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Last active February 2, 2018 16:39
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Instagram photos by location for Dashing


Dashing widget to display location based photos from Instagram.


instagram - Official Ruby Gem

Add the following to your Dashing Gemfile:

git '' do
  gem 'instagram'

Run bundle install.


To use this widget, copy, instadash.html, and instadash.scss into the /widgets/instadash directory. Put the instadash.rb file in your /jobs folder.

To include the widget in a dashboard, add the following to your dashboard layout file:

<li data-row="1" data-col="1" data-sizex="1" data-sizey="1">
  <div data-id="instadash" data-view="Instadash"></div>


  • Instagram Client ID from
  • Latitude and Longitude for your desired location. Easily obtained from forward geocoding sites such as
  • Default schedule set to fetch photos every 10 minutes but can be changed from within instadash.rb.
class Dashing.Instadash extends Dashing.Widget
ready: ->
@currentIndex = 0
@photoElem = $(@node).find('.photo-container')
onData: (data) ->
@currentIndex = 0
startCarousel: ->
setInterval(@nextPhoto, 10000)
nextPhoto: =>
photos = @get('photos')
if photos
@photoElem.fadeOut =>
@currentIndex = (@currentIndex + 1) % photos.length
@set 'current_photo', photos[@currentIndex]
<div class="photo-container">
<img data-bind-src=''/>
require 'instagram'
# Instagram Client ID from
Instagram.configure do |config|
config.client_id = ''
# Latitude, Longitude for location
instadash_location_lat = '45.429522'
instadash_location_long = '-75.689613'
SCHEDULER.every '10m', :first_in => 0 do |job|
photos = Instagram.media_search(instadash_location_lat,instadash_location_long)
if photos! do |photo|
{ photo: "#{photo.images.low_resolution.url}" }
send_event('instadash', photos: photos)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sass declarations
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$background-color: #000000;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Widget-comment styles
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
.widget-instadash {
background-color: $background-color;
.photo-container {
display: none;
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Change this call from:

        { photo: "#{photo.images.low_resolution.url}" }


        { photo: "#{photo.images.standard_resolution.url}" }

And it should allow the image to scale with the widget size.

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What's the radius of the catchment area, for example it all uploads within 1km?

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jokoast commented Dec 2, 2016

The Instagram api tells me that my client_id is invalid but i used it in a Symfony project last week, worked well.

Any idea ?

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ghost commented Jan 31, 2017

Which settings does your instagram client have ? I created a new client through the developers site, got the client id, but I'm not able to view any photos.

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