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Created June 26, 2017 14:56
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# traefik.toml
# Global configuration
# Duration to give active requests a chance to finish during hot-reloads.
# Can be provided in a format supported by [time.ParseDuration]( or as raw
# values (digits). If no units are provided, the value is parsed assuming
# seconds.
# Optional
# Default: "10s"
# graceTimeOut = "10s"
# Enable debug mode
# Optional
# Default: false
debug = true
# Periodically check if a new version has been released
# Optional
# Default: true
# checkNewVersion = false
# Traefik logs file
# If not defined, logs to stdout
# Optional
# traefikLogsFile = "log/traefik.log"
# Access logs file
# Optional
# accessLogsFile = "log/access.log"
# Log level
# Optional
# Default: "ERROR"
# Accepted values, in order of severity: "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "FATAL", "PANIC"
# Messages at and above the selected level will be logged.
logLevel = "DEBUG"
# Backends throttle duration: minimum duration in seconds between 2 events from providers
# before applying a new configuration. It avoids unnecessary reloads if multiples events
# are sent in a short amount of time.
# Can be provided in a format supported by [time.ParseDuration]( or as raw
# values (digits). If no units are provided, the value is parsed assuming
# seconds.
# Optional
# Default: "2s"
# ProvidersThrottleDuration = "2s"
# IdleTimeout: maximum amount of time an idle (keep-alive) connection will remain idle before closing itself.
# This is set to enforce closing of stale client connections.
# Can be provided in a format supported by [time.ParseDuration]( or as raw
# values (digits). If no units are provided, the value is parsed assuming seconds.
# Optional
# Default: "180s"
# IdleTimeout = "360s"
# Controls the maximum idle (keep-alive) connections to keep per-host. If zero, DefaultMaxIdleConnsPerHost
# from the Go standard library net/http module is used.
# If you encounter 'too many open files' errors, you can either increase this
# value or change the `ulimit`.
# Optional
# Default: 200
# MaxIdleConnsPerHost = 200
# If set to true invalid SSL certificates are accepted for backends.
# Note: This disables detection of man-in-the-middle attacks so should only be used on secure backend networks.
# Optional
# Default: false
# InsecureSkipVerify =
checkNewVersion = false
# Entrypoints to be used by frontends that do not specify any entrypoint.
# Each frontend can specify its own entrypoints.
# Optional
# Default: ["http"]
defaultEntryPoints = ["http", "https"]
address = ":80"
compress = false
address = ":443"
compress = false
CertFile = "/etc/certs/certname.crt"
KeyFile = "/etc/certs/keyname.key"
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