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Last active July 20, 2018 04:31
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Time recording in timelog (*ledger) format
@echo off
REM Time recording utility - writes to timelog (*ledger) format.
REM A quick hack by Michael Cordover (mjec)
REM Released into the public domain.
echo Time recording utility
set /p filename= "Enter file name: "
set task=
set oldtask=
echo Suggested task format: Project Description (note double space)
echo Use blank task to exit. Hit any letter or number to stop time recording.
set oldtask=%task%
IF "%oldtask%" == "" GOTO :skipcheckout
echo [%HH24%:%MI%:%SS%] stopping %oldtask%...
echo o %mydate% %HH24%:%MI%:%SS% %oldtask% >> %filename%
set task=
set /p task= "Enter task description: "
IF "%task%" == "" GOTO :confirmexit
echo [%HH24%:%MI%:%SS%] starting %task%...
echo i %mydate% %HH24%:%MI%:%SS% %task% >> %filename%
REM This rings the bell every 5 minutes to remind you a task is active.
REM Unfortunately it means that you have to press a letter/number to stop
REM The alternative is to mvoe stopping to when a new task is created
REM (including a blank task). This would mean you can disable the bell
REM (say by pressing Q) - and even re-enable it - but it would take a
REM new entry to actually terminate time recording.
REM This is left as an exercise to the reader ;)
choice /c ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789€ /n /t 300 /d € >NUL
IF Errorlevel 37 GOTO keeplooping
GOTO :start
echo|set /p =
GOTO :timeloop
choice /n /m "Exit? (Y/N)"
IF Errorlevel 2 GOTO start
IF Errorlevel 1 GOTO myEOF
For /f "tokens=1-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /t') do (set mydate=%%c/%%b/%%a)
For /f "tokens=1-4 delims=/:." %%a in ("%TIME%") do (
SET HH24=%%a
SET MI=%%b
SET SS=%%c
SET FF=%%d
echo Exiting...
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mjec commented May 4, 2015

Line 49 should have an ASCII BEL (\7) after the equals sign. Create in cmd with:

copy con bel.txt
type bel.txt >> timerec.bat

and then copy and paste into position in notpad etc.

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