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Created July 13, 2020 17:25
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Typescript CST definition with nested alternatives
(* Generated by ocaml-tree-sitter. *)
typescript grammar
entrypoint: program
open! Sexplib.Conv
open Tree_sitter_run
type jsx_text = Token.t (* pattern [^{}<>]+ *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type meta_property = (
Token.t (* "new" *) * Token.t (* "." *) * Token.t (* "target" *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type predefined_type = [
`Pred_type_any of Token.t (* "any" *)
| `Pred_type_num of Token.t (* "number" *)
| `Pred_type_bool of Token.t (* "boolean" *)
| `Pred_type_str of Token.t (* "string" *)
| `Pred_type_symb of Token.t (* "symbol" *)
| `Pred_type_void of Token.t (* "void" *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type template_chars = Token.t
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type regex_pattern = Token.t
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type escape_sequence = Token.t
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type number = Token.t
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type hash_bang_line = Token.t (* pattern #!.* *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type automatic_semicolon = Token.t
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type identifier = Token.t
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type import = Token.t
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type regex_flags = Token.t (* pattern [a-z]+ *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type accessibility_modifier = [
`Publ of Token.t (* "public" *)
| `Priv of Token.t (* "private" *)
| `Prot of Token.t (* "protected" *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type jsx_identifier =
Token.t (* pattern [a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z\d_$]*-[a-zA-Z\d_$\-]* *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type string_ = [
`Str_DQUOT_rep_choice_blank_DQUOT of (
Token.t (* "\"" *)
* [ `Blank of unit (* blank *) | `Esc_seq of escape_sequence (*tok*) ]
list (* zero or more *)
* Token.t (* "\"" *)
| `Str_SQUOT_rep_choice_blank_SQUOT of (
Token.t (* "'" *)
* [ `Blank of unit (* blank *) | `Esc_seq of escape_sequence (*tok*) ]
list (* zero or more *)
* Token.t (* "'" *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type debugger_statement = (
Token.t (* "debugger" *)
* [
`Auto_semi of automatic_semicolon (*tok*)
| `SEMI of Token.t (* ";" *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type continue_statement = (
Token.t (* "continue" *)
* identifier (*tok*) option
* [
`Auto_semi of automatic_semicolon (*tok*)
| `SEMI of Token.t (* ";" *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type nested_identifier = (
[ `Id of identifier (*tok*) | `Nest_id of nested_identifier ]
* Token.t (* "." *)
* identifier (*tok*)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type import_export_specifier = (
`Type_599dcce of Token.t (* "type" *)
| `Type_ac95254 of Token.t (* "typeof" *)
* identifier (*tok*)
* (Token.t (* "as" *) * identifier (*tok*)) option
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type namespace_import = (
Token.t (* "*" *) * Token.t (* "as" *) * identifier (*tok*)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type break_statement = (
Token.t (* "break" *)
* identifier (*tok*) option
* [
`Auto_semi of automatic_semicolon (*tok*)
| `SEMI of Token.t (* ";" *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type decorator_member_expression = (
`Choice_id of [
`Id of identifier (*tok*)
| `Choice_decl of [
`Decl of Token.t (* "declare" *)
| `Name of Token.t (* "namespace" *)
| `Type of Token.t (* "type" *)
| `Publ of Token.t (* "public" *)
| `Priv of Token.t (* "private" *)
| `Prot of Token.t (* "protected" *)
| `Read of Token.t (* "readonly" *)
| `Modu of Token.t (* "module" *)
| `Any of Token.t (* "any" *)
| `Num of Token.t (* "number" *)
| `Bool of Token.t (* "boolean" *)
| `Str of Token.t (* "string" *)
| `Symb of Token.t (* "symbol" *)
| `Void of Token.t (* "void" *)
| `Expo of Token.t (* "export" *)
| `Choice_get of [
`Get of Token.t (* "get" *)
| `Set of Token.t (* "set" *)
| `Async of Token.t (* "async" *)
| `Stat of Token.t (* "static" *)
| `Deco_memb_exp of decorator_member_expression
* Token.t (* "." *)
* identifier (*tok*)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type regex = (
Token.t (* "/" *)
* regex_pattern (*tok*)
* Token.t (* "/" *)
* regex_flags (*tok*) option
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type jsx_namespace_name = (
[ `Jsx_id of jsx_identifier (*tok*) | `Id of identifier (*tok*) ]
* Token.t (* ":" *)
* [ `Jsx_id of jsx_identifier (*tok*) | `Id of identifier (*tok*) ]
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type import_require_clause = (
identifier (*tok*) * Token.t (* "=" *) * Token.t (* "require" *)
* Token.t (* "(" *) * string_ * Token.t (* ")" *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type from_clause = (Token.t (* "from" *) * string_)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type literal_type = [
`Lit_type_num_ of (
[ `DASH of Token.t (* "-" *) | `PLUS of Token.t (* "+" *) ]
* number (*tok*)
| `Lit_type_num of number (*tok*)
| `Lit_type_str of string_
| `Lit_type_true of Token.t (* "true" *)
| `Lit_type_false of Token.t (* "false" *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type nested_type_identifier = (
[ `Id of identifier (*tok*) | `Nest_id of nested_identifier ]
* Token.t (* "." *)
* identifier (*tok*)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type export_clause = (
Token.t (* "{" *)
* (
* (Token.t (* "," *) * import_export_specifier) list (* zero or more *)
* Token.t (* "," *) option
* Token.t (* "}" *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type named_imports = (
Token.t (* "{" *)
* (
* (Token.t (* "," *) * import_export_specifier) list (* zero or more *)
* Token.t (* "," *) option
* Token.t (* "}" *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type jsx_closing_element = (
Token.t (* "<" *)
* Token.t (* "/" *)
* [
`Choice_jsx_id of [
`Jsx_id of jsx_identifier (*tok*)
| `Id of identifier (*tok*)
| `Nest_id of nested_identifier
| `Jsx_name_name of jsx_namespace_name
* Token.t (* ">" *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type import_clause = [
`Impo_clau_name_impo of namespace_import
| `Impo_clau_named_impors of named_imports
| `Impo_clau_id_opt_COMMA_choice_name_impo of (
identifier (*tok*)
* (
Token.t (* "," *)
* [
`Name_impo of namespace_import
| `Named_impors of named_imports
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type import_statement = (
Token.t (* "import" *)
* [
`Type_599dcce of Token.t (* "type" *)
| `Type_ac95254 of Token.t (* "typeof" *)
* [
`Impo_clau_from_clau of (import_clause * from_clause)
| `Impo_requ_clau of import_require_clause
| `Str of string_
* [
`Auto_semi of automatic_semicolon (*tok*)
| `SEMI of Token.t (* ";" *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type export_statement = [
`Choice_expo_choice_STAR_from_clau_choice_auto_semi of [
`Expo_choice_STAR_from_clau_choice_auto_semi of (
Token.t (* "export" *)
* [
`STAR_from_clau_choice_auto_semi of (
Token.t (* "*" *)
* from_clause
* [
`Auto_semi of automatic_semicolon (*tok*)
| `SEMI of Token.t (* ";" *)
| `Expo_clau_from_clau_choice_auto_semi of (
* from_clause
* [
`Auto_semi of automatic_semicolon (*tok*)
| `SEMI of Token.t (* ";" *)
| `Expo_clau_choice_auto_semi of (
* [
`Auto_semi of automatic_semicolon (*tok*)
| `SEMI of Token.t (* ";" *)
| `Rep_deco_expo_choice_decl of (
decorator list (* zero or more *)
* Token.t (* "export" *)
* [
`Decl of declaration
| `Defa_exp_choice_auto_semi of (
Token.t (* "default" *)
* expression
* [
`Auto_semi of automatic_semicolon (*tok*)
| `SEMI of Token.t (* ";" *)
| `Expo_EQ_id_choice_auto_semi of (
Token.t (* "export" *)
* Token.t (* "=" *)
* identifier (*tok*)
* [
`Auto_semi of automatic_semicolon (*tok*)
| `SEMI of Token.t (* ";" *)
| `Expo_as_name_id_choice_auto_semi of (
Token.t (* "export" *)
* Token.t (* "as" *)
* Token.t (* "namespace" *)
* identifier (*tok*)
* [
`Auto_semi of automatic_semicolon (*tok*)
| `SEMI of Token.t (* ";" *)
and declaration = [
`Decl_choice_func_decl of [
`Func_decl of function_declaration
| `Gene_func_decl of generator_function_declaration
| `Class_decl of class_declaration
| `Lexi_decl of lexical_declaration
| `Var_decl of variable_declaration
| `Decl_func_sign of (
Token.t (* "async" *) option
* Token.t (* "function" *)
* identifier (*tok*)
* call_signature
* [
`Auto_semi of automatic_semicolon (*tok*)
| `SEMI of Token.t (* ";" *)
| `Decl_abst_class_decl of (
Token.t (* "abstract" *)
* Token.t (* "class" *)
* identifier (*tok*)
* type_parameters option
* class_heritage option
* class_body
| `Decl_modu of (Token.t (* "module" *) * module__)
| `Decl_inte_modu of internal_module
| `Decl_type_alias_decl of (
Token.t (* "type" *)
* identifier (*tok*)
* type_parameters option
* Token.t (* "=" *)
* type_
* [
`Auto_semi of automatic_semicolon (*tok*)
| `SEMI of Token.t (* ";" *)
| `Decl_enum_decl of (
Token.t (* "const" *) option
* Token.t (* "enum" *)
* identifier (*tok*)
* enum_body
| `Decl_inte_decl of (
Token.t (* "interface" *)
* identifier (*tok*)
* type_parameters option
* extends_clause option
* object_type
| `Decl_impo_alias of (
Token.t (* "import" *)
* identifier (*tok*)
* Token.t (* "=" *)
* [ `Id of identifier (*tok*) | `Nest_id of nested_identifier ]
* [
`Auto_semi of automatic_semicolon (*tok*)
| `SEMI of Token.t (* ";" *)
| `Decl_ambi_decl of (
Token.t (* "declare" *)
* [
`Decl of declaration
| `Glob_stmt_blk of (Token.t (* "global" *) * statement_block)
| `Modu_DOT_id_COLON_type of (
Token.t (* "module" *) * Token.t (* "." *)
* identifier (*tok*) * Token.t (* ":" *) * type_
and expression_statement = (
[ `Exp of expression | `Seq_exp of sequence_expression ]
* [
`Auto_semi of automatic_semicolon (*tok*)
| `SEMI of Token.t (* ";" *)
and variable_declaration = (
Token.t (* "var" *)
* variable_declarator
* (Token.t (* "," *) * variable_declarator) list (* zero or more *)
* [
`Auto_semi of automatic_semicolon (*tok*)
| `SEMI of Token.t (* ";" *)
and lexical_declaration = (
[ `Let of Token.t (* "let" *) | `Const of Token.t (* "const" *) ]
* variable_declarator
* (Token.t (* "," *) * variable_declarator) list (* zero or more *)
* [
`Auto_semi of automatic_semicolon (*tok*)
| `SEMI of Token.t (* ";" *)
and variable_declarator = (
`Id of identifier (*tok*)
| `Choice_obj of [ `Obj of object_ | `Array of array_ ]
* type_annotation option
* initializer_ option
and statement_block = (
Token.t (* "{" *)
* [
`Expo_stmt of export_statement
| `Impo_stmt of import_statement
| `Debu_stmt of debugger_statement
| `Exp_stmt of expression_statement
| `Decl of declaration
| `Stmt_blk of statement_block
| `If_stmt of if_statement
| `Swit_stmt of switch_statement
| `For_stmt of for_statement
| `For_in_stmt of for_in_statement
| `While_stmt of while_statement
| `Do_stmt of do_statement
| `Try_stmt of try_statement
| `With_stmt of with_statement
| `Brk_stmt of break_statement
| `Cont_stmt of continue_statement
| `Ret_stmt of return_statement
| `Throw_stmt of throw_statement
| `Empty_stmt of Token.t (* ";" *)
| `Labe_stmt of labeled_statement
list (* zero or more *)
* Token.t (* "}" *)
* automatic_semicolon (*tok*) option
and if_statement = (
Token.t (* "if" *)
* parenthesized_expression
* [
`Expo_stmt of export_statement
| `Impo_stmt of import_statement
| `Debu_stmt of debugger_statement
| `Exp_stmt of expression_statement
| `Decl of declaration
| `Stmt_blk of statement_block
| `If_stmt of if_statement
| `Swit_stmt of switch_statement
| `For_stmt of for_statement
| `For_in_stmt of for_in_statement
| `While_stmt of while_statement
| `Do_stmt of do_statement
| `Try_stmt of try_statement
| `With_stmt of with_statement
| `Brk_stmt of break_statement
| `Cont_stmt of continue_statement
| `Ret_stmt of return_statement
| `Throw_stmt of throw_statement
| `Empty_stmt of Token.t (* ";" *)
| `Labe_stmt of labeled_statement
* (
Token.t (* "else" *)
* [
`Expo_stmt of export_statement
| `Impo_stmt of import_statement
| `Debu_stmt of debugger_statement
| `Exp_stmt of expression_statement
| `Decl of declaration
| `Stmt_blk of statement_block
| `If_stmt of if_statement
| `Swit_stmt of switch_statement
| `For_stmt of for_statement
| `For_in_stmt of for_in_statement
| `While_stmt of while_statement
| `Do_stmt of do_statement
| `Try_stmt of try_statement
| `With_stmt of with_statement
| `Brk_stmt of break_statement
| `Cont_stmt of continue_statement
| `Ret_stmt of return_statement
| `Throw_stmt of throw_statement
| `Empty_stmt of Token.t (* ";" *)
| `Labe_stmt of labeled_statement
and switch_statement = (
Token.t (* "switch" *) * parenthesized_expression * switch_body
and for_statement = (
Token.t (* "for" *)
* Token.t (* "(" *)
* [
`Lexi_decl of lexical_declaration
| `Var_decl of variable_declaration
| `Exp_stmt of expression_statement
| `Empty_stmt of Token.t (* ";" *)
* [ `Exp_stmt of expression_statement | `Empty_stmt of Token.t (* ";" *) ]
* [ `Exp of expression | `Seq_exp of sequence_expression ] option
* Token.t (* ")" *)
* [
`Expo_stmt of export_statement
| `Impo_stmt of import_statement
| `Debu_stmt of debugger_statement
| `Exp_stmt of expression_statement
| `Decl of declaration
| `Stmt_blk of statement_block
| `If_stmt of if_statement
| `Swit_stmt of switch_statement
| `For_stmt of for_statement
| `For_in_stmt of for_in_statement
| `While_stmt of while_statement
| `Do_stmt of do_statement
| `Try_stmt of try_statement
| `With_stmt of with_statement
| `Brk_stmt of break_statement
| `Cont_stmt of continue_statement
| `Ret_stmt of return_statement
| `Throw_stmt of throw_statement
| `Empty_stmt of Token.t (* ";" *)
| `Labe_stmt of labeled_statement
and for_in_statement = (
Token.t (* "for" *)
* Token.t (* "await" *) option
* for_header
* [
`Expo_stmt of export_statement
| `Impo_stmt of import_statement
| `Debu_stmt of debugger_statement
| `Exp_stmt of expression_statement
| `Decl of declaration
| `Stmt_blk of statement_block
| `If_stmt of if_statement
| `Swit_stmt of switch_statement
| `For_stmt of for_statement
| `For_in_stmt of for_in_statement
| `While_stmt of while_statement
| `Do_stmt of do_statement
| `Try_stmt of try_statement
| `With_stmt of with_statement
| `Brk_stmt of break_statement
| `Cont_stmt of continue_statement
| `Ret_stmt of return_statement
| `Throw_stmt of throw_statement
| `Empty_stmt of Token.t (* ";" *)
| `Labe_stmt of labeled_statement
and for_header = (
Token.t (* "(" *)
* [
`Var of Token.t (* "var" *)
| `Let of Token.t (* "let" *)
| `Const of Token.t (* "const" *)
* [
`Paren_exp of parenthesized_expression
| `Choice_memb_exp of [
`Memb_exp of member_expression
| `Subs_exp of subscript_expression
| `Id of identifier (*tok*)
| `Choice_decl of [
`Decl of Token.t (* "declare" *)
| `Name of Token.t (* "namespace" *)
| `Type of Token.t (* "type" *)
| `Publ of Token.t (* "public" *)
| `Priv of Token.t (* "private" *)
| `Prot of Token.t (* "protected" *)
| `Read of Token.t (* "readonly" *)
| `Modu of Token.t (* "module" *)
| `Any of Token.t (* "any" *)
| `Num of Token.t (* "number" *)
| `Bool of Token.t (* "boolean" *)
| `Str of Token.t (* "string" *)
| `Symb of Token.t (* "symbol" *)
| `Void of Token.t (* "void" *)
| `Expo of Token.t (* "export" *)
| `Choice_get of [
`Get of Token.t (* "get" *)
| `Set of Token.t (* "set" *)
| `Async of Token.t (* "async" *)
| `Stat of Token.t (* "static" *)
| `Choice_obj of [ `Obj of object_ | `Array of array_ ]
* [ `In of Token.t (* "in" *) | `Of of Token.t (* "of" *) ]
* [ `Exp of expression | `Seq_exp of sequence_expression ]
* Token.t (* ")" *)
and while_statement = (
Token.t (* "while" *)
* parenthesized_expression
* [
`Expo_stmt of export_statement
| `Impo_stmt of import_statement
| `Debu_stmt of debugger_statement
| `Exp_stmt of expression_statement
| `Decl of declaration
| `Stmt_blk of statement_block
| `If_stmt of if_statement
| `Swit_stmt of switch_statement
| `For_stmt of for_statement
| `For_in_stmt of for_in_statement
| `While_stmt of while_statement
| `Do_stmt of do_statement
| `Try_stmt of try_statement
| `With_stmt of with_statement
| `Brk_stmt of break_statement
| `Cont_stmt of continue_statement
| `Ret_stmt of return_statement
| `Throw_stmt of throw_statement
| `Empty_stmt of Token.t (* ";" *)
| `Labe_stmt of labeled_statement
and do_statement = (
Token.t (* "do" *)
* [
`Expo_stmt of export_statement
| `Impo_stmt of import_statement
| `Debu_stmt of debugger_statement
| `Exp_stmt of expression_statement
| `Decl of declaration
| `Stmt_blk of statement_block
| `If_stmt of if_statement
| `Swit_stmt of switch_statement
| `For_stmt of for_statement
| `For_in_stmt of for_in_statement
| `While_stmt of while_statement
| `Do_stmt of do_statement
| `Try_stmt of try_statement
| `With_stmt of with_statement
| `Brk_stmt of break_statement
| `Cont_stmt of continue_statement
| `Ret_stmt of return_statement
| `Throw_stmt of throw_statement
| `Empty_stmt of Token.t (* ";" *)
| `Labe_stmt of labeled_statement
* Token.t (* "while" *)
* parenthesized_expression
* [
`Auto_semi of automatic_semicolon (*tok*)
| `SEMI of Token.t (* ";" *)
and try_statement = (
Token.t (* "try" *)
* statement_block
* catch_clause option
* finally_clause option
and with_statement = (
Token.t (* "with" *)
* parenthesized_expression
* [
`Expo_stmt of export_statement
| `Impo_stmt of import_statement
| `Debu_stmt of debugger_statement
| `Exp_stmt of expression_statement
| `Decl of declaration
| `Stmt_blk of statement_block
| `If_stmt of if_statement
| `Swit_stmt of switch_statement
| `For_stmt of for_statement
| `For_in_stmt of for_in_statement
| `While_stmt of while_statement
| `Do_stmt of do_statement
| `Try_stmt of try_statement
| `With_stmt of with_statement
| `Brk_stmt of break_statement
| `Cont_stmt of continue_statement
| `Ret_stmt of return_statement
| `Throw_stmt of throw_statement
| `Empty_stmt of Token.t (* ";" *)
| `Labe_stmt of labeled_statement
and return_statement = (
Token.t (* "return" *)
* [ `Exp of expression | `Seq_exp of sequence_expression ] option
* [
`Auto_semi of automatic_semicolon (*tok*)
| `SEMI of Token.t (* ";" *)
and throw_statement = (
Token.t (* "throw" *)
* [ `Exp of expression | `Seq_exp of sequence_expression ]
* [
`Auto_semi of automatic_semicolon (*tok*)
| `SEMI of Token.t (* ";" *)
and labeled_statement = (
`Id of identifier (*tok*)
| `Choice_decl of [
`Decl of Token.t (* "declare" *)
| `Name of Token.t (* "namespace" *)
| `Type of Token.t (* "type" *)
| `Publ of Token.t (* "public" *)
| `Priv of Token.t (* "private" *)
| `Prot of Token.t (* "protected" *)
| `Read of Token.t (* "readonly" *)
| `Modu of Token.t (* "module" *)
| `Any of Token.t (* "any" *)
| `Num of Token.t (* "number" *)
| `Bool of Token.t (* "boolean" *)
| `Str of Token.t (* "string" *)
| `Symb of Token.t (* "symbol" *)
| `Void of Token.t (* "void" *)
| `Expo of Token.t (* "export" *)
| `Choice_get of [
`Get of Token.t (* "get" *)
| `Set of Token.t (* "set" *)
| `Async of Token.t (* "async" *)
| `Stat of Token.t (* "static" *)
* Token.t (* ":" *)
* [
`Expo_stmt of export_statement
| `Impo_stmt of import_statement
| `Debu_stmt of debugger_statement
| `Exp_stmt of expression_statement
| `Decl of declaration
| `Stmt_blk of statement_block
| `If_stmt of if_statement
| `Swit_stmt of switch_statement
| `For_stmt of for_statement
| `For_in_stmt of for_in_statement
| `While_stmt of while_statement
| `Do_stmt of do_statement
| `Try_stmt of try_statement
| `With_stmt of with_statement
| `Brk_stmt of break_statement
| `Cont_stmt of continue_statement
| `Ret_stmt of return_statement
| `Throw_stmt of throw_statement
| `Empty_stmt of Token.t (* ";" *)
| `Labe_stmt of labeled_statement
and switch_body = (
Token.t (* "{" *)
* [ `Swit_case of switch_case | `Swit_defa of switch_default ]
list (* zero or more *)
* Token.t (* "}" *)
and switch_case = (
Token.t (* "case" *)
* [ `Exp of expression | `Seq_exp of sequence_expression ]
* Token.t (* ":" *)
* [
`Expo_stmt of export_statement
| `Impo_stmt of import_statement
| `Debu_stmt of debugger_statement
| `Exp_stmt of expression_statement
| `Decl of declaration
| `Stmt_blk of statement_block
| `If_stmt of if_statement
| `Swit_stmt of switch_statement
| `For_stmt of for_statement
| `For_in_stmt of for_in_statement
| `While_stmt of while_statement
| `Do_stmt of do_statement
| `Try_stmt of try_statement
| `With_stmt of with_statement
| `Brk_stmt of break_statement
| `Cont_stmt of continue_statement
| `Ret_stmt of return_statement
| `Throw_stmt of throw_statement
| `Empty_stmt of Token.t (* ";" *)
| `Labe_stmt of labeled_statement
list (* zero or more *)
and switch_default = (
Token.t (* "default" *)
* Token.t (* ":" *)
* [
`Expo_stmt of export_statement
| `Impo_stmt of import_statement
| `Debu_stmt of debugger_statement
| `Exp_stmt of expression_statement
| `Decl of declaration
| `Stmt_blk of statement_block
| `If_stmt of if_statement
| `Swit_stmt of switch_statement
| `For_stmt of for_statement
| `For_in_stmt of for_in_statement
| `While_stmt of while_statement
| `Do_stmt of do_statement
| `Try_stmt of try_statement
| `With_stmt of with_statement
| `Brk_stmt of break_statement
| `Cont_stmt of continue_statement
| `Ret_stmt of return_statement
| `Throw_stmt of throw_statement
| `Empty_stmt of Token.t (* ";" *)
| `Labe_stmt of labeled_statement
list (* zero or more *)
and catch_clause = (
Token.t (* "catch" *)
* (
Token.t (* "(" *)
* [
`Id of identifier (*tok*)
| `Choice_obj of [ `Obj of object_ | `Array of array_ ]
* Token.t (* ")" *)
* statement_block
and finally_clause = (Token.t (* "finally" *) * statement_block)
and parenthesized_expression = (
Token.t (* "(" *)
* [
`Exp_opt_type_anno of (expression * type_annotation option)
| `Seq_exp of sequence_expression
* Token.t (* ")" *)
and expression = [
`Exp_as_exp of (
* Token.t (* "as" *)
* [ `Type of type_ | `Temp_str of template_string ]
| `Exp_non_null_exp of (expression * Token.t (* "!" *))
| `Exp_inte_modu of internal_module
| `Exp_super of Token.t (* "super" *)
| `Exp_type_asse of (type_arguments * expression)
| `Exp_choice_this of [
`This of Token.t (* "this" *)
| `Id of identifier (*tok*)
| `Choice_decl of [
`Decl of Token.t (* "declare" *)
| `Name of Token.t (* "namespace" *)
| `Type of Token.t (* "type" *)
| `Publ of Token.t (* "public" *)
| `Priv of Token.t (* "private" *)
| `Prot of Token.t (* "protected" *)
| `Read of Token.t (* "readonly" *)
| `Modu of Token.t (* "module" *)
| `Any of Token.t (* "any" *)
| `Num of Token.t (* "number" *)
| `Bool of Token.t (* "boolean" *)
| `Str of Token.t (* "string" *)
| `Symb of Token.t (* "symbol" *)
| `Void of Token.t (* "void" *)
| `Expo of Token.t (* "export" *)
| `Choice_get of [
`Get of Token.t (* "get" *)
| `Set of Token.t (* "set" *)
| `Async of Token.t (* "async" *)
| `Stat of Token.t (* "static" *)
| `Num of number (*tok*)
| `Str of string_
| `Temp_str of template_string
| `Regex of regex
| `True of Token.t (* "true" *)
| `False of Token.t (* "false" *)
| `Null of Token.t (* "null" *)
| `Unde of Token.t (* "undefined" *)
| `Impo of import (*tok*)
| `Obj of object_
| `Array of array_
| `Func of function_
| `Arrow_func of arrow_function
| `Gene_func of generator_function
| `Class of class_
| `Paren_exp of parenthesized_expression
| `Subs_exp of subscript_expression
| `Memb_exp of member_expression
| `Meta_prop of meta_property
| `New_exp of new_expression
| `Exp_assign_exp of (
`Paren_exp of parenthesized_expression
| `Choice_memb_exp of [
`Memb_exp of member_expression
| `Subs_exp of subscript_expression
| `Id of identifier (*tok*)
| `Choice_decl of [
`Decl of Token.t (* "declare" *)
| `Name of Token.t (* "namespace" *)
| `Type of Token.t (* "type" *)
| `Publ of Token.t (* "public" *)
| `Priv of Token.t (* "private" *)
| `Prot of Token.t (* "protected" *)
| `Read of Token.t (* "readonly" *)
| `Modu of Token.t (* "module" *)
| `Any of Token.t (* "any" *)
| `Num of Token.t (* "number" *)
| `Bool of Token.t (* "boolean" *)
| `Str of Token.t (* "string" *)
| `Symb of Token.t (* "symbol" *)
| `Void of Token.t (* "void" *)
| `Expo of Token.t (* "export" *)
| `Choice_get of [
`Get of Token.t (* "get" *)
| `Set of Token.t (* "set" *)
| `Async of Token.t (* "async" *)
| `Stat of Token.t (* "static" *)
| `Choice_obj of [ `Obj of object_ | `Array of array_ ]
* Token.t (* "=" *)
* expression
| `Exp_augm_assign_exp of (
`Memb_exp of member_expression
| `Subs_exp of subscript_expression
| `Choice_decl of [
`Decl of Token.t (* "declare" *)
| `Name of Token.t (* "namespace" *)
| `Type of Token.t (* "type" *)
| `Publ of Token.t (* "public" *)
| `Priv of Token.t (* "private" *)
| `Prot of Token.t (* "protected" *)
| `Read of Token.t (* "readonly" *)
| `Modu of Token.t (* "module" *)
| `Any of Token.t (* "any" *)
| `Num of Token.t (* "number" *)
| `Bool of Token.t (* "boolean" *)
| `Str of Token.t (* "string" *)
| `Symb of Token.t (* "symbol" *)
| `Void of Token.t (* "void" *)
| `Expo of Token.t (* "export" *)
| `Choice_get of [
`Get of Token.t (* "get" *)
| `Set of Token.t (* "set" *)
| `Async of Token.t (* "async" *)
| `Stat of Token.t (* "static" *)
| `Id of identifier (*tok*)
| `Paren_exp of parenthesized_expression
* [
`PLUSEQ of Token.t (* "+=" *)
| `DASHEQ of Token.t (* "-=" *)
| `STAREQ of Token.t (* "*=" *)
| `SLASHEQ of Token.t (* "/=" *)
| `PERCEQ of Token.t (* "%=" *)
| `HATEQ of Token.t (* "^=" *)
| `AMPEQ of Token.t (* "&=" *)
| `BAREQ of Token.t (* "|=" *)
| `GTGTEQ of Token.t (* ">>=" *)
| `GTGTGTEQ of Token.t (* ">>>=" *)
| `LTLTEQ of Token.t (* "<<=" *)
| `STARSTAREQ of Token.t (* "**=" *)
* expression
| `Exp_await_exp of (Token.t (* "await" *) * expression)
| `Exp_un_exp of unary_expression
| `Exp_bin_exp of binary_expression
| `Exp_tern_exp of (
expression * Token.t (* "?" *) * expression * Token.t (* ":" *)
* expression
| `Exp_upda_exp of update_expression
| `Exp_call_exp of (
`Exp of expression
| `Super of Token.t (* "super" *)
| `Func of function_
* type_arguments option
* [ `Args of arguments | `Temp_str of template_string ]
| `Exp_yield_exp of (
Token.t (* "yield" *)
* [
`STAR_exp of (Token.t (* "*" *) * expression)
| `Opt_exp of expression option
and object_ = (
Token.t (* "{" *)
* (
`Pair of pair
| `Spre_elem of spread_element
| `Meth_defi of method_definition
| `Assign_pat of assignment_pattern
| `Choice_id of [
`Id of identifier (*tok*)
| `Choice_decl of [
`Decl of Token.t (* "declare" *)
| `Name of Token.t (* "namespace" *)
| `Type of Token.t (* "type" *)
| `Publ of Token.t (* "public" *)
| `Priv of Token.t (* "private" *)
| `Prot of Token.t (* "protected" *)
| `Read of Token.t (* "readonly" *)
| `Modu of Token.t (* "module" *)
| `Any of Token.t (* "any" *)
| `Num of Token.t (* "number" *)
| `Bool of Token.t (* "boolean" *)
| `Str of Token.t (* "string" *)
| `Symb of Token.t (* "symbol" *)
| `Void of Token.t (* "void" *)
| `Expo of Token.t (* "export" *)
| `Choice_get of [
`Get of Token.t (* "get" *)
| `Set of Token.t (* "set" *)
| `Async of Token.t (* "async" *)
| `Stat of Token.t (* "static" *)
* (
Token.t (* "," *)
* [
`Pair of pair
| `Spre_elem of spread_element
| `Meth_defi of method_definition
| `Assign_pat of assignment_pattern
| `Choice_id of [
`Id of identifier (*tok*)
| `Choice_decl of [
`Decl of Token.t (* "declare" *)
| `Name of Token.t (* "namespace" *)
| `Type of Token.t (* "type" *)
| `Publ of Token.t (* "public" *)
| `Priv of Token.t (* "private" *)
| `Prot of Token.t (* "protected" *)
| `Read of Token.t (* "readonly" *)
| `Modu of Token.t (* "module" *)
| `Any of Token.t (* "any" *)
| `Num of Token.t (* "number" *)
| `Bool of Token.t (* "boolean" *)
| `Str of Token.t (* "string" *)
| `Symb of Token.t (* "symbol" *)
| `Void of Token.t (* "void" *)
| `Expo of Token.t (* "export" *)
| `Choice_get of [
`Get of Token.t (* "get" *)
| `Set of Token.t (* "set" *)
| `Async of Token.t (* "async" *)
| `Stat of Token.t (* "static" *)
list (* zero or more *)
* Token.t (* "}" *)
and assignment_pattern = (
`Choice_choice_decl of [
`Choice_decl of [
`Decl of Token.t (* "declare" *)
| `Name of Token.t (* "namespace" *)
| `Type of Token.t (* "type" *)
| `Publ of Token.t (* "public" *)
| `Priv of Token.t (* "private" *)
| `Prot of Token.t (* "protected" *)
| `Read of Token.t (* "readonly" *)
| `Modu of Token.t (* "module" *)
| `Any of Token.t (* "any" *)
| `Num of Token.t (* "number" *)
| `Bool of Token.t (* "boolean" *)
| `Str of Token.t (* "string" *)
| `Symb of Token.t (* "symbol" *)
| `Void of Token.t (* "void" *)
| `Expo of Token.t (* "export" *)
| `Choice_get of [
`Get of Token.t (* "get" *)
| `Set of Token.t (* "set" *)
| `Async of Token.t (* "async" *)
| `Stat of Token.t (* "static" *)
| `Id of identifier (*tok*)
| `Choice_obj of [ `Obj of object_ | `Array of array_ ]
* Token.t (* "=" *)
* expression
and array_ = (
Token.t (* "[" *)
* (
[ `Exp of expression | `Spre_elem of spread_element ] option
* (
Token.t (* "," *)
* [ `Exp of expression | `Spre_elem of spread_element ] option
list (* zero or more *)
* Token.t (* "]" *)
and class_ = (
decorator list (* zero or more *)
* Token.t (* "class" *)
* identifier (*tok*) option
* type_parameters option
* class_heritage option
* class_body
and class_declaration = (
decorator list (* zero or more *)
* Token.t (* "class" *)
* identifier (*tok*)
* type_parameters option
* class_heritage option
* class_body
* automatic_semicolon (*tok*) option
and class_heritage = [
`Class_heri_extens_clau_opt_imples_clau of (
* implements_clause option
| `Class_heri_imples_clau of implements_clause
and function_ = (
Token.t (* "async" *) option
* Token.t (* "function" *)
* identifier (*tok*) option
* call_signature
* statement_block
and function_declaration = (
Token.t (* "async" *) option
* Token.t (* "function" *)
* identifier (*tok*)
* call_signature
* statement_block
* automatic_semicolon (*tok*) option
and generator_function = (
Token.t (* "async" *) option
* Token.t (* "function" *)
* Token.t (* "*" *)
* identifier (*tok*) option
* call_signature
* statement_block
and generator_function_declaration = (
Token.t (* "async" *) option
* Token.t (* "function" *)
* Token.t (* "*" *)
* identifier (*tok*)
* call_signature
* statement_block
* automatic_semicolon (*tok*) option
and arrow_function = (
Token.t (* "async" *) option
* [
`Choice_choice_decl of [
`Choice_decl of [
`Decl of Token.t (* "declare" *)
| `Name of Token.t (* "namespace" *)
| `Type of Token.t (* "type" *)
| `Publ of Token.t (* "public" *)
| `Priv of Token.t (* "private" *)
| `Prot of Token.t (* "protected" *)
| `Read of Token.t (* "readonly" *)
| `Modu of Token.t (* "module" *)
| `Any of Token.t (* "any" *)
| `Num of Token.t (* "number" *)
| `Bool of Token.t (* "boolean" *)
| `Str of Token.t (* "string" *)
| `Symb of Token.t (* "symbol" *)
| `Void of Token.t (* "void" *)
| `Expo of Token.t (* "export" *)
| `Choice_get of [
`Get of Token.t (* "get" *)
| `Set of Token.t (* "set" *)
| `Async of Token.t (* "async" *)
| `Stat of Token.t (* "static" *)
| `Id of identifier (*tok*)
| `Call_sign of call_signature
* Token.t (* "=>" *)
* [ `Exp of expression | `Stmt_blk of statement_block ]
and call_signature = (
type_parameters option
* formal_parameters
* type_annotation option
and new_expression = (
Token.t (* "new" *)
* [
`This of Token.t (* "this" *)
| `Id of identifier (*tok*)
| `Choice_decl of [
`Decl of Token.t (* "declare" *)
| `Name of Token.t (* "namespace" *)
| `Type of Token.t (* "type" *)
| `Publ of Token.t (* "public" *)
| `Priv of Token.t (* "private" *)
| `Prot of Token.t (* "protected" *)
| `Read of Token.t (* "readonly" *)
| `Modu of Token.t (* "module" *)
| `Any of Token.t (* "any" *)
| `Num of Token.t (* "number" *)
| `Bool of Token.t (* "boolean" *)
| `Str of Token.t (* "string" *)
| `Symb of Token.t (* "symbol" *)
| `Void of Token.t (* "void" *)
| `Expo of Token.t (* "export" *)
| `Choice_get of [
`Get of Token.t (* "get" *)
| `Set of Token.t (* "set" *)
| `Async of Token.t (* "async" *)
| `Stat of Token.t (* "static" *)
| `Num of number (*tok*)
| `Str of string_
| `Temp_str of template_string
| `Regex of regex
| `True of Token.t (* "true" *)
| `False of Token.t (* "false" *)
| `Null of Token.t (* "null" *)
| `Unde of Token.t (* "undefined" *)
| `Impo of import (*tok*)
| `Obj of object_
| `Array of array_
| `Func of function_
| `Arrow_func of arrow_function
| `Gene_func of generator_function
| `Class of class_
| `Paren_exp of parenthesized_expression
| `Subs_exp of subscript_expression
| `Memb_exp of member_expression
| `Meta_prop of meta_property
| `New_exp of new_expression
* arguments option
and member_expression = (
`Exp of expression
| `Id of identifier (*tok*)
| `Super of Token.t (* "super" *)
| `Choice_decl of [
`Decl of Token.t (* "declare" *)
| `Name of Token.t (* "namespace" *)
| `Type of Token.t (* "type" *)
| `Publ of Token.t (* "public" *)
| `Priv of Token.t (* "private" *)
| `Prot of Token.t (* "protected" *)
| `Read of Token.t (* "readonly" *)
| `Modu of Token.t (* "module" *)
| `Any of Token.t (* "any" *)
| `Num of Token.t (* "number" *)
| `Bool of Token.t (* "boolean" *)
| `Str of Token.t (* "string" *)
| `Symb of Token.t (* "symbol" *)
| `Void of Token.t (* "void" *)
| `Expo of Token.t (* "export" *)
| `Choice_get of [
`Get of Token.t (* "get" *)
| `Set of Token.t (* "set" *)
| `Async of Token.t (* "async" *)
| `Stat of Token.t (* "static" *)
* Token.t (* "." *)
* identifier (*tok*)
and subscript_expression = (
[ `Exp of expression | `Super of Token.t (* "super" *) ]
* Token.t (* "[" *)
* [ `Exp of expression | `Seq_exp of sequence_expression ]
* Token.t (* "]" *)
and initializer_ = (Token.t (* "=" *) * expression)
and spread_element = (Token.t (* "..." *) * expression)
and binary_expression = [
`Bin_exp_exp_AMPAMP_exp of (expression * Token.t (* "&&" *) * expression)
| `Bin_exp_exp_BARBAR_exp of (expression * Token.t (* "||" *) * expression)
| `Bin_exp_exp_GTGT_exp of (expression * Token.t (* ">>" *) * expression)
| `Bin_exp_exp_GTGTGT_exp of (
expression * Token.t (* ">>>" *) * expression
| `Bin_exp_exp_LTLT_exp of (expression * Token.t (* "<<" *) * expression)
| `Bin_exp_exp_AMP_exp of (expression * Token.t (* "&" *) * expression)
| `Bin_exp_exp_HAT_exp of (expression * Token.t (* "^" *) * expression)
| `Bin_exp_exp_BAR_exp of (expression * Token.t (* "|" *) * expression)
| `Bin_exp_exp_PLUS_exp of (expression * Token.t (* "+" *) * expression)
| `Bin_exp_exp_DASH_exp of (expression * Token.t (* "-" *) * expression)
| `Bin_exp_exp_STAR_exp of (expression * Token.t (* "*" *) * expression)
| `Bin_exp_exp_SLASH_exp of (expression * Token.t (* "/" *) * expression)
| `Bin_exp_exp_PERC_exp of (expression * Token.t (* "%" *) * expression)
| `Bin_exp_exp_STARSTAR_exp of (
expression * Token.t (* "**" *) * expression
| `Bin_exp_exp_LT_exp of (expression * Token.t (* "<" *) * expression)
| `Bin_exp_exp_LTEQ_exp of (expression * Token.t (* "<=" *) * expression)
| `Bin_exp_exp_EQEQ_exp of (expression * Token.t (* "==" *) * expression)
| `Bin_exp_exp_EQEQEQ_exp of (
expression * Token.t (* "===" *) * expression
| `Bin_exp_exp_BANGEQ_exp of (expression * Token.t (* "!=" *) * expression)
| `Bin_exp_exp_BANGEQEQ_exp of (
expression * Token.t (* "!==" *) * expression
| `Bin_exp_exp_GTEQ_exp of (expression * Token.t (* ">=" *) * expression)
| `Bin_exp_exp_GT_exp of (expression * Token.t (* ">" *) * expression)
| `Bin_exp_exp_QMARKQMARK_exp of (
expression * Token.t (* "??" *) * expression
| `Bin_exp_exp_inst_exp of (
expression * Token.t (* "instanceof" *) * expression
| `Bin_exp_exp_in_exp of (expression * Token.t (* "in" *) * expression)
and unary_expression = [
`Un_exp_BANG_exp of (Token.t (* "!" *) * expression)
| `Un_exp_TILDE_exp of (Token.t (* "~" *) * expression)
| `Un_exp_DASH_exp of (Token.t (* "-" *) * expression)
| `Un_exp_PLUS_exp of (Token.t (* "+" *) * expression)
| `Un_exp_type_exp of (Token.t (* "typeof" *) * expression)
| `Un_exp_void_exp of (Token.t (* "void" *) * expression)
| `Un_exp_dele_exp of (Token.t (* "delete" *) * expression)
and update_expression = [
`Exp_choice_PLUSPLUS of (
* [ `PLUSPLUS of Token.t (* "++" *) | `DASHDASH of Token.t (* "--" *) ]
| `Choice_PLUSPLUS_exp of (
[ `PLUSPLUS of Token.t (* "++" *) | `DASHDASH of Token.t (* "--" *) ]
* expression
and sequence_expression = (
* Token.t (* "," *)
* [ `Seq_exp of sequence_expression | `Exp of expression ]
and template_string = (
Token.t (* "`" *)
* [
`Temp_chars of template_chars (*tok*)
| `Esc_seq of escape_sequence (*tok*)
| `Temp_subs of template_substitution
list (* zero or more *)
* Token.t (* "`" *)
and template_substitution = (
Token.t (* "${" *)
* [ `Exp of expression | `Seq_exp of sequence_expression ]
* Token.t (* "}" *)
and arguments = (
Token.t (* "(" *)
* (
[ `Exp of expression | `Spre_elem of spread_element ] option
* (
Token.t (* "," *)
* [ `Exp of expression | `Spre_elem of spread_element ] option
list (* zero or more *)
* Token.t (* ")" *)
and decorator = (
Token.t (* "@" *)
* [
`Choice_id of [
`Id of identifier (*tok*)
| `Choice_decl of [
`Decl of Token.t (* "declare" *)
| `Name of Token.t (* "namespace" *)
| `Type of Token.t (* "type" *)
| `Publ of Token.t (* "public" *)
| `Priv of Token.t (* "private" *)
| `Prot of Token.t (* "protected" *)
| `Read of Token.t (* "readonly" *)
| `Modu of Token.t (* "module" *)
| `Any of Token.t (* "any" *)
| `Num of Token.t (* "number" *)
| `Bool of Token.t (* "boolean" *)
| `Str of Token.t (* "string" *)
| `Symb of Token.t (* "symbol" *)
| `Void of Token.t (* "void" *)
| `Expo of Token.t (* "export" *)
| `Choice_get of [
`Get of Token.t (* "get" *)
| `Set of Token.t (* "set" *)
| `Async of Token.t (* "async" *)
| `Stat of Token.t (* "static" *)
| `Deco_memb_exp of decorator_member_expression
| `Deco_call_exp of decorator_call_expression
and decorator_call_expression = (
`Choice_id of [
`Id of identifier (*tok*)
| `Choice_decl of [
`Decl of Token.t (* "declare" *)
| `Name of Token.t (* "namespace" *)
| `Type of Token.t (* "type" *)
| `Publ of Token.t (* "public" *)
| `Priv of Token.t (* "private" *)
| `Prot of Token.t (* "protected" *)
| `Read of Token.t (* "readonly" *)
| `Modu of Token.t (* "module" *)
| `Any of Token.t (* "any" *)
| `Num of Token.t (* "number" *)
| `Bool of Token.t (* "boolean" *)
| `Str of Token.t (* "string" *)
| `Symb of Token.t (* "symbol" *)
| `Void of Token.t (* "void" *)
| `Expo of Token.t (* "export" *)
| `Choice_get of [
`Get of Token.t (* "get" *)
| `Set of Token.t (* "set" *)
| `Async of Token.t (* "async" *)
| `Stat of Token.t (* "static" *)
| `Deco_memb_exp of decorator_member_expression
* arguments
and class_body = (
Token.t (* "{" *)
* [
`Deco of decorator
| `Meth_defi_opt_choice_auto_semi of (
* [
`Auto_semi of automatic_semicolon (*tok*)
| `SEMI of Token.t (* ";" *)
| `Choice_abst_meth_sign_choice_choice_auto_semi of (
`Abst_meth_sign of abstract_method_signature
| `Index_sign of index_signature
| `Meth_sign of method_signature
| `Publ_field_defi of public_field_definition
* [
`Choice_auto_semi of [
`Auto_semi of automatic_semicolon (*tok*)
| `SEMI of Token.t (* ";" *)
| `COMMA of Token.t (* "," *)
list (* zero or more *)
* Token.t (* "}" *)
and public_field_definition = (
accessibility_modifier option
* [
`Opt_stat_opt_read of (
Token.t (* "static" *) option
* Token.t (* "readonly" *) option
| `Opt_abst_opt_read of (
Token.t (* "abstract" *) option
* Token.t (* "readonly" *) option
| `Opt_read_opt_abst of (
Token.t (* "readonly" *) option
* Token.t (* "abstract" *) option
* property_name
* [ `QMARK of Token.t (* "?" *) | `BANG of Token.t (* "!" *) ] option
* type_annotation option
* initializer_ option
and formal_parameters = (
Token.t (* "(" *)
* (
decorator list (* zero or more *)
* [
`Requ_param of required_parameter
| `Rest_param of rest_parameter
| `Opt_param of optional_parameter
* (
Token.t (* "," *)
* decorator list (* zero or more *)
* [
`Requ_param of required_parameter
| `Rest_param of rest_parameter
| `Opt_param of optional_parameter
list (* zero or more *)
* Token.t (* "," *) option
* Token.t (* ")" *)
and rest_parameter = (
Token.t (* "..." *)
* identifier (*tok*)
* type_annotation option
and method_definition = (
accessibility_modifier option
* Token.t (* "static" *) option
* Token.t (* "readonly" *) option
* Token.t (* "async" *) option
* [
`Get of Token.t (* "get" *)
| `Set of Token.t (* "set" *)
| `STAR of Token.t (* "*" *)
* property_name
* Token.t (* "?" *) option
* call_signature
* statement_block
and pair = (property_name * Token.t (* ":" *) * expression)
and property_name = [
`Prop_name_choice_id of [
`Id of identifier (*tok*)
| `Choice_decl of [
`Decl of Token.t (* "declare" *)
| `Name of Token.t (* "namespace" *)
| `Type of Token.t (* "type" *)
| `Publ of Token.t (* "public" *)
| `Priv of Token.t (* "private" *)
| `Prot of Token.t (* "protected" *)
| `Read of Token.t (* "readonly" *)
| `Modu of Token.t (* "module" *)
| `Any of Token.t (* "any" *)
| `Num of Token.t (* "number" *)
| `Bool of Token.t (* "boolean" *)
| `Str of Token.t (* "string" *)
| `Symb of Token.t (* "symbol" *)
| `Void of Token.t (* "void" *)
| `Expo of Token.t (* "export" *)
| `Choice_get of [
`Get of Token.t (* "get" *)
| `Set of Token.t (* "set" *)
| `Async of Token.t (* "async" *)
| `Stat of Token.t (* "static" *)
| `Prop_name_str of string_
| `Prop_name_num of number (*tok*)
| `Prop_name_comp_prop_name of (
Token.t (* "[" *) * expression * Token.t (* "]" *)
and method_signature = (
accessibility_modifier option
* Token.t (* "static" *) option
* Token.t (* "readonly" *) option
* Token.t (* "async" *) option
* [
`Get of Token.t (* "get" *)
| `Set of Token.t (* "set" *)
| `STAR of Token.t (* "*" *)
* property_name
* Token.t (* "?" *) option
* call_signature
and abstract_method_signature = (
accessibility_modifier option
* Token.t (* "abstract" *)
* [
`Get of Token.t (* "get" *)
| `Set of Token.t (* "set" *)
| `STAR of Token.t (* "*" *)
* property_name
* Token.t (* "?" *) option
* call_signature
and implements_clause = (
Token.t (* "implements" *)
* type_
* (Token.t (* "," *) * type_) list (* zero or more *)
and internal_module = (Token.t (* "namespace" *) * module__)
and module__ = (
`Str of string_
| `Id of identifier (*tok*)
| `Nest_id of nested_identifier
* statement_block option
and extends_clause = (
Token.t (* "extends" *)
* [
`Choice_id of [
`Id of identifier (*tok*)
| `Nest_type_id of nested_type_identifier
| `Gene_type of generic_type
| `Exp of expression
* (
Token.t (* "," *)
* [
`Choice_id of [
`Id of identifier (*tok*)
| `Nest_type_id of nested_type_identifier
| `Gene_type of generic_type
| `Exp of expression
list (* zero or more *)
and enum_body = (
Token.t (* "{" *)
* (
[ `Prop_name of property_name | `Enum_assign of enum_assignment ]
* (
Token.t (* "," *)
* [ `Prop_name of property_name | `Enum_assign of enum_assignment ]
list (* zero or more *)
* Token.t (* "," *) option
* Token.t (* "}" *)
and enum_assignment = (property_name * initializer_)
and required_parameter = (
* type_annotation option
* initializer_ option
and optional_parameter = (
* Token.t (* "?" *)
* type_annotation option
* initializer_ option
and parameter_name = (
accessibility_modifier option
* Token.t (* "readonly" *) option
* [
`Id of identifier (*tok*)
| `Choice_decl of [
`Decl of Token.t (* "declare" *)
| `Name of Token.t (* "namespace" *)
| `Type of Token.t (* "type" *)
| `Publ of Token.t (* "public" *)
| `Priv of Token.t (* "private" *)
| `Prot of Token.t (* "protected" *)
| `Read of Token.t (* "readonly" *)
| `Modu of Token.t (* "module" *)
| `Any of Token.t (* "any" *)
| `Num of Token.t (* "number" *)
| `Bool of Token.t (* "boolean" *)
| `Str of Token.t (* "string" *)
| `Symb of Token.t (* "symbol" *)
| `Void of Token.t (* "void" *)
| `Expo of Token.t (* "export" *)
| `Choice_get of [
`Get of Token.t (* "get" *)
| `Set of Token.t (* "set" *)
| `Async of Token.t (* "async" *)
| `Stat of Token.t (* "static" *)
| `Choice_obj of [ `Obj of object_ | `Array of array_ ]
| `This of Token.t (* "this" *)
and type_annotation = (Token.t (* ":" *) * type_)
and type_ = [
`Type_prim_type of primary_type
| `Type_union_type of (type_ option * Token.t (* "|" *) * type_)
| `Type_inte_type of (type_ option * Token.t (* "&" *) * type_)
| `Type_func_type of (
type_parameters option
* formal_parameters
* Token.t (* "=>" *)
* type_
| `Type_cons_type of (
Token.t (* "new" *)
* type_parameters option
* formal_parameters
* Token.t (* "=>" *)
* type_
and primary_type = [
`Prim_type_paren_type of (Token.t (* "(" *) * type_ * Token.t (* ")" *))
| `Prim_type_pred_type of predefined_type
| `Prim_type_id of identifier (*tok*)
| `Prim_type_nest_type_id of nested_type_identifier
| `Prim_type_gene_type of generic_type
| `Prim_type_type_pred of (identifier (*tok*) * Token.t (* "is" *) * type_)
| `Prim_type_obj_type of object_type
| `Prim_type_array_type of (
primary_type * Token.t (* "[" *) * Token.t (* "]" *)
| `Prim_type_tuple_type of (
Token.t (* "[" *)
* type_
* (Token.t (* "," *) * type_) list (* zero or more *)
* Token.t (* "]" *)
| `Prim_type_flow_maybe_type of (Token.t (* "?" *) * primary_type)
| `Prim_type_type_query of (
Token.t (* "typeof" *)
* [ `Id of identifier (*tok*) | `Nest_id of nested_identifier ]
| `Prim_type_index_type_query of (
Token.t (* "keyof" *)
* [
`Id of identifier (*tok*)
| `Nest_type_id of nested_type_identifier
| `Prim_type_this of Token.t (* "this" *)
| `Prim_type_exis_type of Token.t (* "*" *)
| `Prim_type_lit_type of literal_type
| `Prim_type_look_type of (
primary_type * Token.t (* "[" *) * type_ * Token.t (* "]" *)
and generic_type = (
[ `Id of identifier (*tok*) | `Nest_type_id of nested_type_identifier ]
* type_arguments
and mapped_type_clause = (identifier (*tok*) * Token.t (* "in" *) * type_)
and type_arguments = (
Token.t (* "<" *)
* type_
* (Token.t (* "," *) * type_) list (* zero or more *)
* Token.t (* "," *) option
* Token.t (* ">" *)
and object_type = (
[ `LCURL of Token.t (* "{" *) | `LCURLBAR of Token.t (* "{|" *) ]
* (
[ `COMMA of Token.t (* "," *) | `SEMI of Token.t (* ";" *) ] option
* [
`Expo_stmt of export_statement
| `Prop_sign of property_signature
| `Call_sign_ of call_signature_
| `Cons_sign of construct_signature
| `Index_sign of index_signature
| `Meth_sign of method_signature
* (
`COMMA of Token.t (* "," *)
| `Choice_auto_semi of [
`Auto_semi of automatic_semicolon (*tok*)
| `SEMI of Token.t (* ";" *)
* [
`Expo_stmt of export_statement
| `Prop_sign of property_signature
| `Call_sign_ of call_signature_
| `Cons_sign of construct_signature
| `Index_sign of index_signature
| `Meth_sign of method_signature
list (* zero or more *)
* [
`COMMA of Token.t (* "," *)
| `Choice_auto_semi of [
`Auto_semi of automatic_semicolon (*tok*)
| `SEMI of Token.t (* ";" *)
* [ `RCURL of Token.t (* "}" *) | `BARRCURL of Token.t (* "|}" *) ]
and call_signature_ = call_signature
and property_signature = (
accessibility_modifier option
* Token.t (* "static" *) option
* Token.t (* "readonly" *) option
* property_name
* Token.t (* "?" *) option
* type_annotation option
and type_parameters = (
Token.t (* "<" *)
* type_parameter
* (Token.t (* "," *) * type_parameter) list (* zero or more *)
* Token.t (* "," *) option
* Token.t (* ">" *)
and type_parameter = (
identifier (*tok*)
* constraint_ option
* default_type option
and default_type = (Token.t (* "=" *) * type_)
and constraint_ = (
[ `Extens of Token.t (* "extends" *) | `COLON of Token.t (* ":" *) ]
* type_
and construct_signature = (
Token.t (* "new" *)
* type_parameters option
* formal_parameters
* type_annotation option
and index_signature = (
Token.t (* "[" *)
* [
`Choice_id_COLON_pred_type of (
`Id of identifier (*tok*)
| `Choice_decl of [
`Decl of Token.t (* "declare" *)
| `Name of Token.t (* "namespace" *)
| `Type of Token.t (* "type" *)
| `Publ of Token.t (* "public" *)
| `Priv of Token.t (* "private" *)
| `Prot of Token.t (* "protected" *)
| `Read of Token.t (* "readonly" *)
| `Modu of Token.t (* "module" *)
| `Any of Token.t (* "any" *)
| `Num of Token.t (* "number" *)
| `Bool of Token.t (* "boolean" *)
| `Str of Token.t (* "string" *)
| `Symb of Token.t (* "symbol" *)
| `Void of Token.t (* "void" *)
| `Expo of Token.t (* "export" *)
| `Choice_get of [
`Get of Token.t (* "get" *)
| `Set of Token.t (* "set" *)
| `Async of Token.t (* "async" *)
| `Stat of Token.t (* "static" *)
* Token.t (* ":" *)
* predefined_type
| `Mapp_type_clau of mapped_type_clause
* Token.t (* "]" *)
* type_annotation
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type jsx_expression = (
Token.t (* "{" *)
* [
`Exp of expression
| `Seq_exp of sequence_expression
| `Spre_elem of spread_element
* Token.t (* "}" *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type program = (
hash_bang_line (*tok*) option
* [
`Expo_stmt of export_statement
| `Impo_stmt of import_statement
| `Debu_stmt of debugger_statement
| `Exp_stmt of expression_statement
| `Decl of declaration
| `Stmt_blk of statement_block
| `If_stmt of if_statement
| `Swit_stmt of switch_statement
| `For_stmt of for_statement
| `For_in_stmt of for_in_statement
| `While_stmt of while_statement
| `Do_stmt of do_statement
| `Try_stmt of try_statement
| `With_stmt of with_statement
| `Brk_stmt of break_statement
| `Cont_stmt of continue_statement
| `Ret_stmt of return_statement
| `Throw_stmt of throw_statement
| `Empty_stmt of Token.t (* ";" *)
| `Labe_stmt of labeled_statement
list (* zero or more *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type jsx_element = (
* [
`Jsx_text of jsx_text (*tok*)
| `Choice_jsx_elem of [
`Jsx_elem of jsx_element
| `Jsx_self_clos_elem of jsx_self_closing_element
| `Jsx_exp of jsx_expression
list (* zero or more *)
* jsx_closing_element
and jsx_fragment = (
Token.t (* "<" *)
* Token.t (* ">" *)
* [
`Jsx_text of jsx_text (*tok*)
| `Choice_jsx_elem of [
`Jsx_elem of jsx_element
| `Jsx_self_clos_elem of jsx_self_closing_element
| `Jsx_exp of jsx_expression
list (* zero or more *)
* Token.t (* "<" *)
* Token.t (* "/" *)
* Token.t (* ">" *)
and jsx_opening_element = (
Token.t (* "<" *)
* [
`Choice_choice_jsx_id of [
`Choice_jsx_id of [
`Jsx_id of jsx_identifier (*tok*)
| `Id of identifier (*tok*)
| `Jsx_name_name of jsx_namespace_name
| `Choice_id_opt_type_args of (
[ `Id of identifier (*tok*) | `Nest_id of nested_identifier ]
* type_arguments option
* [ `Jsx_attr of jsx_attribute | `Jsx_exp of jsx_expression ]
list (* zero or more *)
* Token.t (* ">" *)
and jsx_self_closing_element = (
Token.t (* "<" *)
* [
`Choice_jsx_id of [
`Jsx_id of jsx_identifier (*tok*)
| `Id of identifier (*tok*)
| `Nest_id of nested_identifier
| `Jsx_name_name of jsx_namespace_name
* [ `Jsx_attr of jsx_attribute | `Jsx_exp of jsx_expression ]
list (* zero or more *)
* Token.t (* "/" *)
* Token.t (* ">" *)
and jsx_attribute = (
`Choice_jsx_id of [
`Jsx_id of jsx_identifier (*tok*)
| `Id of identifier (*tok*)
| `Jsx_name_name of jsx_namespace_name
* (
Token.t (* "=" *)
* [
`Str of string_
| `Jsx_exp of jsx_expression
| `Choice_jsx_elem of [
`Jsx_elem of jsx_element
| `Jsx_self_clos_elem of jsx_self_closing_element
| `Jsx_frag of jsx_fragment
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type existential_type (* inlined *) = Token.t (* "*" *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type readonly (* inlined *) = Token.t (* "readonly" *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type empty_statement (* inlined *) = Token.t (* ";" *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type this (* inlined *) = Token.t (* "this" *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type null (* inlined *) = Token.t (* "null" *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type false_ (* inlined *) = Token.t (* "false" *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type comment (* inlined *) = Token.t
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type undefined (* inlined *) = Token.t (* "undefined" *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type super (* inlined *) = Token.t (* "super" *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type true_ (* inlined *) = Token.t (* "true" *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type number_ (* inlined *) = (
[ `DASH of Token.t (* "-" *) | `PLUS of Token.t (* "+" *) ]
* number (*tok*)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type type_query (* inlined *) = (
Token.t (* "typeof" *)
* [ `Id of identifier (*tok*) | `Nest_id of nested_identifier ]
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type import_alias (* inlined *) = (
Token.t (* "import" *)
* identifier (*tok*)
* Token.t (* "=" *)
* [ `Id of identifier (*tok*) | `Nest_id of nested_identifier ]
* [
`Auto_semi of automatic_semicolon (*tok*)
| `SEMI of Token.t (* ";" *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type index_type_query (* inlined *) = (
Token.t (* "keyof" *)
* [ `Id of identifier (*tok*) | `Nest_type_id of nested_type_identifier ]
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type yield_expression (* inlined *) = (
Token.t (* "yield" *)
* [
`STAR_exp of (Token.t (* "*" *) * expression)
| `Opt_exp of expression option
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type call_expression (* inlined *) = (
`Exp of expression
| `Super of Token.t (* "super" *)
| `Func of function_
* type_arguments option
* [ `Args of arguments | `Temp_str of template_string ]
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type await_expression (* inlined *) = (Token.t (* "await" *) * expression)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type assignment_expression (* inlined *) = (
`Paren_exp of parenthesized_expression
| `Choice_memb_exp of [
`Memb_exp of member_expression
| `Subs_exp of subscript_expression
| `Id of identifier (*tok*)
| `Choice_decl of [
`Decl of Token.t (* "declare" *)
| `Name of Token.t (* "namespace" *)
| `Type of Token.t (* "type" *)
| `Publ of Token.t (* "public" *)
| `Priv of Token.t (* "private" *)
| `Prot of Token.t (* "protected" *)
| `Read of Token.t (* "readonly" *)
| `Modu of Token.t (* "module" *)
| `Any of Token.t (* "any" *)
| `Num of Token.t (* "number" *)
| `Bool of Token.t (* "boolean" *)
| `Str of Token.t (* "string" *)
| `Symb of Token.t (* "symbol" *)
| `Void of Token.t (* "void" *)
| `Expo of Token.t (* "export" *)
| `Choice_get of [
`Get of Token.t (* "get" *)
| `Set of Token.t (* "set" *)
| `Async of Token.t (* "async" *)
| `Stat of Token.t (* "static" *)
| `Choice_obj of [ `Obj of object_ | `Array of array_ ]
* Token.t (* "=" *)
* expression
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type augmented_assignment_expression (* inlined *) = (
`Memb_exp of member_expression
| `Subs_exp of subscript_expression
| `Choice_decl of [
`Decl of Token.t (* "declare" *)
| `Name of Token.t (* "namespace" *)
| `Type of Token.t (* "type" *)
| `Publ of Token.t (* "public" *)
| `Priv of Token.t (* "private" *)
| `Prot of Token.t (* "protected" *)
| `Read of Token.t (* "readonly" *)
| `Modu of Token.t (* "module" *)
| `Any of Token.t (* "any" *)
| `Num of Token.t (* "number" *)
| `Bool of Token.t (* "boolean" *)
| `Str of Token.t (* "string" *)
| `Symb of Token.t (* "symbol" *)
| `Void of Token.t (* "void" *)
| `Expo of Token.t (* "export" *)
| `Choice_get of [
`Get of Token.t (* "get" *)
| `Set of Token.t (* "set" *)
| `Async of Token.t (* "async" *)
| `Stat of Token.t (* "static" *)
| `Id of identifier (*tok*)
| `Paren_exp of parenthesized_expression
* [
`PLUSEQ of Token.t (* "+=" *)
| `DASHEQ of Token.t (* "-=" *)
| `STAREQ of Token.t (* "*=" *)
| `SLASHEQ of Token.t (* "/=" *)
| `PERCEQ of Token.t (* "%=" *)
| `HATEQ of Token.t (* "^=" *)
| `AMPEQ of Token.t (* "&=" *)
| `BAREQ of Token.t (* "|=" *)
| `GTGTEQ of Token.t (* ">>=" *)
| `GTGTGTEQ of Token.t (* ">>>=" *)
| `LTLTEQ of Token.t (* "<<=" *)
| `STARSTAREQ of Token.t (* "**=" *)
* expression
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type ternary_expression (* inlined *) = (
expression * Token.t (* "?" *) * expression * Token.t (* ":" *)
* expression
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type computed_property_name (* inlined *) = (
Token.t (* "[" *) * expression * Token.t (* "]" *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type non_null_expression (* inlined *) = (expression * Token.t (* "!" *))
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type function_signature (* inlined *) = (
Token.t (* "async" *) option
* Token.t (* "function" *)
* identifier (*tok*)
* call_signature
* [
`Auto_semi of automatic_semicolon (*tok*)
| `SEMI of Token.t (* ";" *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type type_assertion (* inlined *) = (type_arguments * expression)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type as_expression (* inlined *) = (
* Token.t (* "as" *)
* [ `Type of type_ | `Temp_str of template_string ]
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type ambient_declaration (* inlined *) = (
Token.t (* "declare" *)
* [
`Decl of declaration
| `Glob_stmt_blk of (Token.t (* "global" *) * statement_block)
| `Modu_DOT_id_COLON_type of (
Token.t (* "module" *) * Token.t (* "." *) * identifier (*tok*)
* Token.t (* ":" *) * type_
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type abstract_class_declaration (* inlined *) = (
Token.t (* "abstract" *)
* Token.t (* "class" *)
* identifier (*tok*)
* type_parameters option
* class_heritage option
* class_body
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type module_ (* inlined *) = (Token.t (* "module" *) * module__)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type interface_declaration (* inlined *) = (
Token.t (* "interface" *)
* identifier (*tok*)
* type_parameters option
* extends_clause option
* object_type
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type enum_declaration (* inlined *) = (
Token.t (* "const" *) option
* Token.t (* "enum" *)
* identifier (*tok*)
* enum_body
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type type_alias_declaration (* inlined *) = (
Token.t (* "type" *)
* identifier (*tok*)
* type_parameters option
* Token.t (* "=" *)
* type_
* [
`Auto_semi of automatic_semicolon (*tok*)
| `SEMI of Token.t (* ";" *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type constructor_type (* inlined *) = (
Token.t (* "new" *)
* type_parameters option
* formal_parameters
* Token.t (* "=>" *)
* type_
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type type_predicate (* inlined *) = (
identifier (*tok*) * Token.t (* "is" *) * type_
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type lookup_type (* inlined *) = (
primary_type * Token.t (* "[" *) * type_ * Token.t (* "]" *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type flow_maybe_type (* inlined *) = (Token.t (* "?" *) * primary_type)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type parenthesized_type (* inlined *) = (
Token.t (* "(" *) * type_ * Token.t (* ")" *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type array_type (* inlined *) = (
primary_type * Token.t (* "[" *) * Token.t (* "]" *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type tuple_type (* inlined *) = (
Token.t (* "[" *)
* type_
* (Token.t (* "," *) * type_) list (* zero or more *)
* Token.t (* "]" *)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type union_type (* inlined *) = (type_ option * Token.t (* "|" *) * type_)
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type intersection_type (* inlined *) = (
type_ option
* Token.t (* "&" *)
* type_
[@@deriving sexp_of]
type function_type (* inlined *) = (
type_parameters option
* formal_parameters
* Token.t (* "=>" *)
* type_
[@@deriving sexp_of]
let dump_tree root =
sexp_of_program root
|> Print_sexp.to_stdout
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