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Last active July 22, 2021 09:21
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Save mjambon/95cfc818b7d2cb93fe5212495c3ab885 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. safe reimplementation benchmark
Evaluate the performance of a stack-safe implementation of
Run with:
ocamlopt -o list_map unix.cmxa
open Printf
This is safe and simple but a little slow.
let naive_safe_map f l =
List.rev_map f l |> List.rev
Custom list type used to store intermediate lists, while minimizing
the number of allocated blocks.
type 'a list5 =
| Elt of 'a * 'a list5
| Tuple of 'a * 'a * 'a * 'a * 'a * 'a list5
| Empty
let rev5 l =
let rec aux acc l =
match l with
| Tuple (e, d, c, b, a, l) ->
(* common case *)
aux (a :: b :: c :: d :: e :: acc) l
| Elt (a, l) ->
aux (a :: acc) l
| Empty -> acc
aux [] l
let rec slow_map acc f l =
match l with
| [] -> rev5 acc
| [a] -> rev5 (Elt (f a, acc))
| [a; b] ->
let a = f a in
let b = f b in
rev5 (Elt (b, Elt (a, acc)))
| [a; b; c] ->
let a = f a in
let b = f b in
let c = f c in
rev5 (Elt (c, (Elt (b, (Elt (a, acc))))))
| [a; b; c; d] ->
let a = f a in
let b = f b in
let c = f c in
let d = f d in
rev5 (Elt (d, (Elt (c, (Elt (b, (Elt (a, acc))))))))
| [a; b; c; d; e] ->
let a = f a in
let b = f b in
let c = f c in
let d = f d in
let e = f e in
rev5 (Elt (e, (Elt (d, (Elt (c, (Elt (b, (Elt (a, acc))))))))))
| a :: b :: c :: d :: e :: l ->
let a = f a in
let b = f b in
let c = f c in
let d = f d in
let e = f e in
slow_map (Tuple (e, d, c, b, a, acc)) f l
let rec fast_map rec_calls_remaining f l =
if rec_calls_remaining <= 0 then
slow_map Empty f l
match l with
| [] -> []
| [a] -> [f a]
| [a; b] ->
let a = f a in
let b = f b in
[a; b]
| [a; b; c] ->
let a = f a in
let b = f b in
let c = f c in
[a; b; c]
| [a; b; c; d] ->
let a = f a in
let b = f b in
let c = f c in
let d = f d in
[a; b; c; d]
| [a; b; c; d; e] ->
let a = f a in
let b = f b in
let c = f c in
let d = f d in
let e = f e in
[a; b; c; d; e]
| a :: b :: c :: d :: e :: l ->
let a = f a in
let b = f b in
let c = f c in
let d = f d in
let e = f e in
a :: b :: c :: d :: e :: fast_map (rec_calls_remaining - 1) f l
This implementation of makes at most 1000 non-tailrec calls
before switching to a slower tailrec implementation.
Additionally, this implementation guarantees left-to-right evaluation.
let map f l = fast_map 1000 f l
let time name f =
let t1 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
let res = f () in
let t2 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
printf "%s: %.6f s\n%!" name (t2 -. t1);
let repeat n f =
let res = f () in
for i = 2 to n do
ignore (f ())
let benchmark name repeats input_list =
let conv = (fun i -> i + 1) in
let res1 =
time (name ^ ":") (fun () ->
repeat repeats (fun () -> conv input_list
let res2 =
time (name ^ ": naive_safe_map") (fun () ->
repeat repeats (fun () ->
naive_safe_map conv input_list
let res3 =
time (name ^ ": map") (fun () ->
repeat repeats (fun () ->
map conv input_list
assert (res1 = res2);
assert (res1 = res3)
let main () =
let params = [
3, 20_000_000;
7, 20_000_000;
50, 1_000_000;
200, 300_000;
100_000, 100;
] in
List.iter (fun (len, repeats) ->
let name = sprintf "list length = %i" len in
let input_list = List.init len (fun i -> i) in
benchmark name repeats input_list
) params
let () = main ()
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mjambon commented Jul 22, 2021

I'm getting the following output on my ThinkPad X230 laptop from 2012 (Linux, OCaml 4.12.0):

$ ocamlopt -o list_map unix.cmxa
$ ./list_map 
list length = 3: 0.322549 s
list length = 3: naive_safe_map: 0.485613 s
list length = 3: map: 0.247385 s
list length = 7: 0.685924 s
list length = 7: naive_safe_map: 1.058013 s
list length = 7: map: 0.585671 s
list length = 50: 0.309302 s
list length = 50: naive_safe_map: 0.373589 s
list length = 50: map: 0.270117 s
list length = 200: 0.379743 s
list length = 200: naive_safe_map: 0.455728 s
list length = 200: map: 0.316424 s
list length = 100000: 0.504903 s
list length = 100000: naive_safe_map: 0.871074 s
list length = 100000: map: 0.627320 s

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mjambon commented Jul 22, 2021

After using the new list5 type, we're now on par with on long lists:

$ ./list_map 
list length = 3: 0.292065 s
list length = 3: naive_safe_map: 0.459043 s
list length = 3: map: 0.243851 s
list length = 7: 0.649925 s
list length = 7: naive_safe_map: 0.988005 s
list length = 7: map: 0.556708 s
list length = 50: 0.296962 s
list length = 50: naive_safe_map: 0.358862 s
list length = 50: map: 0.243346 s
list length = 200: 0.367281 s
list length = 200: naive_safe_map: 0.443374 s
list length = 200: map: 0.302606 s
list length = 100000: 0.488284 s
list length = 100000: naive_safe_map: 0.823002 s
list length = 100000: map: 0.489988 s

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