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Forked from crowding/unicode_ggplot2.R
Created April 21, 2013 23:07
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#negative numbers for "symbol" will be interpreted as Unicode values.
#But you must use a fint that supprots the symbols you want.
dataset <- chain(1:16, expand.grid(x=., y=.), mutate(shape=seq_along(x)))
print(ggplot(dataset) + aes(x=x, y=y, shape=factor(shape))
+ geom_point()
+ discrete_scale("shape", "manual", name="shape", palette=function(x) -seq(0x25A0L, length=x))
+ theme(legend.position="none")
grid.gedit("geom_point.points", gp=gpar(fontfamily="MS Gothic", fontsize=14))
##or using grobs to skip the first printing
gr <- ggplotGrob(ggplot(dataset) + aes(x=x, y=y, shape=factor(shape))
+ geom_point()
+ discrete_scale("shape", "manual", name="shape", palette=function(x) -seq(0x25A0L, length=x))
+ theme(legend.position="none")
editGtable <- function(gt, idx, ...) {
if (is.character(idx))
idx <- which(gt$layout$name == idx)
gt$grobs[[idx]] <- editGrob(gt$grobs[[idx]], ...)
gr <- editGtable(gr, "panel", "geom_point.points", grep=TRUE, global=TRUE,
gp=gpar(fontfamily="MS Gothic", fontsize=14))
#Realistic example with a custon Unicode character scale. <- chain(expand.grid(x=seq(-1,1,length=12),
mutate(p = (rbinom(length(x), 50,
plogis(x, g/5-0.5, (5+g)/20))
g = factor(g)))
ggp <- ggplot( + aes(x=x, y=p, shape=g) + geom_point()
#custom scale
shape_sequence <- -rev(c(-16, -17, 0x2726L, 0x2605L,
0x2736L, 0x2737L, 0x2739L, 0x273AL))
shape_chooser <- function(n) {
shape_sequence[seq(floor(length(shape_sequence)-n)/2+1, length=n)]
custom_shape_scale <-
discrete_scale("shape", "manual",
palette=shape_chooser, labels=prettyprint)
#edit to set the point font.
gr <- ggplotGrob(ggp + custom_shape_scale)
font <- gpar(fontfamily="MS Gothic", fontsize=14)
gr <- editGtable(gr, "panel", "geom_point\\.points",
grep=TRUE, global=TRUE, gp=font)
#edit the legend to display the font. I give up. This is impossible, or
#at least very hard when gtable does not implkement gTree or gedit
keys <- grid.get("", grep=TRUE)$grobs[[1]]$grobs
lapply(keys, function(x) {
if ("points" %in% class(x))
x <- editGrob(x, gp=font)
}) -> keys
#and then how to stuff them back in???
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