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Last active June 14, 2017 19:16
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Creating Dummy Variables from Multiple Character (string) Variables

Stackoverflow question:

I need to create a dummy variable (binary) from a character (string) variable The data that I have look like this:

    dat <- tribble(
        ~pat_id, ~icd9_1, ~icd9_2,
        1, "414.01", "414.01",
        2, "411.89", NA,
        3, NA, "410.71",
        4, NA, NA,
        5, NA, "410.51",
        6, NA, "272.0, 410.71"

    # A tibble: 6 x 3
    #         pat_id icd9_1        icd9_2
    #          <dbl>  <chr>         <chr>
    #              1 414.01        414.01
    #              2 411.89          <NA>
    #              3   <NA>        410.71
    #              4   <NA>          <NA>
    #              5   <NA>        410.51
    #              6   <NA> 272.0, 410.71

I want to create three new binary variables:

icd9_bin_1 == binary (0/1) for icd9_1
icd9_bin_2 == binary (0/1) for icd9_2
icd9_bin == binary for either icd9_1 OR icd9_2

What is the fastest way to create these binary variables?

I've replaced NAs with 0, turned into a factor and then recoded, but that took forever.

    # get structure
    dat$icd9_1 %>% str()
    # get rid of NAs (replace with 0s)
    dat$icd9_1[$icd9_1 )] <- 0
    # turn into factor
    dat$icd9_1 <- factor(dat$icd9_1)
    # get levels 
    dat$icd9_1 %>% levels()
    # use fct_collapse
    dat %>%
        mutate(icd9_bin_1 = fct_collapse(
            `icd9` = c("411.89","414.01"),
            `no icd9 dx` = c("0")))
    # A tibble: 6 x 4
    #   pat_id icd9_1        icd9_2 icd9_bin_1
    #    <dbl> <fctr>         <chr>     <fctr>
    #        1 414.01        414.01       icd9
    #        2 411.89          <NA>       icd9
    #        3      0        410.71 no icd9 dx
    #        4      0          <NA> no icd9 dx
    #        5      0        410.51 no icd9 dx
    #        6      0 272.0, 410.71 no icd9 dx

I'm looking for a more elegant solution. Ideas?

# proposed solution 1 --------------------- @Phil 
dat <- tribble(
    ~pat_id, ~icd9_1, ~icd9_2,
    1, "414.01", "414.01",
    2, "411.89", NA,
    3, NA, "410.71",
    4, NA, NA,
    5, NA, "410.51",
    6, NA, "272.0, 410.71"
# Do you just need?
dat$icd9_bin_1 <- if_else($icd9_1),"no icd9 dx", "icd9")
# I'm tired, so I'm probably missing something...
# A tibble: 6 x 4
#    pat_id icd9_1        icd9_2 icd9_bin_1
#    <dbl>  <chr>         <chr>      <chr>
# 1      1 414.01        414.01       icd9
# 2      2 411.89          <NA>       icd9
# 3      3   <NA>        410.71 no icd9 dx
# 4      4   <NA>          <NA> no icd9 dx
# 5      5   <NA>        410.51 no icd9 dx
# 6      6   <NA> 272.0, 410.71 no icd9 dx
# proposed solution 2 --------------------------- @Pierre Lafortune
dat <- tribble(
    ~pat_id, ~icd9_1, ~icd9_2,
    1, "414.01", "414.01",
    2, "411.89", NA,
    3, NA, "410.71",
    4, NA, NA,
    5, NA, "410.51",
    6, NA, "272.0, 410.71"
dat[c('icd9_bin_1', 'icd9_bin_2')] <- paste(c('yes', 'no')[[-1]) + 1L], 
                                            rep(names(dat[-1]), each = nrow(dat)), sep = '-')
# proposed solution 3 ------------------------------ @pyll 
# to generalize pierre solution do this
# create data.frame
pat_id <- (1:6)
icd9_1 <- c("414.01", "411.89", NA, NA, NA, NA)
icd9_2 <- c("414.01", NA, "410.71", NA, "410.51", "272.0, 410.71")
icd9_3 <- c(NA, NA, '3', NA, NA, NA)
dat <- data.frame(pat_id, icd9_1, icd9_2, icd9_3)
# solution
dat[names(dat[,-1])] <- paste(c('yes', 'no')[[-1]) + 1L], 
                                rep(names(dat[-1]), each = nrow(dat)), sep = '-')
# pat_id     icd9_1     icd9_2     icd9_3
# 1      1 yes-icd9_1 yes-icd9_2  no-icd9_3
# 2      2 yes-icd9_1  no-icd9_2  no-icd9_3
# 3      3  no-icd9_1 yes-icd9_2 yes-icd9_3
# 4      4  no-icd9_1  no-icd9_2  no-icd9_3
# 5      5  no-icd9_1 yes-icd9_2  no-icd9_3
# 6      6  no-icd9_1 yes-icd9_2  no-icd9_3
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