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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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import qualified Data.Map as Map
newtype NestedMap k = NestedMap (Map.Map k (NestedMap k))
instance (Show k) => Show (NestedMap k)
show (NestedMap m) =
if (Map.null m)
then "{}"
else listToString
(\e -> "{ " ++ e ++ ", ")
(\e -> e ++ ", ")
(\e -> e ++ " }" )
(\e -> "{ " ++ e ++ " }")
$ map (\(k, v) -> (show k) ++ " => " ++ (show v)) (Map.assocs m)
-- f irst, m iddle, l ast, s ingle
listToString f m l s [] = ""
listToString f m l s [x] = s x
listToString f m l s (h:t) = (f h) ++ restToString m l t
where restToString m l [x] = l x
restToString m l (h1:h2:t) = (m h1) ++ restToString m l (h2:t)
toMap (NestedMap nm) = nm
emptyNM = NestedMap Map.empty
insertNM k submap (NestedMap nm) = NestedMap $ Map.insert k submap nm
addpath nm [] = nm
addpath nm (h:t) =
(insertNM h (addpath emptyNM t) nm)
(\submap -> (insertNM h (addpath submap t) nm))
(Map.lookup h $ toMap nm)
addpaths :: (Ord k) => (NestedMap k) -> [[k]] -> (NestedMap k)
addpaths = foldl addpath
hashpaths :: (Ord k) => [[k]] -> (NestedMap k)
hashpaths = addpaths emptyNM
example = hashpaths [["(X = 0)", "(y = True)", "(z = 0)"],
["(X = 0)", "(y = True)", "(z = S 0)"],
["(X = 0)", "(y = False)", "(z = S 0)"],
["(X = S 0)", "(y = True)", "(z = 0)"],
["(X = S 0)", "(y = False)", "(z = S 0)"]
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Most of this is window dressing. The addpath function is the important one.

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