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Created November 2, 2021 09:47
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Basic arithmetic operations implemented from scratch on unary and binary representations of natural numbers
(* Arithmetic with Binary numbers (unsigned, arbitrary precision!) *)
type digit = Zero | One
type t = digit list
let rec eq a b =
match a, b with
| [], [] -> true
| da :: a, db :: b when da = db -> eq a b
| _ -> false
let add_digits a b c =
match a, b, c with
| One, One, One -> One, One
| Zero, One, One
| One, Zero, One
| One, One, Zero -> One, Zero
| One, Zero, Zero
| Zero, One, Zero
| Zero, Zero, One -> Zero, One
| Zero, Zero, Zero -> Zero, Zero
let pad a b =
let rec pad a b =
match a, b with
| a, [] -> [], (fun _ -> Zero) a
| [], b -> (fun _ -> Zero) b, []
| da :: a, db :: b -> pad a b
let pad_left, pad_right = pad a b in
pad_left @ a, pad_right @ b
let add a b =
let rec add a b =
match a, b with
| [], b -> Zero, b
| a, [] -> Zero, a
| da :: a, db :: b ->
let dc, tail = add a b in
let d1, d2 = add_digits da db dc in
d1, d2 :: tail
let a, b = pad a b in
match add a b with
| Zero, x -> x
| One, x -> One :: x
let rec shift_left x =
match x with
| [] -> []
| [last] -> [last; Zero]
| d :: x -> d :: shift_left x
let mul a b =
let rec mul a =
match a with
| [] -> [], b
| d :: a ->
let res, shifted_b = mul a in
let res =
match d with
| Zero -> res
| One -> add shifted_b res
res, shift_left shifted_b
let res, _shifted_b = mul a in
let print_digit = function
| Zero -> print_char '0'
| One -> print_char '1'
let rec print x =
match x with
| [] -> print_digit Zero
| [d] -> print_digit d
| d :: x -> print_digit d; print x
let zero = []
let one = [One]
let two = [One; Zero]
let three = [One; One]
let four = add two two
let five = add two three
let six = add three three
let six' = mul two three
let six_t = eq six six'
let fifteen = mul three five
let fifteen' = mul five three
let fifteen_t = eq fifteen fifteen'
let sixteen = add fifteen one
let sixteen' = mul four four
let sixteen_t = eq sixteen sixteen'
(* Arithmetic with Peano numbers *)
type t = Zero
| Succ of t
let rec eq a b =
match a, b with
| Zero, Zero -> true
| Zero, _
| _, Zero -> false
| Succ a, Succ b -> eq a b
let rec gt a b =
match a, b with
| Zero, _ -> false
| Succ a, Zero -> true
| Succ a, Succ b -> gt a b
let rec add a b =
match a, b with
| Zero, x -> x
| Succ a, b -> add a (Succ b)
let rec mul a b =
match a with
| Zero -> Zero
| Succ Zero -> b
| Succ a -> add b (mul a b)
let rec sub a b =
match a, b with
| a, Zero -> Some a
| Zero, _ -> None
| Succ a, Succ b -> sub a b
let rec divide a b =
match b with
| Zero -> raise Division_by_zero
| _ ->
match a with
| Zero -> (Zero, Zero)
| a ->
match sub a b with
| None -> (Zero, a)
| Some a ->
let res, rem = divide a b in
(Succ res, rem)
let div a b =
let res, _rem = divide a b in
let rem a b =
let _res, rem = divide a b in
let rec print = function
| Zero -> print_char '0'
| Succ x -> print_char 'S'; print x
let gcd a b =
let rec gcd a b =
match b with
| Zero -> a
| _ -> gcd b (rem a b)
let a, b =
if gt a b then a, b
else b, a
gcd a b
let zero = Zero
let one = Succ zero
let two = add one one
let three = add two one
let four = add two two
let eight = add four four
let sixty_four = mul eight eight
let ten = add eight two
let eleven =
let six = div sixty_four ten in
add (add six four) one
let eleven' = add eight three
let t = eq eleven eleven'
let two' = gcd (mul four three) (mul two eleven)
let t = eq two two'
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