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Created July 20, 2011 15:43
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Biggish SQL query
public Set<PhyloTree> findByTopology3(TaxonVariant a, TaxonVariant b, TaxonVariant c) {
Set<PhyloTree> returnVal = new HashSet<PhyloTree>();
Set<TaxonVariant> aTV = getTaxonLabelHome().expandTaxonVariant(a);
Set<TaxonVariant> bTV = getTaxonLabelHome().expandTaxonVariant(b);
Set<TaxonVariant> cTV = getTaxonLabelHome().expandTaxonVariant(c);
if (aTV.isEmpty() || bTV.isEmpty() || cTV.isEmpty()) {
// XXX This avoids a query syntax error later on but maybe isn't
// the best behavior.
return new HashSet<PhyloTree> ();
String query = "select distinct a.tree.rootNode "
// Find the trees with three nodes a, b, and c, such that...
"from PhyloTreeNode as a, PhyloTreeNode as b, PhyloTreeNode as c, "
// There's a node "ab" (which will be an ancestor of both a and b)
"PhyloTreeNode as ab "
// All four nodes are in the same tree
"where a.tree = b.tree " + "and a.tree = c.tree " + "and a.tree = ab.tree "
"and a.taxonLabel.taxonVariant in (:a) " +
"and b.taxonLabel.taxonVariant in (:b) " +
"and c.taxonLabel.taxonVariant in (:c) " +
// ab is an ancestor of a
"and ab.leftNode < a.leftNode and ab.rightNode > a.rightNode " +
// ab is an ancestor of b
"and ab.leftNode < b.leftNode and ab.rightNode > b.rightNode " +
// ab is NOT an ancestor of c
"and (ab.leftNode >= c.leftNode or ab.rightNode <= c.rightNode) ";
Query q = getSession().createQuery(query);
q.setParameterList("a", aTV);
q.setParameterList("b", bTV);
q.setParameterList("c", cTV);
List<PhyloTreeNode> rootNodes = q.list();
if (rootNodes.isEmpty()) {
return returnVal;
Query t = getSession().createQuery("from PhyloTree where rootNode in (:roots)");
t.setParameterList("roots", rootNodes);
return returnVal;
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