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M. Jackson Wilkinson mjacksonw

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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am mjacksonw on github.
  • I am mjacksonw ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 194D B494 3692 8FB7 6740 1BC6 1232 A053 8C35 EFE3

To claim this, I am signing this object:

mjacksonw / gist:0888709df522ec05fc32
Created November 13, 2014 17:56
Find out if a point is inside a geographic area
colorado = [(37.0, -102.03),
(37.0, -109.03),
(41.0, -109.03),
(41.0, -102.03)]
denver = (39.44, -104.59)
cheyenne = (41.14, -104.80)
def poly_contains_point(poly, point):
mjacksonw /
Last active August 20, 2020 17:41
Home WiFi tips

Making Home WiFi better

So your WiFi at home isn't great?

First, make sure that you're getting a good connection when you're near the router. The easiest way is to get close to it with a computer or phone you find to be "fast enough" and go to in a web browser. You'll want to make sure the result you get is reasonably close (within 10-15 percent) to the promised speed of your connection from Comcast or whomever. That will make sure you don't have to replace the router anyway – you might expect a router to last 5-6 years, give or take. It'll still work after that, but it probably won't keep up with the speed increases of your internet connection.

If you aren't getting the speed you expect, you should probably get a new router. That may not solve your coverage problem, but if you're not happy with speeds close to the router, you won't be happy when you're far away from it.

Okay, so once you're happy with your performance near the router (or know you need a new one), there are a couple

mjacksonw /
Last active March 24, 2022 13:58
Home Electrification Tips

Home Electrification at a Glance

There are a lot of reasons why you might want to move your home toward being fully electric, whether it's principles – your home's carbon footprint, dependence on foreign oil – or practical, like rising fuel costs or solar financial incentives. In any case, most of our houses weren't built to take full advantage of modern, efficient electrical systems, so it's worth doing some homework and planning. This is a quick primer on the core concepts so you know where to focus.


If you move to use electricity for everything in your home, you'll be using more electricity than you likely have in the past, so driving the cost of that electricity as low as possible is usually a great move. Here in Massachusetts, we have very high electricity rates, and there are currently some pretty decent incentives for solar installation, so putting solar on your roof can be a critical way to make this all sustainable.

Solar power systems cost a fair bit to install, but cost approximately

mjacksonw /
Last active September 27, 2022 17:14
Alumni Council Career Initiative Concepts

Departmental Alumni Liaisons (Sherpas)


There are 23,000 Bowdoin alumni, many of whom are very willing to support Bowdoin students. But it can be daunting for a student to identify the right alums to connect with, and when they attempt to do so, they may not successfully connect due to a wide variety of reasons beyond their control. As a result, the network is less powerful than they might have hoped, and their outcomes may be affected.


  • Increase the connection success rate between students and relevant alumni.
  • Increase the occurrence and quality of alumni mentorship of students.