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Created February 26, 2011 19:49
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Save mjbommar/845554 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Archive tweets from a search term going backwards through search.
@author Michael J Bommarito II
@date Feb 26, 2011
@license Simplified BSD, (C) 2011.
This script demonstrates how to use Python to archive historical tweets.
import codecs
import csv
import json
import os
import time
import urllib
import urllib2
import urlparse
# Set me to True if you want messages about what's going on.
DEBUG = True
def DEBUG(message):
# Just a little debug macro.
print message
# Make sure we have parse_qs for <2.6, but prefer urlparse.
parse_qs = urlparse.parse_qs
import cgi
parse_qs = cgi.parse_qs
def getLastMaxID(fileName):
Read a tweet list to see what the last max_id should be.
idList = []
for line in, 'r', 'utf8'):
return min(idList)
def json2tuple(tweet):
Convert a JSON dict to a tweet tuple. If you want to include more or less data, this is where you can change it.
# Clean up the geo field
if tweet['geo'] == None:
tweet['geo'] = ""
elif tweet['geo']['type'] == 'Point':
tweet['geo'] = ','.join(map(repr, tweet['geo']['coordinates']))
# Clean up the text field
tweet['text'] = tweet['text'].replace('"','""').replace("\r","").replace("\n","").replace("\t","")
return ((tweet['id_str'], # Tweet ID - DON'T REMOVE ME.
tweet['from_user'], # User handle
tweet['geo'], # Geostamp
u'"{0}"'.format(tweet['created_at']),# Timestamp
u'"{0}"'.format(tweet['text']) # Tweet text content - what you see.
def doQuery(queryParameters):
Execute a query and return the JSON results.
queryURL = "" + urllib.urlencode(queryParameters)
# We want to catch errors here to continue gracefully if possible.
DEBUG("doQuery: Fetching {0}".format(queryURL))
queryResponse = urllib2.urlopen(queryURL, timeout=10)
except urllib2.HTTPError, E:
DEBUG("doQuery: Got an HTTP exception {0}".format(E.code))
if E.code in [400, 420]:
# 400, 420 => Slow down and be nice. Wait 10 minutes.
elif E.code == 503:
# 503 => Twitter is getting hammered but it's not you, just wait 1 minute.
# We should actually quit if it wasn't one of these.
return json.load(queryResponse, encoding="UTF-8")
def doSearch(term, resume = True, delay = 10):
Run a search and download all historical data.
# This is the basic query.
queryParameters = dict(q=term, # Search term
rpp=100) # Results per page
# These are some state variables to keep track of what we're doing.
nextPage = None
maxID = None
# Check to see if we should resume.
fileName = "tweets_{0}.csv".format(term.translate(None, '?/\?%*:|"<>.'))
if resume and os.path.exists(fileName):
maxID = getLastMaxID(fileName)
# Keep going until a condition within breaks.
while True:
if nextPage:
This means we are currently paging through results.
DEBUG("doSearch: nextPage")
nextPageFields = parse_qs(nextPage)
queryParameters['max_id'] = nextPageFields['max_id'].pop()
if nextPageFields.has_key('?page'):
queryParameters['page'] = nextPageFields['?page'].pop()
if queryParameters.has_key('page'):
del queryParameters['page']
if maxID:
This means we either just started downloading
after resuming from file or that we need to start
the paging process over.
DEBUG("doSearch: !nextPage, maxID={0}".format(maxID))
queryParameters['max_id'] = maxID
First time querying!
DEBUG("doSearch: !nextPage, !maxID")
print queryParameters
jsonData = doQuery(queryParameters)
# Set nextPage based on the response.
if jsonData.has_key('next_page'):
nextPage = jsonData['next_page']
nextPage = None
if queryParameters.has_key('max_id'):
del queryParameters['max_id']
if queryParameters.has_key('page'):
del queryParameters['page']
# Process and output the tweets
tweets = map(json2tuple, jsonData['results'])
tweetFile =, 'a+', 'utf8')
for tweet in tweets:
tweetFile.write(','.join(tweet) + "\n")
# Check to see if we've reached the end.
if len(tweets) <= 1:
DEBUG("len(tweets) = 1 => breaking.")
# Update maxID
maxID = min([int(tweet[0]) for tweet in tweets])
# Sleep to be nice to Twitter.
if __name__ == "__main__":
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matatk commented Oct 13, 2011

Great bit of code; thanks! Just thought I'd mention: you need to import sys. Cheers. (I've just signed up to GitHub to post this comment so am too much of a n00b to know if I can make that edit for you or not :-).)

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matatk commented Oct 13, 2011

Ooh; I've also noticed that if one does a search that results in an empty CSV file being created (i.e. no tweets with that hashtag) then when running the same search again the error "ValueError: min() arg is an empty sequence" is raised. Clearly a simple solution to this is to wait until there are tweets there, but thought I'd mention it too :-).

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