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Created June 25, 2010 09:43
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1次元FDTD Erlang Parallel版
%%% File: Fdtd.erl
%%% Description: FDTD 1-Dimentional Code
%% Physical Constant
-record(physics, {pi, light, permittivity, permeability}).
%% Analysis Area Info
-record(area, {px, nx, dx}).
%% Time Info.
-record(time, {cfl, stop_time, dt, last_step}).
calc_const() ->
PI = 3.14159,
LIGHT = 2.99792458e8,
PERMITTIVITY = 8.85418782e-12,
PERMEABILITY = 4.0 * PI * 1.0e-7,
Physics = #physics{pi = PI, light = LIGHT,
permittivity = PERMITTIVITY,
permeability = PERMEABILITY},
PX = 1.0,
NX = 1000,
DX = PX / NX,
Area = #area{px = PX, nx = NX, dx = DX},
CFL = 0.5,
STOP_TIME = 30.0e-9,
DT = CFL / (LIGHT * (1.0 / DX)),
LAST_STEP = erlang:trunc(STOP_TIME / DT),
Time = #time{cfl = CFL, stop_time = STOP_TIME, dt = DT, last_step = LAST_STEP},
{Physics, Area, Time}.
print_analysis_info({_, Area, Time}) ->
io:format("Area X: ~f [m]~n", [Area#area.px]),
io:format("Grid X: ~B~n", [Area#area.nx]),
io:format("Delta X: ~f [m]~n", [Area#area.dx]),
io:format("CFL : ~f\n", [Time#time.cfl]),
io:format("dt : ~e [sec]~n", [Time#time.dt]),
io:format("Step : ~B~n", [Time#time.last_step]).
create_list(N) ->
[0.0 || _X <- lists:seq(1, N)].
set_soft_source(0, [H | T], Value) ->
[H + Value | T];
set_soft_source(Index, [H | T], Value) ->
[H | set_soft_source(Index - 1, T, Value)].
calc_stimulus(Step, Dt) ->
Tc = 10.0e-9,
Pw = 0.1e-9,
T_current = (erlang:float(Step) - 0.5) * Dt,
T_eff = (T_current - Tc) / Pw,
1.0 * math:exp(-1.0 * (T_eff * T_eff)).
create_diff_list(L) ->
[_ | T] = L,
[_ | T1] = lists:reverse(L),
NewL = lists:reverse(T1),
[X - Y || {X, Y} <- lists:zip(T, NewL)].
cut_both_end_element([_|T]) ->
[_ | T1] = lists:reverse(T),
calc_ey(Const, Ey, Hz) ->
Diff_Hz = create_diff_list(Hz),
Cut_Ey = cut_both_end_element(Ey),
[send_calc_ey_message({E, DH}, Const) || {E, DH} <- lists:zip(Cut_Ey, Diff_Hz)].
send_calc_ey_message(EH, Const) ->
Pid = spawn(fdtd, calc_ey_main, []),
Pid ! {self(), {EH, Const}},
{Pid, Msg} -> Msg
calc_ey_main() ->
{From, {{E, DH}, {Eps, Dt, Dx}}} ->
From ! {self(), E - Dt / (Eps * Dx) * DH}
calc_hz(Const, Hz, Ey) ->
Diff_Ey = create_diff_list(Ey),
[send_calc_hz_message({H, DE}, Const) || {H, DE} <- lists:zip(Hz, Diff_Ey)].
send_calc_hz_message(EH, Const) ->
Pid = spawn(fdtd, calc_hz_main, []),
Pid ! {self(), {EH, Const}},
{Pid, Msg} -> Msg
calc_hz_main() ->
{From, {{H, DE}, {Mu, Dt, Dx}}} ->
From ! {self(), H - Dt / (Mu * Dx) * DE}
ey_boundary({Light, Dt, Dx}, {Ey_at_1, Ey_at_N1}, Hist_Ey) ->
C = Light * Dt,
[Hist_Ey_0, Hist_Ey_1, Hist_Ey_2, Hist_Ey_3] = Hist_Ey,
Ey_0 = Hist_Ey_1 + (C - Dx) / (C + Dx) * (Ey_at_1 - Hist_Ey_0),
Ey_N = Hist_Ey_2 + (C - Dx) / (C + Dx) * (Ey_at_N1 - Hist_Ey_3),
{Ey_0, Ey_N}.
calc(Const, EH_Field, Step) ->
{Physics, Area, Time} = Const,
{Ey, Hz, Hist_Ey} = EH_Field,
Stimulus = calc_stimulus(Step, Time#time.dt),
Hz1 = set_soft_source(500, Hz, Stimulus * Time#time.dt),
Ey1 = calc_ey({Physics#physics.permittivity, Time#time.dt, Area#area.dx}, Ey, Hz1),
{Ey_at_0, Ey_at_N} = ey_boundary({Physics#physics.light, Time#time.dt, Area#area.dx},
{lists:nth(1, Ey1), lists:last(Ey1)}, Hist_Ey),
Ey2 = [Ey_at_0] ++ Ey1 ++ [Ey_at_N],
Hist_Ey1 = [lists:nth(1, Ey2), lists:nth(2, Ey2),
lists:nth(length(Ey2) - 1, Ey2), lists:nth(length(Ey2), Ey2)],
Hz2 = calc_hz({Physics#physics.permeability, Time#time.dt, Area#area.dx}, Hz1, Ey2),
{Ey2, Hz2, Hist_Ey1, Stimulus}.
print_point(Fd, Time, Stim, V1, V2) ->
io:fwrite(Fd, "~g, ~g, ~g, ~g~n", [Time, Stim, V1, V2]).
print_line(Fd, Step, Hz) ->
io:fwrite(Fd, "# Step = ~B~n", [Step]),
[io:fwrite(Fd, "~B, ~g~n", [I, Data]) ||
{I, Data} <- lists:zip(lists:seq(0, length(Hz)-1), Hz)],
io:fwrite(Fd, "~n",[]).
fdtd_loop(Const, EH_Field, Step, {Fd1, Fd2}) ->
{_, _, Time} = Const,
Last_Step = Time#time.last_step,
_ = if Step rem 500 == 0 -> io:format("Step: ~B~n", [Step]); true -> 0 end,
case Step of
Last_Step -> file:sync(Fd1), file:close(Fd1),
file:sync(Fd2), file:close(Fd2);
_ -> {Ey, Hz, Hist_Ey, Stimulus} = calc(Const, EH_Field, Step),
print_point(Fd1, Step * Time#time.dt, Stimulus,
lists:nth(500, Hz), lists:nth(900, Hz)),
_ = if Step rem 100 == 0 -> print_line(Fd2, Step, Hz); true -> 0 end,
fdtd_loop(Const, {Ey, Hz, Hist_Ey}, Step+1, {Fd1, Fd2})
calc_fdtd(Const) ->
{_, Area, _} = Const,
Ey = create_list(Area#area.nx + 1),
Hz = create_list(Area#area.nx),
Hist_Ey = create_list(4),
{ok, Fd1} = file:open("fdtd_erlang_point.csv", [write]),
{ok, Fd2} = file:open("fdtd_erlang_line.csv", [write]),
fdtd_loop(Const, {Ey, Hz, Hist_Ey}, 0, {Fd1, Fd2}).
main() ->
Const = calc_const(),
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