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Created February 22, 2019 06:23
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namespace :speech do
desc "Merge WAV files and encode to FLAC"
task :encode do |t|
wav = "podcast-ep#{ENV['EP']}.wav"
flac = "podcast-ep#{ENV['EP']}.flac"
channels = []
wavs = Dir["#{ENV['HOME']}/Music/GarageBand/Podcast ep#{ENV['EP']}-*.wav"]
wavs.each_with_index do |w, i|
mono = "podcast-ep#{ENV['EP']}-ch#{i+1}.wav"
system 'sox', w, mono, 'remix', '1'
channels << mono
system 'sox', '-M', *channels, wav
channels.each do |file|
File.unlink file
system 'flac', '-0', wav, '-f', '-o', flac
File.unlink wav
desc "Upload FLAC to GCS"
task :upload do |t|
flac = "podcast-ep#{ENV['EP']}.flac"
system 'gsutil', 'cp', flac, 'gs://rebuild-audio/'
system 'gsutil', 'acl', 'ch', '-u', 'AllUsers:R', "gs://rebuild-audio/#{flac}"
desc "Request Search transcribe API and logs the operation ID"
task :request do |t|
flac = "podcast-ep#{ENV['EP']}.flac"
channel = `soxi -c #{flac}`.chomp.to_i
rate = `soxi -r #{flac}`.chomp.to_i
data = api_request(channel: channel, rate: rate)
open('_speech/operations.txt', 'a') do |f|
f.puts "#{ENV['EP']} #{data['name']}"
File.unlink flac
def api_request(channel: 2, rate: 48000)
require 'net/http'
require 'json'
phrases = File.readlines('_words.txt').map(&:chomp)
uri = URI.parse "{ENV['GCLOUD_API_KEY']}"
body = {
config: {
encoding: "FLAC",
sampleRateHertz: rate,
languageCode: "ja-JP",
enableWordTimeOffsets: true,
audioChannelCount: channel,
enableSeparateRecognitionPerChannel: true,
speechContexts: [
{ phrases: phrases }
audio: {
uri: "gs://rebuild-audio/podcast-ep#{ENV['EP']}.flac",
http =, uri.port)
http.use_ssl = true
req = uri.request_uri
req['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
req.body = JSON.dump body
resp = http.request req
warn resp.body
JSON.parse resp.body
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