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module ActiveRecord
module ConnectionAdapters
class ConnectionPool
class Queue
# Waits on the queue up to +timeout+ seconds, then removes and
# returns the head of the queue.
def wait_poll(timeout)
@num_waiting += 1
module ActiveRecord
module ConnectionAdapters
class ConnectionPool
class Queue
# Waits on the queue up to +timeout+ seconds, then removes and
# returns the head of the queue.
# def wait_poll(timeout)
# @num_waiting += 1


  • Test Driven Development
  • Test First
  • Red - Green Refactoring


  • Melhor Design
  • Modular
namespace NurseTests;
use PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase;
use Nurse\Container;
use Nurse\Di;
class ContainerTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
'host' => 'localhost',
'user' => 'postgres',
'password' => 'postgres',
'dbname' => 'sg_test',
'port' => '5432',
'schema' => 'public',
" Bundle "altercation/vim-colors-solarized"
" Bundle "chriskempson/base16-vim"
" Bundle "tsaleh/vim-matchit"
" TODO: Find out what it does
Bundle "vim-ruby/vim-ruby"
Bundle "kchmck/vim-coffee-script"
Bundle "jiangmiao/auto-pairs"
Bundle "tpope/vim-surround"
Bundle "tomtom/tcomment_vim"
  • TDD
    • PHPUnit
    • Calculator
    • Dependency Injection
    • Fixing bug
    • Mocking
    • Database Test
  • Continuous Integration
  • Continuous Delivery
  • Pair Programming

Algumas citações e aplicações das escrituras hebraicas feitas por escritores das escrituras gregas

Gên. 1:3 Deus ordena que a luz brilhe 2 Cor. 4:6

Gên. 1:26,27 O homem foi feito à semelhança Tia. 3:9; de Deus, macho e fêmea Mar. 10:6

  • Composer
  • Autoloaders
  • TDD
    • Introduction
      • Why
      • How
    • PHPUnit
    • Calculator
      • Requirements
  • php
✓ transfers option from source to destination
X re-renders the compoment
Expected 2 to equal 1. (1)
Expected 1 to equal 2. (2)
Summary (1 tests failed)