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Created August 8, 2016 00:43
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const actionCreator = () => ({ type: 'SOME_ACTION' });
const noopReducer = (state, action) => state;
const noopEnhancer = (store) => store;
const noopMiddleware = store => next => action => next(action);
export function createStore(reducer = noopReducer, initialState = undefined, enhancer = noopEnhancer) {
let state = initialState;
let listeners = [];
const dispatch = (action) => {
state = reducer(state, action);
listeners.forEach((f) => f());
return action;
return enhancer({
getState: () => state,
subscribe: (listener) => listeners.push(listener),
unsubscribe: () => listeners = [],
export function applyMiddleware(...middlewares) {
return (store) => {
let dispatch = store.dispatch;
middlewares.forEach((middleware) => {
dispatch = middleware(store)(dispatch);
return Object.assign({}, store, { dispatch });
export function combineReducers(reducers) {
return function (state, action) {
return Object.keys(reducers).reduce((newState, key) => {
const reducer = reducers[key];
return Object.assign({}, newState, {
[key]: reducer(state[key], action)
}, {});
export function bindActionCreators(actionCreators, dispatch) {
return Object.keys(actionCreators).reduce((newActionCreators, key) => {
const actionCreator = actionCreators[key];
return Object.assign({}, newActionCreators, {
[key]: (...args) => {
const action = actionCreator(...args);
}, {});
import assert from 'assert';
import {
createStore, combineReducers, bindActionCreators, applyMiddleware
} from './redux';
describe('redux', () => {
describe('createStore', () => {
const reducer = (state = 0, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'incr':
return state + 1;
case 'decr':
return state - 1;
case 'Incr':
return state + action.n;
case 'Decr':
return state - action.n;
return state;
const logger1 = store => next => action => {
console.log('[1] before', action);
const result = next(action);
console.log('[1] after', store.getState());
return result;
const logger2 = store => next => action => {
console.log('[2] before', action);
const result = next(action);
console.log('[2] after', store.getState());
return result;
it('', () => {
const store = createStore(reducer, 0);
store.subscribe(() => console.log('listener', store.getState()));
store.dispatch({ type: 'incr' });
store.dispatch({ type: 'decr' });
it('', () => {
const store = createStore(reducer, 0, applyMiddleware(logger1, logger2));
store.dispatch({ type: 'Incr', n: 100 });
store.dispatch({ type: 'Decr', n: -50 });
describe('combineReducers', () => {
const incr = (state = 0, action) => state + 1;
const decr = (state = 0, action) => state - 1;
it('', () => {
const reducer = combineReducers({ incr, decr });
const state = reducer({ incr: 0, decr: 1 }, { type: 'noop' });
assert(state.incr === 1);
assert(state.decr === 0);
describe('bindActionCreators', () => {
const seq = (a, b, c) => {
return { type: 'action', a, b, c };
const inv = (a, b, c) => {
return { type: 'action', x: a, y: b, z: c };
const dispatch = (action) => {
it('', () => {
const bounds = bindActionCreators({ seq, inv }, dispatch);
seq(1, 2, 3);
bounds.seq(1, 2, 3);
inv(1, 2, 3);
bounds.inv(1, 2, 3);
export default (store) => {
return (next) => {
return (action) => {
return (
typeof action === 'function' ?
action(store.dispatch, store.getState)
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