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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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Δυαδική αναζήτηση και ταξινόμηση

Δυαδική αναζήτηση

Σε ταξινομημένη λίστα (


  • Insertion sort (
  • Αναδρομικός quick sort (
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
def binsearch(l,i):
""" search list l for number i,
return position if found, None otherwise """
# initial search limits
start = 0
end = len(l)-1
while end>=start:
mid = (start+end)//2 # middle position in list
print start,mid,end
if i==l[mid]: return mid
if i<l[mid]:
end = mid-1 # use lower half
start = mid+1 # i>l[mid], use upper half
# if here, i not found - return None
# example sorted list
l = [-11,-7,1,3,5,10,10,12,23]
# search for numbers
print binsearch(l,1) # will print 2
print binsearch(l,11) # will print None (not found)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
def insertion_sort(l):
# for all items except 1st, beginning -> end
for i in range(1,len(l)):
j = i
# move selected item to correct position, towards beginning
while j>0 and l[j-1]>l[j]:
l[j-1],l[j] = l[j],l[j-1] # swap l[j] and l[j-1]
j -= 1
print l
# test list
l = [10,3,-7,12,-11,5,10,23,1]
print 'initial',l
print 'final',l
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
def quick_sort(l):
if len(l)<=1: # end of recursion
print '*',l
return l
# split list to lower/higher than 1st element parts
low,p,high = partition(l) # low and high are lists
print low,p,high # p is a single element
# recurse into sublists then combine results
newlist = quick_sort(low)+[p]+quick_sort(high)
print '*',newlist
return newlist
def partition(l):
""" utility function to split list l into
lower/higher than 1st element parts """
p,rest = l[0],l[1:]
low = [x for x in rest if x<=p]
high = [x for x in rest if x>p]
return low,p,high
# test list
l = [2,3,-7,12,-11]
print 'initial',l
nl = quick_sort(l)
print 'final',nl
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