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Created March 12, 2014 16:22
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* unformat method: reverse formatting
* @author Markus J Doetsch
window.unformat = function (formatting, val) {
"use strict";
// only work with (formatted) strings
if (typeof val !== 'string') {
return val;
//search for separator for grp & decimal, anything not digit, not +/- sign, not #.
var result = formatting.match(/[^\d\-\+#]/g),
decimal = (result && result[result.length - 1]) || '.', //treat the right most symbol as decimal
group = (result && result[1] && result[0]) || ','; //treat the left most symbol as group separator
//split the decimal for the format string if any.
val = val.split(decimal);
// convert decimal places
val[1] = parseInt(val[1], 10);
// convert remainder to integer
val[0] = parseInt(val[0].replace(new RegExp(group, 'g'), ''), 10);
return parseFloat(val[0] + '.' + val[1]);
* @preserve IntegraXor Web SCADA - JavaScript Number Formatter
* author: KPL, KHL
* (c)2011 ecava
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
// param: Mask & Value
window['format'] = function( m, v){
if (!m || isNaN(+v)) {
return v; //return as it is.
//convert any string to number according to formation sign.
var v = m.charAt(0) == '-'? -v: +v;
var isNegative = v<0? v= -v: 0; //process only abs(), and turn on flag.
//search for separator for grp & decimal, anything not digit, not +/- sign, not #.
var result = m.match(/[^\d\-\+#]/g);
var Decimal = (result && result[result.length-1]) || '.'; //treat the right most symbol as decimal
var Group = (result && result[1] && result[0]) || ','; //treat the left most symbol as group separator
//split the decimal for the format string if any.
var m = m.split( Decimal);
//Fix the decimal first, toFixed will auto fill trailing zero.
v = v.toFixed( m[1] && m[1].length);
v = +(v) + ''; //convert number to string to trim off *all* trailing decimal zero(es)
//fill back any trailing zero according to format
var pos_trail_zero = m[1] && m[1].lastIndexOf('0'); //look for last zero in format
var part = v.split('.');
//integer will get !part[1]
if (!part[1] || part[1] && part[1].length <= pos_trail_zero) {
v = (+v).toFixed( pos_trail_zero+1);
var szSep = m[0].split( Group); //look for separator
m[0] = szSep.join(''); //join back without separator for counting the pos of any leading 0.
var pos_lead_zero = m[0] && m[0].indexOf('0');
if (pos_lead_zero > -1 ) {
while (part[0].length < (m[0].length - pos_lead_zero)) {
part[0] = '0' + part[0];
else if (+part[0] == 0){
part[0] = '';
v = v.split('.');
v[0] = part[0];
//process the first group separator from decimal (.) only, the rest ignore.
//get the length of the last slice of split result.
var pos_separator = ( szSep[1] && szSep[ szSep.length-1].length);
if (pos_separator) {
var integer = v[0];
var str = '';
var offset = integer.length % pos_separator;
for (var i=0, l=integer.length; i<l; i++) {
str += integer.charAt(i); //ie6 only support charAt for sz.
//-pos_separator so that won't trail separator on full length
if (!((i-offset+1)%pos_separator) && i<l-pos_separator ) {
str += Group;
v[0] = str;
v[1] = (m[1] && v[1])? Decimal+v[1] : "";
return (isNegative?'-':'') + v[0] + v[1]; //put back any negation and combine integer and fraction.
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