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Last active March 28, 2024 10:13
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  • Save mjaschen/fc2b76570dc2c7706d06d17d1db03414 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mjaschen/fc2b76570dc2c7706d06d17d1db03414 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
local wezterm = require 'wezterm'
local act = wezterm.action
local config = {}
if wezterm.config_builder then config = wezterm.config_builder() end
config.quit_when_all_windows_are_closed = false
config.scrollback_lines = 50000
config.enable_scroll_bar = true
config.audible_bell = "Disabled"
-- Visuals
config.font = wezterm.font_with_fallback {
family = 'Monaspace Neon',
weight = 'Medium', --
harfbuzz_features = { --
family = "Apple Color Emoji",
weight = "Regular",
stretch = "Normal",
style = "Normal"
'Noto Color Emoji'
config.font_rules = {
intensity = 'Bold',
italic = false,
font = wezterm.font {
family = 'Monaspace Neon',
weight = 700,
intensity = 'Normal',
italic = true,
font = wezterm.font {
family = 'Monaspace Radon',
weight = "Medium",
intensity = 'Bold',
italic = true,
font = wezterm.font {
family = 'Monaspace Radon',
weight = 700,
config.font_size = 15.0
config.line_height = 1.0
config.window_frame = {
font = wezterm.font {family = 'Monaspace Neon', weight = 800},
font_size = 15.0,
active_titlebar_bg = '#eeeeee',
inactive_titlebar_bg = '#ffffff'
config.use_fancy_tab_bar = true
-- Colors
local atom_one_light = wezterm.color.get_builtin_schemes()['AtomOneLight']
local color_scheme = wezterm.color.get_builtin_schemes()['AtomOneLight']
color_scheme.copy_mode_active_highlight_bg = { Color = '#e80da2' }
color_scheme.copy_mode_active_highlight_fg = { Color = '#ffffff' }
color_scheme.copy_mode_inactive_highlight_bg = { Color = '#eac7df' }
color_scheme.copy_mode_inactive_highlight_fg = { Color = '#000000' }
color_scheme.selection_fg = '#ffffff'
color_scheme.selection_bg = '#e80da2'
color_scheme.cursor_fg = '#ffffff'
color_scheme.cursor_bg = '#e80da2'
config.color_schemes = {
['AtomOneLight'] = atom_one_light,
['mjaschen'] = color_scheme,
config.color_scheme = 'mjaschen'
config.colors = {
tab_bar = {
active_tab = {bg_color = '#ffffff', fg_color = '#e80da2'},
inactive_tab = {bg_color = '#cccccc', fg_color = '#444444'},
inactive_tab_hover = {bg_color = '#eeeeee', fg_color = '#222222'},
new_tab = {bg_color = '#cccccc', fg_color = '#111111'},
new_tab_hover = {bg_color = '#eeeeee', fg_color = '#111111'},
inactive_tab_edge = '#575757'
-- Keyboard
config.keys = {
-- Make Option-Left equivalent to Alt-b which many line editors
-- interpret as backward-word
key = 'LeftArrow',
mods = 'OPT',
action = act.SendString '\x1bb'
}, {
-- Make Option-Right equivalent to Alt-f; forward-word
key = 'RightArrow',
mods = 'OPT',
action = act.SendString '\x1bf'
}, {
-- Split panes (right/left) with ⌘D
key = 'd',
mods = 'SUPER',
action = act.SplitHorizontal {domain = 'CurrentPaneDomain'}
}, {
-- Split panes (top/bottom) with ⌘⇧D
key = 'd',
mods = 'SUPER|SHIFT',
action = act.SplitVertical {domain = 'CurrentPaneDomain'}
}, {
-- Change to next pane with ⌘]
key = ']',
mods = 'SUPER',
action = act.ActivatePaneDirection('Next')
}, {
-- Change to previous pane with ⌘[
key = '[',
mods = 'SUPER',
action = act.ActivatePaneDirection('Prev')
}, {
-- Move Tab to the right with ⌘⇧-RightArrow
key = 'RightArrow',
mods = 'SUPER|SHIFT',
action = act.MoveTabRelative(1)
}, {
-- Move Tab to the left with ⌘⇧-LeftArrow
key = 'LeftArrow',
mods = 'SUPER|SHIFT',
action = act.MoveTabRelative(-1)
}, {
-- Clears the scrollback and viewport, and then sends CTRL-L to ask the
-- shell to redraw its prompt
key = 'k',
mods = 'SUPER',
action = act.Multiple {
act.ClearScrollback 'ScrollbackAndViewport',
act.SendKey {key = 'L', mods = 'CTRL'}
}, {
-- CMD-t open new tab in home directory
-- (default behavior: open new tab in current directory)
key = 't',
mods = 'CMD',
action = wezterm.action.SpawnCommandInNewTab {cwd = wezterm.home_dir}
}, {
-- Shift-Ctrl-Alt-k moves pane divider up
key = 'k',
mods = 'SHIFT|CTRL|ALT',
action = act.AdjustPaneSize {"Up", 3}
}, {
-- Shift-Ctrl-Alt-j moves pane divider down
key = 'j',
mods = 'SHIFT|CTRL|ALT',
action = act.AdjustPaneSize {"Down", 3}
}, {
-- Shift-Ctrl-Alt-h moves pane divider left
key = 'h',
mods = 'SHIFT|CTRL|ALT',
action = act.AdjustPaneSize {"Left", 3}
}, {
-- Shift-Ctrl-Alt-l moves pane divider right
key = 'l',
mods = 'SHIFT|CTRL|ALT',
action = act.AdjustPaneSize {"Right", 3}
}, {
-- Shift-Ctrl-Alt-z toggles zoom for current pane
key = 'z',
mods = 'SHIFT|CTRL|ALT',
action = act.TogglePaneZoomState
return config
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