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Δομές συγχρονισμού pthreads (mutexes, condition variables, barriers)

Δομές συγχρονισμού pthreads

Παραδείγματα χρήσης mutex, condition variables, barrier.

  • mutex-example.c - αμοιβαία αποκλειόμενη ενημέρωση σφαιρικού (global) μετρητή

  • cv-example.c - παράδειγμα producer-consumer με buffer ενός στοιχείου

  • barrier-example.c - παράλληλο άθροισμα (parallel sum reduction). Προσοχή: κατάλληλο μόνο για παράδειγμα, όχι για αληθινές εφαρμογές pthreads!

// Barrier usage example.
// Compile with: gcc -O2 -Wall -pthread barrier-example.c -o barrier-example
// IMPORTANT NOTE: borrowed from GPU massively/fine grained parallel world,
// this reduction method is NOT suitable for real apps with pthreads!!!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
// size of array for reduction
#define N 10000
// number of threads - MUST be power of 2
#define THREADS 32
// how many elements a thread will process - NOTE: surrounding ()!
// struct of info passed to each thread
struct thread_params {
int *start; // pointer to start of thread's portion
int *out; // where to write partial sum
int n; // how many consecutive elements to process
int id; // thread's id
// thread syncing barrier
pthread_barrier_t barrier;
// the thread work function
void *thread_func(void *args) {
struct thread_params *tparm;
int *pa,*out;
int i,n,sum,id,stride;
// thread input params
tparm = (struct thread_params *)args;
pa = tparm->start;
n = tparm->n;
out = tparm->out;
id = tparm->id;
// phase 1: each thread reduces its part
sum = 0;
for (i=0;i<n;i++) {
sum += pa[i];
// store partial sum
*out = sum;
printf("Thread %d: partial sum=%d\n",id,sum);
// phase 2: half of threads in each round sum a pair of values
for (stride=1;stride<THREADS;stride*=2) {
// sync on barrier, for all threads
pthread_barrier_wait(&barrier); // after sync, barrier goes to its init() state
if (id%(2*stride)==0) { // half of previous round
// NOTE: this printf will show that all operations with same stride are together thanks to barrier
printf("Thread %d: summing %d + %d (stride is %d)\n",id,*out,*(out+stride),stride);
*out = (*out)+*(out+stride);
// exit and let be joined
int main() {
int *a;
int i,check;
// array of structs to fill and pass to threads on creation
struct thread_params tparm[THREADS];
// table of thread IDs (handles) filled on creation, to be used later on join
pthread_t threads[THREADS];
// partial reduction table - one element per thread
int partial[THREADS];
// initialize barrier - always on all threads
pthread_barrier_init (&barrier, NULL, THREADS);
// allocate vector array
a = (int *)malloc(N*sizeof(int));
if (a==NULL) exit(1);
//initialize vector
for (i=0;i<N;i++) {
a[i]=i+1; // 1...N
// create all threads
check = 0;
for (i=0;i<THREADS;i++) {
// fill params for this thread
tparm[i].start = a+i*BLOCKSIZE;
tparm[i].id = i;
tparm[i].out = &partial[i];
if ((check+BLOCKSIZE)>=N) { // less than blocksize to do...
tparm[i].n = N-check;
else {
tparm[i].n = BLOCKSIZE; // there IS blocksize work to do!
check += BLOCKSIZE;
// create thread with default attrs (attrs=NULL)
if (pthread_create(&threads[i],NULL,thread_func,&tparm[i])!=0) {
printf("Error in thread creation!\n");
// block on join of threads
for (i=0;i<THREADS;i++) {
// check results
if (partial[0]!=((N*(N+1))/2)) {
printf("computation error!\n");
// free vector
return 0;
// Condition variable usage example.
// Compile with: gcc -O2 -Wall -pthread cv-example.c -o cv-example
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#define MESSAGES 20
// global integer buffer
int global_buffer;
// global avail messages count (0 or 1)
int global_availmsg = 0; // empty
// condition variable, signals a put operation (receiver waits on this)
pthread_cond_t msg_in = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
// condition variable, signals a get operation (sender waits on this)
pthread_cond_t msg_out = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
// mutex protecting common resources
pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
// producer thread function
void *producer_thread(void *args) {
int i;
// send a predefined number of messages
for (i=0;i<MESSAGES;i++) {
// lock mutex
while (global_availmsg>0) { // NOTE: we use while instead of if! more than one thread may wake up
pthread_cond_wait(&msg_out,&mutex); // wait until a msg is received - NOTE: mutex MUST be locked here.
// If thread is going to wait, mutex is unlocked automatically.
// When we wake up, mutex will be locked by us again.
// send message
printf("Producer: sending msg %d\n",i);
global_buffer = i;
global_availmsg = 1;
// signal the receiver that something was put in buffer
// unlock mutex
// exit and let be joined
// receiver thread function
void *consumer_thread(void *args) {
int i;
// receive a predefined number of messages
for (i=0;i<MESSAGES;i++) {
// lock mutex
while (global_availmsg<1) { // NOTE: we use while instead of if! more than one thread may wake up
// receive message
printf("Consumer: received msg %d\n",global_buffer);
global_availmsg = 0;
// signal the sender that something was removed from buffer
// unlock mutex
// exit and let be joined
int main() {
pthread_t producer,consumer;
// create threads
// then join threads
// destroy mutex - should be unlocked
// destroy cvs - no process should be waiting on these
return 0;
// Mutex usage example.
// Compile with: gcc -O2 -Wall -pthread mutex-example.c -o mutex-example
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h> // for sleep()
#define THREADS 4
#define COUNT_MAX 20
// struct of info passed to each thread
struct thread_params {
int myid;
// global count variable
int global_count = 0;
// mutex protecting count variable
pthread_mutex_t count_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
// sample thread function
void *thread_func(void *args) {
int myid = ((struct thread_params*)args)->myid;
int done = 0;
while (done==0) {
// lock count mutex
printf("Thread %d: got count %d",myid,global_count);
if (global_count>=COUNT_MAX) {
done = 1;
printf(", terminating.\n");
else {
printf(", incrementing.\n");
// unlock count mutex
// simulate some work
// exit and let be joined
int main() {
int i;
// thread ids (opaque handles) - used for join
pthread_t threadids[THREADS];
// array of structs to fill and pass to threads on creation
struct thread_params tparm[THREADS];
// create threads
for (i=0;i<THREADS;i++) {
tparm[i].myid = i;
// then join threads
for (i=0;i<THREADS;i++) {
// destroy mutex - should be unlocked
return 0;
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