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Last active October 6, 2016 15:45
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Functional A*
;; Rewrite of*_search_algorithm#Pseudocode in a functional way
#?(:cljs (def INFINITY 9007199254740991)) ;; Math.pow(2,53)-1
#?(:clj (def INFINITY Integer/MAX_VALUE))
(defn a*
([graph start goal heuristic] (a* graph start goal heuristic
#{start} #{} {}
{start 0} {start (heuristic start goal)}))
([graph start goal h
open-set closed-set came-from
g-score f-score]
(if (empty? open-set)
(let [current (apply min-key #(get f-score % INFINITY) open-set)
open-set (disj open-set current)
closed-set (conj closed-set current)]
(if (= current goal)
;; We made it! Reconstruct the path using the came-from map
(loop [path [goal]]
(if (came-from (last path))
(recur (conj path (came-from (last path))))
(reverse path)))
(loop [neighbours (graph current)
open-set open-set
came-from came-from
f-score f-score
g-score g-score]
(if-let [[neighbour cost] (first neighbours)]
(if (or ;; we already finished with this neighbour
(closed-set neighbour)
;; or the score isn't any better coming this way
(>= (+ cost (g-score current)) (get g-score neighbour INFINITY)))
;; disregard this neighbour and carry on
(recur (rest neighbours) open-set came-from f-score g-score)
;; We found a new best path to this neighbour!
(recur (rest neighbours)
(conj open-set neighbour)
(assoc came-from neighbour current)
(assoc f-score neighbour (+ cost (g-score current) (h neighbour goal)))
(assoc g-score neighbour (+ cost (g-score current)))))
(a* graph start goal h open-set closed-set came-from g-score f-score)))))))) ;; NON-TCO :(
(def the-graph
{:a [[:b 2] [:c 1]] ;; a --(2)-- b --(9)-- e
:b [[:a 2] [:d 3] [:e 9]] ;; | | /
:c [[:a 1] [:d 9]] ;; (1) (3) (4)
:d [[:c 9] [:b 3] [:e 4]] ;; | | /
:e [[:b 9] [:d 4]]}) ;; c --(9)-- d-----/
(a* the-graph :c :e (constantly 0)) ;; => (:c :a :b :d :e)
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Can you please post the numbers when you have time..I'm interested to see the difference

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