------------------+

This means, between test runs 2 instances of model:foo will have a common shared ancestor the grandparent Class[model/Foo].

We propose is to remove the intermediate subclass and instead have a generic factory object, which holds the injections and allows for injected instances to be created. The resulting object graph would look something like this: (between test runs 2 instance of model:foo will have a shared ancestor (parent) Class[model/Foo].

      |                               |
      |      /app/models/foo.js       |
      |                               |
           |  Class[model/Foo]  |
      first test run  |   nth test run
           |                      |
           |                      |
           |                      |
           v                      v
+--------------------+ +--------------------+
|     Factory of     | |     Factory of     |
|  Class[model/Foo]  | |  Class[model/Foo]  |
+--------------------+ +--------------------+

This results in instance direct parent being shared between test runs. More specially this means any instance state stored on the parent will leak between tests.

Deprecate ApplicationInstance#_lookupFactory in Ember 2.8, remove in 2.9

In 2.8 (an LTS release) _lookupFactory will be deprecated with a message suggesting a migration to the new API. In 2.9 the API will be removed.

Release a polyfill addon for this feature

A polyfill addon, similar to ember-getowner-polyfill will be released for this feature. This polyfill will provide the factoryFor API going back to at least 2.4, provide the API and silence the deprecation in 2.8, and be a no-op in 2.9+ where Ember provides the factoryFor API.

How We Teach This

This feature should be introduced along side lookup in the relevant guide. The return value of factoryFor should be taught as a POJO and not as an extended class.


The main drawback to this solution is the removal of double extend. Double extend is a performance troll, however it also means if a single class is registered multiple times each _lookupFactory returns a unique factory. It is plausible that some use-case relying on this behavior would get trolled in the migration to factoryFor, however it is unlikely.

For example these cases where state is stored on the factory would no longer be viable:


No other designs have been seriously considered.

We have considered the possibility that removing _lookupFactory in 2.9 (something LTS technically permits) would be too aggressive for the community of addons. Providing a polyfill is part of the strategy to handle this change.

However if the removal still proves too difficult, an alternative strategy is possible:

  • Add factoryFor in 2.8
  • Deprecate _lookupFactory in 2.8, remove it in 3.0
  • Introduce a polyfill add for factoryFor valid w/ 2.4-3.0
  • In 2.9, migrate the implementation of _lookupFactory to be based on factoryFor. There may be some slight behavior change, or performance regression when using this API.

Unresolved questions

Are there any use-cases for the double extend not considered?

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