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Last active October 19, 2015 18:30
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Mutual module dependencies in OCaml
One-time initialization.
Useful to create mutual dependencies between modules.
(* Module A *)
let init_foo, foo = create "foo"
let f () =
foo x y (* <-- must take place after initialization *)
(* Module B
Function foo is initialized in this module.
let foo x y =
let () = A.init_foo foo (* <-- initialization *)
let uninitialized = Hashtbl.create 10
let create_id =
let n = ref 0 in
fun () ->
let id = !n in
assert (id >= 0);
incr n;
let create name =
let r = ref None in
let id = create_id () in
Hashtbl.add uninitialized id name;
let init f =
match !r with
| None ->
Hashtbl.remove uninitialized id;
r := Some f
| Some _ ->
failwith (name ^ " was already initialized")
let call x =
match !r with
| None ->
failwith ("Uninitialized function " ^ name)
| Some f ->
f x
init, call
Return the list of uninitialized functions, sorted by creation date.
let get_all_uninitialized () =
let l =
Hashtbl.fold (fun id name acc -> (id, name) :: acc) uninitialized []
let sorted = List.sort (fun (a, _) (b, _) -> compare a b) l in snd sorted
Print an error and exit the process if anything is uninitialized.
let check_all () =
match get_all_uninitialized () with
| [] -> ()
| l ->
"The following functions were not initialized: %s\n%!"
(String.concat ", " l);
exit 1
let test_late_initialization () =
let n0 = List.length (get_all_uninitialized ()) in
let init_foo, foo = create "foo" in
assert (List.length (get_all_uninitialized ()) = n0 + 1);
ignore (foo 1 2);
assert false
with _ -> ());
let real_foo x y = x + y in
init_foo real_foo;
assert (List.length (get_all_uninitialized ()) = n0);
init_foo real_foo;
assert false
with _ -> ());
assert (foo 3 4 = 7);
let tests = [
"late initialization", test_late_initialization;
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