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Created September 19, 2018 14:14
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Use like this:
runResourceT $ S.print $ (parsed myparser (decodeByteString decodeUtf8Pure (Q.readFile "my-utf8-encoded.txt")))
module Data.Attoparsec.Text.Streaming
( parsed
, decodeByteString
-- * Decoding functions
, DST.decodeUtf8Pure
, DST.decodeUtf16LE
, DST.decodeUtf16BE
, DST.decodeUtf32LE
, DST.decodeUtf32BE
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as A
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Streaming (Stream, Of(..), lift)
import Streaming.Prelude (next, yield)
import Streaming.Internal (Stream(..))
import Data.ByteString.Streaming.Internal (ByteString(..))
import qualified Data.Streaming.Text as DST
import qualified Data.Text as T
decodeByteString :: (Monad m)
=> (B.ByteString -> DST.DecodeResult) -- ^ decoding function from 'Data.Streaming.Text'
-> ByteString m r -- ^ raw input
-> Stream (Of T.Text) m (Either DST.DecodeResult r) -- ^ Stream of 'T.Text' values
decodeByteString = go
go decoder p0 =
case p0 of
Go m -> lift m >>= go decoder
Empty r -> case decoder B.empty of -- end of stream, feed empty chunk to decoder
DST.DecodeResultSuccess _ _ -> Return (Right r)
err@(DST.DecodeResultFailure _ _) -> Return (Left err)
Chunk bs p1 | B.null bs -> go decoder p1 -- ignore emty chunks from input
| otherwise -> case decoder bs of -- decode chunk
DST.DecodeResultSuccess t cont -> Step (t :> go cont p1)
err@(DST.DecodeResultFailure _ _) -> Return (Left err)
type Errors = ([String], String)
:: Monad m
=> A.Parser a -- ^ Attoparsec Text parser
-> Stream (Of T.Text) m r -- ^ Raw input
-> Stream (Of a) m (Either (Errors, Stream (Of T.Text) m r) r)
parsed parser = begin
begin p0 = do
x <- lift $ next p0
case x of
Left r -> Return (Right r)
Right (t, p1)
| T.null t -> begin p1
| otherwise -> step (yield t >>) (A.parse parser t) p1
step diffP res p0 = case res of
A.Fail _ c m -> Return (Left ((c, m), diffP p0))
A.Done t a | T.null t -> Step (a :> begin p0)
| otherwise -> Step (a :> begin (yield t >> p0))
A.Partial k -> do
x <- lift $ next p0
case x of
Left r -> step diffP (k T.empty) (Return r)
Right (t, p1) | T.null t -> step diffP res p1
| otherwise -> step (diffP . (yield t >>)) (k t) p1
{-# INLINABLE parsed #-}
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